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What Happens When Values Level 2 Meets Values Level 5?

Over the last two months I have posted several articles about the importance of individual values VS group imposed values and the consequence of misunderstanding people’s thinking.

In the series NLP Values and The Evolution of Consciousness which was a mini crash presentation on different values and different ways of thinking on this planet, I have argued that many conflicts and misunderstandings between people, institutions, societal groups, women and men, young and old and so on, are due to different ways of thinking of individuals, and therefore different values levels.

If you are not familiar with that series here are the links: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12.

In case you missed them, here are two other articles where the same line of reasoning is advanced in support of the same some proposition.

Bizarre… Not so. Values Levels Conflict

B.F. Skinner Meets C.G. Jung on NLP Coaching Website

Now let’s consider the following scenario.

A highly technological civilization (will call it civilization A) with advanced weaponry, thermo-nuclear capability, high computing capacity and other similar technical advancements meets a civilization (will call this civilization B) and civilization B lives on a different planet than civilization A.

Civilization (A) has conquered nature, figured out most of its laws, has a highly developed economy and trade and in general a good standard of living. And of course has mastered the science of space travel because it has discovered a very rare crystal-type element on the planet where civilization B resides. This element is necessary for further development of technology which will defend civilization A planet against local and non-local aggressors. In other words it is necessary for this planet’s and its inhabitant’s survival. We can safely assume that this civilization has arrived at VL 5 type of complexity of thinking.

People part of civilization B live happily in nature, utilizing nature’s gifts. They have artfully transformed caves into homes to provide shelter, streams and rain are used for water supply, sun for heat, wind for cooling, herbs for healing and the natural cycles of the sun and the moon for agriculture. They live in nature and with nature for their support. They have learned the laws of nature exceedingly well; they know when the rain comes, when the weather will change, and where the best food sources are. They have an innate sense of union with nature and rely on it for their sustenance. The environment is perfect for their survival. From this description we can deduce safely that civilization B belongs to VL 2 type of thinking.

What do you think will happen when the two civilizations meet?

Possible scenario

Civilization B does not want to allow Civilization A access to the ore because (1) they feel invaded in their space of living and this makes them unsafe and suspicious (2) this is the sacred ground where they worship their gods (3) this is the place where their ancestors are buried (4) this is their place of dwelling (5) they have faith in the great gods who will protect them (6) they have no notion of their race or their planet as a whole, are disorganized and have little military strength (7) they do not understand nor do they care about space travel, other planets, science or technology or anything that VL 5 tries to argue (8) they are fearless warriors and they believe in themselves, their gods’ protection and their ways of life. The only objects that entice their interest are some of the weapons which they can use in the fight against other challenging tribes on their native planet.

Civilization A (1) scorns at all these reasons as being senseless (2) must execute the mission for which they travelled from the their native planet (3) tries to reason with representatives of civilization B but to no avail (4) tries to negotiate a reasonable treaty with the inhabitants including offering them safe relocation in another area (5) considers the future fate of their own planet’s survival and knows it must make efforts to improve further their technology (6) knows its military superiority and their ability to destroy Civilization B virtually overnight (7) recognizes that it could resort to warfare to get the resources they need for their own survival.

The difference between VL 2 and VL 5 in terms of complexity of thinking – which in turn gives birth to different cultures and different environment – is significant.

Now let’s analyze what could interest each of the two civilization in achieving a collaboration with each other and if this could work.

The possessions of the VL 2 people are of little if any significance for the VL 5 people with the exception of the ore. VL 5 has forgotten the ability to communicate with nature in any other way than with technology and technology allows them to completely control nature. Maybe even the inhabitants of this world are of little significance to them.

Vice-versa the possessions of the VL 5 people (expect for some weapons) are of little if any interest to the VL 2 people, and even if they were, they may not be able to maintain those possessions for long. They simply do not value them. They are not important to their way of life. Consider the barbarians (VL 2-3) who overthrew the Western Roman Empire as an example. Relative primitive conquerors with little grasp of the value of the assets the Romans displayed at that time.

So what could possibly happen?

  • Possible assimilation by the more advanced (VL 5) civilization.
  • Possible enslavement as cheap labor force of the VL 2 people by the VL 5 civilization.
  • Possible negotiation (a lucky scenario) – if there was anybody in the negotiating team capable of understanding the difference in values levels thinking and therefore the difference in life concerns and motivation. (as an aside, it would be wise for the reader to remember that values are not what we like or dislike but what is important to us. Likewise it is important to remember that our values determine our motivation in life and they reflect our immediate life concerns toward survival).
  • Possible treaty with offerings of necessities valued by the VL 2 people, agreements over the use of territory with respect to environmental rules and respect toward the sacred grounds. Whether these rules will ever be respected by the VL 5 or not… this is another long topic better left for another article.
  • Oppression of the VL 2 people as part of the assimilation process.
  • Extermination of the VL 2 people as a possible threat (even if a minor one) against the exploitation of the ore.

