NLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James CoNLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James CoNLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James Co
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NLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James CoNLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James CoNLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James Co

Who Else Wants to be Successful at NLP?

Who Else Wants to be Successful at NLP?

Camelia and Natacha’s Success Stories

There is not much to say about the following feedback we received from our graduates other than “We love you and are extremely proud of you. You are making a difference on this planet.”

We are publishing here (with their permission) the stories of their success.


“I am very happy to let you know that I’ve completed my first NLP Practitioner Training, had 8 wonderful graduates and very motivating results, phobias and unpleasant behaviors demolished, excellent feedback, excellent group rapport and 100% subscriptions for the NLP Master Prac.

Also, the coaching workload has increased a lot, I have nicely solved cases such as psoriasis, joint pain, IBS and most of the times Time Line Therapy® solely is enough to find the cause and reverse the symptoms, that’s awesome.”

 Camelia Paduraru, NLP Trainer, Bucharest, Romania


“When I came to NLP Practitioner last year, I got on the plane with a very clear intention: the person who was leaving was never coming back.  I had spent more than a generation dependent on medications for this, that, and the other, from which I had tried and failed to free myself on many occasions, remaining dependent on pills, people, and institutions.

“So before I left, I pre-framed my doctor with my desire to stop taking all my medications (luckily she is very open minded, and now sends me clients), so she set a schedule for me to safely wean off my dosages from the month before I left, to 2-3 months after I returned (I was done all psychotropic drugs within 1 1/2 months after I returned).  I am now completely free from the binds of any medications.

“The life that has blossomed around me since last summer is more than I can put into words.  I co-trained my first NLP Practitioner in Spain in October, ran my first solo Practitioner in February (which sold-out and had a +100% rollover to Master Practitioner, Trainer’s Training  & Hypnosis Trainer’s Training), and have another sold out Practitioner coming (in fact, I even added seats to that one because of the demand, and those sold out too!).  I am running seminars (from 2 hours to 2 days), developing programs, and making contacts in more ways than I can count….everywhere!

“Keeping in mind that I live in a small tri-city area of 140,000 people, and that this is the most active city in the province, I live in a pretty small place where people are very friendly and keep their money for ‘practical things’.  So, I have been busy creating win-win situations so that Value is very easy to find.

“I got my certification as a naturopathic consultant so that I could give clients receipts for insurance coverage (giving them the ability to get at least part of their investment back) and have opened a school (building pending, of course).  My ‘school’ is now a Recognized Private Educational Institution under HRSDC (Human Resources and Skills Development Canada), which means that my students receive receipts that are usable on their Income Tax as Tuition Tax Credits (like they would get from a university), and I have found a provincial program that gives students the opportunity to apply to the government for a 50% rebate of tuition at any one time (up to $20,000 in a lifetime) if they stay in the province after they graduate.

“I have found creative ways of advertising that have yielded great results, including hosting booths at Holistic Fairs and Wellness Expos in the area (I now have a great grasp on Values Level 4 and Values Level 6 in the area, and it’s just getting stronger).  Just last week, my application to the local Chamber of Commerce was approved, so Values Level 5 here I come!

“I am working with other trainers to develop and host trainings and seminars in multiple areas, and am continuing to develop programs locally.  I have recently been asked by a representative of a [big corporation in Canada, name withheld on request] who runs their Risk Management Seminars (etc.) to design a training that would include NLP and Goal Setting for this corporation, and he is also well acquainted with the military in the area which is a great way for me to introduce a program that I am designing based on the idea of the Warrior Programme, called the MindFull Heroes Program.

“Keeping in mind that everything I’ve just said is very chunk up, I haven’t even gotten to the best part.  I was diagnosed with a chronic illness in 2001, and was told that there was no treatment, nothing I could do except avoid certain things and live as healthy as I could, and that maybe the illness would heal itself one day, but that it was more likely that it would simply be a part of the rest of my life, and that I should just accept it.  Last week I got my latest test results … everything is 100% gone!  Completely healed, cured, vanished … it’s gone, the illness is no longer in my body and I am now completely immune to it.  (Of course, I’m not a doctor and can’t say that what I learned from you had anything to do with it — as I nod my head repeatedly!)

“Thank you for the passion that you and Tad have for what you do.  I have been able to find a thirst for life that I never dreamed possible, and have created a career and life than I could have never designed for myself consciously.  The tools that I have learned through your school have allowed me to Empower my Present and my Future, and I have transformed in more ways than I could express.  Transforming the Planet has become like an addiction simply because of the desire that I hold to help others find Empowerment and break free from the webs of dependence themselves.  I love this stuff!  And I love you both for having shared it with me.

“I look forward to seeing you again!”

Natacha Thebeau, NLP Trainer, Canada


  • Alex Perez

    July 1, 2013 - 17:42

    Hi Adriana,

    Thanks for sharing this inspiring testimonials, I’m just amazed every day more and more by the potential we all have hidden within ourselves. What a wonderful read to start a Tuesday, thanks to you both 🙂

  • Brett Ellis

    July 2, 2013 - 04:18

    Congratulations Camelia & Natacha! 🙂

    Living here in Australia it’s great to hear of international Success such as your own. Maybe the planet is transforming faster than we care to believe. Thanks for your active involvement with the transformation Camelia & Natacha!!! 🙂 I also am in my 7th year of delivering trainings at world class standards of excellence.

    We’re doing it, it’s happening and it’s becoming common knowledge. I wonder what an NLP practitioners job would be if there were no longer a need for them? Hmmm I think I’d go for a ride on my motorcycle… or fishing… or…

    Isn’t it great seeing our planet transform or what? 🙂 🙂

  • Who Else Wants to be Successful at NLP?

    January 18, 2016 - 20:01

    […] Camelia and Natacha’s Success Stories There is not much to say about the following feedback we received from our graduates other than “We love you and are extremely proud of you. You are making a difference on this planet.” We are publishing here (with their permission) the stories of their success… (Read More) […]

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