NLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James CoNLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James CoNLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James Co
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NLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James CoNLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James CoNLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James Co

Marketing Tricks the BIG Companies Use to Fool You” Series Use the Same Tricks to Build Your NLPCoaching Business VIII

NLP | Career Development Discussion

These articles are written to be equally useful for the beginner of NLP and the NLP Trainer although some of the articles may be more advanced than others. If you find yourself reading an article that’s too advanced, give us a call or send us an email. We will be happy to clarify the issue for you.

Marketing Tricks: Article No.08

This article is quite interesting. In short, it is often used when a party wants to discredit another party (and I don’t mean only political parties) but also to emphasize the good aspects of the same party.
The name of the pattern makes it quite easy to remember. It means exactly what it implies – at least to a certain extent and only in this context.

WARNING: Please do not mistake this language pattern with the process of Parts Integration from our NLP Coaching Practitioner or Master Practitioner trainings. There is absolutely no connection between the two but a similarity of names.


This technique can be used for positive and for negative – like all other PR language patterns You can use it to find parts of a training/product/service that are good and conclude that the whole training/product/service is good OR you can find parts of a training/product/service that aren’t good and conclude that the whole training /product/service is no good.

The same applies if you’re thinking of an organization, and institution, a person, etc.

In negative should be used against someone less known. It does not work so well for well- known personalities. It is transparent.

We’ve noticed that your last posting on Facebook proved you don’t really know how to use language properly, which means that all your Facebook postings are not really worth reading. This makes the difference in the success you achieve in your personal career, relationship and social networking.

Again, notice the pattern. One part (one single posting) on Facebook = all postings are not good. And to amplify the pattern it is followed by ALL the success in career, relationships and networking. True for one thing – True for everything. Use it for positive!

Tad is great! He uses NLP to help you feel good and have motivation. His whole life is about Transforming The Planet. This is why you have this motto on all our NLP Trainings slides.

Besides being a linguistic pattern, if you have ever taken an NLP training from us you know this is true: we do have Transform the Planet at the bottom of all our slides and Tad’s most important value in his career is “Transform the Planet”.

It’s like, someone teaching you how to use a $5 first aid kit vs. becoming a fully certified paramedic!

Take the morning newspaper and find a faulty segment in it, and based on that conclude that the newspaper is no good. See how it works…

The next step is to write a statement in support of your own Company claiming that your good method (pick one) is totally indicative of your good character.


  • Brett Ellis

    March 5, 2013 - 17:26

    This is a great technique. It connects to a part and installs the information for a specific response. NLP & Time Line Therapy(R) is just that, isn’t it? It’s about making all those connections we need to make in order to produce those kinds of results in every aspect of our lives and the lives of others, isn’t it!?

  • Bogdan

    March 5, 2013 - 19:02

    Absolutely right, Brett… you need to be EDUCATED and KNOW what is being used so you can make an INFORMED decision. And use them with integrity (when you do), as well.

  • Brett Ellis

    March 5, 2013 - 19:59

    Now that’s driving our own bus isn’t it… like a bus driver is educated in road rules and signs for any integral route and therefore s/he is able to make informed decisions and know that he is accurate. Ha. That would build one’s integrity also, wouldn’t it Bogdan?

  • Bogdan

    March 5, 2013 - 20:07

    It would – AND remember that integrity also comes from Values (and you being a Trainer of NLP already know it)… and, ultimately, it is a decision. Like all decisions we are facing daily. It’s a game you choose to play – or not.

  • Brett Ellis

    March 5, 2013 - 20:49

    Mate, how could we choose to not play the game and still live with who we are? Integrity as a value, (a highly contextualized generalization that determine our behaviours)depending on it’s hierarchy will be fulfilled before those values below it and a common question from my students is; how do I make my value of integrity become more important to me and more fulfilling in my life? This is always asked of me in Master Practitioner trainings when teaching values hierarchy.

    My most common response is; you’ll all learn that when you do your Personal Breakthrough Sessions at the Master Time Line Therapy(TM)section of this training. That seems to me to be the most direct answer without going into releasing the “away-from” (negative anchoring) on the values.

    What might your response be?

    • Bogdan

      March 5, 2013 - 23:11

      Hmmmm… Integrity is still a choice, whether of value or not (or it being a value or not). There are two things I noticed:

      * people who WANT to want to have integrity (and that’s really an example of not having it)

      * people who think they have integrity – but they have never done anything out of integrity. Technically, that is not a choice.

      This will get pretty esoteric – like with black and white magic, you knowing how to do both (i.e. having integrity and not having integrity), and having DONE both – now you CHOOSE to do integrity.

      I can say that airplanes are easier to fly than helicopters – but the truth of the matter is, I don’t know how to fly airplanes. So, if I were to choose based on that, it won’t be much of a choice.

      But we can ask my mate Adrian – who flies both fixed wing and rotary 🙂 – and he will say the same I just did…

      • Brett Ellis

        March 6, 2013 - 01:04

        Yes, I get it. Integrity is certainly a choice whether it’s related to our values or not. There’s that empowerment again… the power to choose.

        Ha, I just realized I have more integrity than I thought and that I use it more or less when I choose.
        That’s how I chose to get into this field, it was my integrity for myself and others that led me to decide my direction. Man, that makes so much sense to me now.

        Having chosen to do both integrity and not integrity in my past, I can certainly say that it is much easier for me to do integrity than not integrity.

        So a good response for students that ask me that question may be something like, “well, that’s a choice, your choice, isn’t it!

        Thanks Bogdan 🙂

      • Bogdan

        March 6, 2013 - 13:33

        Welcome, Brett 🙂

        Have an awesome day and see you soon!!

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