So as you can see the situation does not lean in favor of the VL 2 people. Our own planet is full of examples where a more technologically advanced people conquered less advanced people and the result was always favorable to the more advanced people. And this has nothing to do with being more evil or prone to more reprehensible behavior. It is an issue of technology, weaponry and complexity of thinking. As you may well remember from my other articles, the difference between the two civilizations is not in intelligence, only in complexity of thinking.

Nevertheless using the understanding of the different values levels thinking and development, in a similar situation it is conceivable that solutions could be found. These solutions would have to satisfy at least to some point both parties involved in such a conflict. Otherwise the more advanced civilization always will win over the less advanced one. And it is the thinking that makes the difference. It is the thinking that created the technology.

It is not a clash of civilizations per se (with apologies to Samuel P. Huntington) although it is, but from the NLP and NLP values point of view it is a clash of values levels thinking which leads to a clash in understanding and difference in complexity of thinking.

In its turn complexity of thinking leads to technological development which in turn leads to more understanding and development and so on.

Now what I want you to do is to take this made-up metaphor and compare it to your own life. Find out where you meet other people with which you have conflicts and irreconcilable differences. What different values levels thinking do they have and how could you dissipate that conflict by using your understanding of values levels?

If you have questions, let me know in the comments below.

Until next time, be well.


  • Brett Ellis

    July 17, 2015 - 21:37

    After reading this article I have new thinking and perceptions towards Value level 5 and the parts of VL5 that can serve me well in mastering this level of thinking! I now continue with my actions towards fulfilling the mastery in VL5 and have the tools for the hard work that is to come from the decisions I make along the way.

    It’s become more exciting for me. Thank You! 🙂

  • Sophie Hills

    July 18, 2015 - 19:09

    I enjoy the complexity of thinking using the Values levels personally and professionally to assist people with getting the understandings to transition through Values Levels. Many Indigenous people I know are Value Level 2 and moving from communities into the cities and empowering themselves by making their own decisions as individuals. Power to them!!!

    • Brett Ellis

      July 18, 2015 - 19:20

      Absolutely Sophie! Excellent comment! Understanding is KEY in Value level 2 in letting go of the victim profile and learning to accept SELF! This is where thinking as an individual arises and the “more power to them” that you speak of is the next key!

      People will find challenges in each values level with complexity of thinking and these challenges can be indicated in many ways but, people may find that they become frustrated or emotional in some ways and these indicators can be good evidence that evolution is occurring for them!

      When people work this out, challenges can become exciting as they traverse values levels of complex thinking and grow with excitement and passion while consciously knowing they are doing well!!

      🙂 More power to YOU too!!

      • Lauren

        July 19, 2015 - 19:21

        I Agree, The indicators of evolution happening for an individual has become so very exciting for me to notice and with noticing those indicators i have much respect and encouragement for myself and others going through the process of evolution. 🙂

      • Brett Ellis

        July 20, 2015 - 20:51

        Anyone motivated to evolve has all my respect Lauren! It’s hard work sometimes but, achieving the changes is a great payoff!! I suppose the amount of hard work we put in will equate to the outcomes we seek!!

  • Dwayne

    July 18, 2015 - 21:20

    Adriana I have been wondering a lot lately about how I can manage communications between different types of values level thinking. I guess I often get stumped as too how I would approach this best. I work with a family member who is also my boss and he spends a lot of time operating in values level 3 thinking, he obviously likes to be in charge and wants to be top dog. Now I have worked out that the best way to make things change and bring in new ideas in the workplace is too allow them to be his ideas hehe, therefore the way I put things across to him, is in a way that he is able to take all of the credit. As far as the obove article, if I was the negotiator for the values level 2/5 conflict, then the first step I would make would obviously be to get into rapport. From there I would probably communicate the need of both levels to each of the other levels in their model of the world. So values level 5 is where win win is possible for the first time as far as values level thinking is concerned, so we probably could have more flexibility to work with here. Focusing on what’s important to each values level thinking. In this case we could convince the values level 2 thinking that the values level 5’s were sent form the gods ( considering they came in space ships) haha. Because I am focusing on business coaching at the moment, the communications between values level is something I come across a lot and that I would like to become quite proficient at. I would like to know Adriana how you would tackle the situation in the above article if you were doing the negotiations?

    Thank you
    Once again Awsome article

  • Lauren

    July 19, 2015 - 20:50

    I noticed that in my life as I progress through the value levels my thinking grows more and more clarity with complexity. I am capable of communicating in such a way that I can progress to the intent of a conversation or issue more effectively. As I continue to evolve through the value levels Im noticing I have less to communicate verbally and my thinking is more focused on the intent of my life and the importance of my experience in the moment.

    I like to think of my communication with others as an indication of how well Im doing either by noticing what may possibly be unresolved or what I have already resolved Simply by paying attention in the moment.

    • Brett Ellis

      July 20, 2015 - 18:30

      Excellent practical application of your knowledge and skills Lauren!! Engaging the use of values levels and noticing what is unresolved and resolved for you supports you in working with others at these levels and shows you that it’s okay to help others get on the path.

      Your commitment to learning is a good indication of value levels and their transitions!!

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