NLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James CoNLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James CoNLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James Co
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NLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James CoNLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James CoNLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James Co Contest 2015 – Natacha Thebeau

Transform The Planet 

When I first learned about the Tad James Company, I must admit, I was at a point in my life that was far beyond the end of my rope and I knew something major had to change. Having struggled with PTSD, Chronic Pain, Depression, Anxiety, and so much more for about 30 years, I was tired of simply being alive. Somehow, I thought, there must be a way to live a life worth enjoying. When I chose to sign up for their Practitioner Training, really, it was out of sheer hope that I would somehow find a freedom that I had sought after for so long; one that I longed for, but was never able to find with the many other ˜therapeutic processes’ I had attempted in the past to heal my mind, body, and spirit. I had no idea what was in store for me, and I got so much more than I had ever imagined possible.

I was so absolutely astonished by the success that I found during those first 7 days that I eagerly anticipated what more I would heal and learn during the Master Practitioner training that followed. And once more, I was blown away. I simply could not go home yet; I wanted more, so I stayed for the NLP and Hypnosis Trainers Trainings. Yes, I did all of the trainings back to back, and yes, it was heavy, and oh my yes, I am so very glad I did it that way, because the transformation I experienced was unlike anything I ever imagined possible, and it was the greatest gift I ever gave myself.

When I returned home, I hit the ground running with a strange and mysterious energy I had never known before. No one recognized the empowered woman that got off that plane; she was much different than the woman who had left 2 short months before. Even my doctor was amazed, and she still refers clients to me today. Since then, the freedom that I have found for myself along this journey of helping others, simply has no words to describe it. I have stopped living the horrible life of a victim. I have stopped forcing myself to ˜live the life I was dealt’. Now, I live the life that I want; the human and very real, yet empowered life that I have chosen to create for myself. The craziest thing is that somehow, at every step of this journey, the universe has conspired to lead me towards a future even greater than what I ever thought possible for myself.

Being your own boss certainly has its challenges, but the freedom to create a schedule and a life that I love truly makes it all worthwhile. Coaching, breakthroughs, seminars, in-house trainings, practitioner trainings, and master practitioner trainings all manage to keep me quite occupied. And yet, the more people I help, the more people I want to help. It moves me in an almost spiritual way to see others successfully let go of their own limitations and to see them light up with a whole new glow. Now, to keep things interesting, life has presented me with another opportunity that has woken up a whole new level of passion in me; a drive stronger than I have ever known before.

You see, one of the most inspiring elements of learning from Tad & Adriana James is their devotion to transforming the planet and helping individuals create real change; I have chosen to be a part of that journey. Post-Traumatic Stress, and everything that comes along with it, runs like an epidemic amongst our soldiers and emergency workers, and although I was never in a career of this type, I do know what it’s like to suffer, and I also know what it’s like to stop suffering. Time Line Therapy® and NLP Coaching are invaluable tools that can make a massive difference in these fields, in a multitude of ways.

Now in my 4th year of the Master Trainer program, I’ve added a new mission to my journey: helping our Heroes find their own freedom and arming them with the tools to empower themselves and each other. The vision and programs that were recently launched have been well received, and although some days appear foggy and the road can at times be rough, the view along this adventure of my own creation has been alive and filled with silver linings and opportunities.

Thank you both for the gifts that you are to this world. Because of you, I learned to save my own life, and I will continue to share these tools with others who want to break free from their own mental bondage and truly live their life; a life worth loving. The ability to transformation one’s own mind, one’s own thinking and one’s own life, is a beautiful thing and I will continue to share it with as many who want to learn.

Much love, and gratitude to you both.

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About the Author: Natacha Thebeau

With a background in Human Communication, Linguistics, and Anthropology, Natacha Thebeau has always been fascinated with language and the many ways we transmit information.  After finding transformational healing from a trauma filled life with Drs. Tad & Adriana James, she became hooked on healing her own mind, and on helping others find freedom from their mental prisons too.  A Certified Trainer of NLP, N LP Coaching, Hypnosis and Master Time Line Therapy® techniques, she now helps individuals empower their lives and has focused her private practice on helping First Responders struggling with debilitating issues such as PTSD.
As the founder of Atlantic NLP, she has trained individuals on both sides of this vast Ocean. She offers a number of workshops, seminars, trainings and advanced certification programs for the general public, as well as programs designed especially for our heroes.  A dedicated leader, she is determined to make a difference in this world, both at home, and abroad.

1 Comment

  • Wayne Farrell

    April 6, 2016 - 07:59

    Great article Natacha and thank you for sharing. You are absolutely right, the training delivered by Tad and Adriana is awesome.

    The skills I learnt there have also empowered me to have the same passion in helping others in Europe and South Africa.

    Keep up the great work, Tad, Adriana and the team and of course you too Natacha.

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