NLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James CoNLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James CoNLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James Co
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NLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James CoNLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James CoNLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James Co

The Time Line Therapy® Pain Paradigm for Chronic Hip Pain – Non-Medical Relief

Julia-Inglis-Thumbnail By Julie Inglis

Here is a story which can serve as a good encouragement and example to all other NLP and Time Line Therapy® Master Practitioners. The two coaching sessions mentioned in this story were done on the following dates: Pain Paradigm 8th October 2013; Follow Up Breakthrough Session 8th November 2013

A client contacted me in September 2013. This person had been suffering for six years with severe pain in her hip joint. Mobility was a major issue which had deeply affected her social and personal life resulting in depression. She had tried conventional pain relief, exercise, numerous osteopaths and eventually had a hip replacement and repair to a tendon in the summer of 2012. Despite being told she would be paid free within six weeks of surgery, six months later she was diagnosed with Chronic Pain and put on a waiting list for a pain management clinic. After a further six months wait she attended a three week pain management course where she was diagnosed as disabled and informed she must learn techniques to help her live with it. If you are looking for a place to receive treatment for your pain, then go to these pain management doctors brandon fl.

Due to the pain and undesirable side effects of various medications she eventually became dependent on others and started to believe she would be disabled for the rest of her life. She needed to take rehabilitaion or other stuff to do and Their address is here for you to cure and get your life back.

When I met Steph early in October 2013, she was understandably a little irritable, made little effort with her appearance and walked with a stick. Having met her some years before, I was quite amazed at the difference and felt her experience had aged her. When I explained the Pain Paradigm Process from the Time Line Therapy® Master Practitioner training she appeared sceptical but as she had been recommended to me she wanted to proceed. The process took one hour and 45 minutes, due to intense intellectualising, but the pain eventually went from ten to Zero ten being the most acute pain she even felt and zero being no pain at all. She spent the following four weeks learning to get in touch with her emotions whenever her pain returned.

After two weeks of being hundred percent pain free she returned on the 8th November 2013 for a full Breakthrough Session. She has now been free of any pain for nine months. She has even thrown away her walking stick, returned her disability badge for the car and stopped claiming disability benefits.   She looks years younger, dresses beautifully, is happy and full of life. Her family also feel their wife/mother is back.

Here’s a quote from her:

“I was amazed at how the pain I felt in certain areas of my body, and the restricted breathing I had become used to, was released. I now live a more active life.   I still pace myself so as not to aggravate my joints, and I’m sensible with the things I do, but I no longer have chronic pain. I’m also no longer depressed and I have a social life. Many friends and my family have noticed a great improvement.”

Julie Inglis, BSc.Psy.(Hons), Trainer of NLP, Instructor of Hypnosis and Master Trainer of TLT™.

Owner and director of Prime Performance Solutions Julie Inglis is training professionals, carers and parents in the use of NLP techniques to change the lives of individuals displaying ADHD and Autistic traits via unique accredited Diploma courses. ( She also owns “Ripples Change” with the mission of transforming lives of anyone open to Breakthroughs, NLP Coaching and NLP Trainings. (

“NLP dramatically changed our lives for the better, after my twin boys were diagnosed with ADHD and Autism, and continues to do so. This exciting and unexpected development led me to open two successful companies .”