NLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James CoNLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James CoNLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James Co
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NLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James CoNLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James CoNLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James Co

Ever wondered what’s in your future? Ever wished secretly that you could somehow magically control it? Here is an NLP and Time Line Therapy® based on scientific studies who proves that it is possible and it is not magic – it’s science!

Well folks, you have heard already about Time Lines. Time lines in business, in economy, in personal development, in history…. Everywhere you look there is a time line of this or that.

We’re talking here about the NLP concept of Time Lines and particularly of Time Line Therapy® as a modality of intervention in coaching. And admittedly this is an article a little more advanced so beginners in NLP or coaching bear with us.

Most people when asked to describe their personal Time Line, will say that their Time Line is either a line from front to back, or from right to left, curved around, or V shaped, or up to down in relation to their bodies. Either way this “line” defines your past and your future. It simply is a way of knowing the past from the future.

So far so good?

But….A recent Bonn University study suggests we may all be living in a virtual simulation. If a pixel-lattice that forms the background of this universe is presenting us with an all-encompassing “television picture” of reality, then the whole space-time continuum could be a rigorously designed artifact. We’ve been talking about this in our videos posted on our website in the Video section.

There are a lot of articles published nowadays about the universe being a hologram, a computer simulated reality, kind of a Matrix .

And here it is another study, which allows us to gain even more understanding. The important thing is that Tad teaches this for the last 30 years and since 13 years ago I joined him in sharing this with our students in the NLP Coaching trainings.

Dean Radin, (for those of you who don’t know, he the author of two fascinating books on controlled paranormal experiments, The Conscious Universe and Entangled Minds). Recently he  gave a speech at a conference in New Mexico, the Electric Universe. In his latest study on time and precognition, he tested a small group of advanced meditators. (for a discussion on meditation see our Video series on meditation, what is it, and what is the difference or similarity between meditation and hypnosis. In this video we show how meditation creates a focused thought pattern that expands awareness beyond the daily awakened state normally experienced by most people and which is similar to an expanded awareness created by willful and controlled self or guided hypnosis, or a Time Line Therapy® process.

During the meditation, this group of people was subjected to random disruptions: a flash of light and a beeping sound. And here comes the interesting part: a significant change occurred in the brain BEFORE the light flashes or the beeps.

Of course, there was also a controlled group who was tested in the same manner. These people were not in a formally induced trance as in hypnosis or a light inner trance as in Time Line Therapy®, and not meditating.  Their brain measurements showed NO such changes. In other words, the brains of the meditators anticipated the timing of the unpredictable interruptions.

Which mean that under certain conditions (and folks, meditation is just one example of these conditions), people’s brain register the future NOW.

This is exactly what we’ve been teaching for years in the NLP Master Practitioner training. Consciously we think of time as being something linear. The past was yesterday, behind us, or “somewhere over there” and the future is ahead of us, or somewhere else over there”.

But consider this: the Creating Your Future process in Time Line Therapy® says that when you insert a goal in your future Time Line and take out all the doubts and disbeliefs about it happening so you get to 100 percent certainty that it will happen…. Guess what? It happens. Now, how is that possible? What makes this process work every time? Science comes around more and more to give us data now, showing this to be the demonstrated and proven case. Because this study shows that the future has an influence now, in the present and “before it happens”.

This Is Important – We CAN Create Our Own Future

This is not only an interesting piece of information – it is practical and it works. It gives us control over our own future, what’s in it and how to change the bad stuff that could happen if we don’t pay attention. Everybody trained in Time Line Therapy® can attest to that!

Bottom line: either you are in control over your future or somebody else will be!

Now we’re getting to the heavy part. In the past there were many things that could have happened, but not all possibilities that could have happened did happen. Only a certain few happened. Those that did became the events in your past and the others stayed where they were and became probability waves…things that could have happened, but which did not happen.

Until we get to now, all probability waves in the past are probable to a certain extent. They have a chance of happening, but whether they happen is based on the decisions we make from moment to moment. So it is you who has decided, consciously AND unconsciously where you are right now based on your beliefs, values, attitudes, your personal life experience, and everything else that is YOU.

What Is Time? How Does Your Time Line Work? What Creates Your Future?

Now, imagine for just a moment that time is not a straight line, but it is a series of probability waves that come from the past into now, defining who you are now. You are right NOW at the nodal point of interference between these waves. But, they also go from now into the future defining who you will be from moment to moment in the future. There are already memories in your future Time Line. This is simple to verify. You already have an idea where are you going to take a vacation this year. You already have a plan and an idea what are you going to do financially. These are all future memories. But what you may not know is that you can define your future and make it to your liking.

In order to define your future you have to take a path and choose where you will go from moment to moment. There is a specific process to do that and that process is part of Time Line Therapy® techniques. These techniques have proved over and over again their usefulness in making sure that you are on the track with your goals and objectives, which you CAN achieve exactly what you want. What is in your Time Line will happen. So, you better make sure you do not take one of the other paths you do not want… It is all up to you!

To understand more (or just to stretch your brain), make sure you watch the video …Be well.

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