NLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James CoNLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James CoNLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James Co
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NLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James CoNLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James CoNLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James Co

Use NLP to Get Rid of that Annoying Song in Your Head

Hey, an NLP question for you: Have you ever had a song or a piece of music get trapped in in your head and it stays there? The NLP question would be what to do about it. Well, you could use NLP Coaching, Time Line Therapy™ techniques or Hypnosis to get rid of the problem, but probably you don’t need to. A simple little NLP technique will be sufficient. You don’t need to take an NLP training for this, really!

I’m sure you have had a song get stuck in your head, I certainly have and sometimes it can almost drive you nuts! To tell the truth, I had a Beatles song (the same one) stuck in my head for months, I think six months.

According to research recently published (Yes, folks, they actually did research on songs that get stuck in people’s heads!! Ha, ha. That’s nuts.) certain songs are more likely to get stuck than others. I’m sure that what song or piece of music gets stuck in your head has a lot to do with your favorite type of music, your age, etc.

So now according to music research, current winners are:

  • I Wanna Hold Your Hand by The Beatles
  • She Loves You by The Beatles
  • Hey Jude by The Beatles
  • Single Ladies by Beyoncé
  • Alejandro by Lady Gaga
  • Bad Romance by Lady Gaga
  • Just Dance by Lady Gaga
  • Call Me Baby by Carly Rae Jepsen
  • SOS by Rihanna
  • You Belong with Me by Taylor Swift

I don’t know, personally I liked Born this Way, by Lady Gaga, but that is taste for you! And look at the staying power of the Beatles. They’re still hanging in there. But where is Mick Jaeger? Oh, well! One more question, and that is where are Brahms and Beethoven?

Here’s what happens when a song gets stuck: According to researchers the chorus of the song is what we sing in our head, but generally we do not know the second or third verses. So, that part of the song being incomplete causes the chorus to stick in our head. We tend to loop where we are not complete. Actually I am not sure if this is the real problem, but quite a few of our members have reported problems with music in the head, so here is what to do with it.

First, How Do You Think About This?

Maybe you never noticed that there are six things you can do in your head: You can have pictures, sounds, feelings, (also tastes and smells) and self-talk. Obviously, a song that would drive you nuts must be Auditory – the sounds you hear inside your head. If you are watching a music video inside your head, then add the Visual component to the Auditory. But basically we’re talking about Audio – the soundtrack of the song you’re repeating. So we’re going to manipulate that to make the changes we need to make so the song doesn’t drive us nuts.

What NLP Technique Solves Music In The Head?

Now it is not obvious that there are some things we can do with the sound. For this experiment, let’s just manipulate the location.

So, we can change the location. If the song is inside your head, move it so it is outside your head.  Move it to the left, then to the right. Maybe even behind you. Try moving it up, up, and even further up, until it is 60 miles above your head, and then leave it there.

See which one of these manipulations works best and use that one to get rid of the bad music.

I’m sure, if you were like me that your mother told you not to listen to rock and roll. “She loves you yeah, yeah, yeah. She loves you yeah, yeah, yeah, with a love like that; you know you should be glad.” Oops I think I need to erase that song from my mind too.

It will be really “Cool to be you” and meet at the next NLP Practitioner training. Ooops, I guess I need to erase this song too,.



  • Margie Dizon

    September 1, 2015 - 04:16

    Hi Tad,

    I have Pharell Williams’ Happy song in my head, thanks to your classes! On the contrary, the pervasiveness is quite a welcome!

  • Brett Ellis

    September 5, 2015 - 19:20

    Wow, everything went quiet as soon as I did this!

  • Kate Gladstone

    October 12, 2015 - 22:02

    “So, we can change the location. If the song is inside your head, move it so it is outside your head. Move it to the left, then to the right. Maybe even behind you. Try moving it up, up, and even further up, until it is 60 miles above your head, and then leave it there.”

    How do I move it? I don’t know what to do to move it.

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