NLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James CoNLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James CoNLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James Co
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NLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James CoNLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James CoNLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James Co Contest 2015 – Eric Ansart

The Path to the Excellence

Have you ever found yourself conflicted? In a place of absolute excitement about the future and all that draws you to living a life of excellence, yet strangely unsure about your future and almost a little afraid. If you’ve found yourself in this state, you’re not alone.

In today’s world of media bombardment, iPhone messages, Face Book posts and tweets chirping out to grab our attention, it can be difficult to remain true to our personal goals and ambitions. Deep within ourselves we know we were designed to be something more, but life’s constant bombardment of input can keep us sidetracked and potentially in a state of distraction.

No matter how we may feel, there remains a higher purpose for all of us that we are designed to fulfill. We can find the way to let go of the limiting beliefs and conflicts that hold us back. The answers are available.

We have the power within ourselves to come to wholeness and move into a state of absolute clarity. The path forward will become clear but every journey beings with a step.

Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase
– Martin Luther King Jr.

Throughout our lives we feel those pulls to take a step of faith; to move closer to our dreams.  However, how often do we take a few steps forward only to be pulled back again to the life that is missing the passion we once dreamed about.

This was the state that I found myself in over the last few years. Fully alive, in some parts of my life, yet falling woefully short of the higher purpose I believe I was designed to fulfill. My unconscious mind was very aware of what I wanted, yet there was another part of me that was pulled back to security and safety. I was afraid that the dreams were just that; fabrications of my imagination and not something that I could ever fulfill.

“If you can dream it, you can do it” – Walt Disney

What is this struggle? How can we all learn to live a life that is closer to our hearts and higher intention. For many, this conflict is an internal conflict of your unconscious mind. It’s important to know that our unconscious mind has an over arching intention, our well being. It was designed to protect us and it will consistently remind us of the health and happiness we are designed to fulfill.

So, the first step is to recognize that this conflict is not a diabolical plot to keep us from living the live we truly want, but rather it is a protection mechanism that we’ve unintentionally created designed to protect ourselves. Crazy isn’t it! This struggle that seems to pull us back and forth is actually serving a purpose.

It’s similar to many other innate methods of protection generated by our bodies in times of stress. We’ve all heard of the fight or fight responses. When faced with a dangerous situation your body doesn’t take the time to think through the best way out. When we stubble across a rattle snake on a trail we don’t take a moment to chose a direction to jump – we just jump. When faced with danger we either jump into combat mode and we remove ourselves from the situation.

In a similar way, our unconscious mind creates safety mechanisms when we go through traumatic events. We respond to danger by protecting ourselves and we also create patterns around seemingly positive interactions. We can watch our parents or role models responding to life and assume that their struggles are normal and what we are expected to repeat.

Beautifully, however, we are not destined to relive our mistakes or the mistakes of others. Our unconscious minds lead us to opportunities for resolution. When quieted our minds start to sing a song of freedom that we can hear when we silence all the distractions. The song itself doesn’t always tell us the answers, but when we listen it can be like the Pied Piper of our soul. We begin our journey towards finding hope, help and freedom. As we become brave enough to follow the song of freedom, we are lead to more answers and eventually a moment of freedom. In these moments, we remember what we are made to do, our destiny; a divine calling.

The key is learning the skills and working with people who can help us to identify that conflict and even more importantly can help us find resolution. The point of release comes when we move beyond identifying where we’ve been stuck.

There is a way to integrate the parts of our lives that feel in conflict with each other. There is a way to become whole again. Our unconscious mind knows who we are, is longing to guide us to answers. We can and will become all we were meant to become.

When we were children our desires were clear. We deserved love and you didn’t mind asking for it. We knew what we wanted and we took it. We may have moved beyond selfishness, but we should never move beyond pursuing our dreams. The goal in life is living our highest purpose while remaining close to our hearts. The path in front of us today is clear. Listen to the song of our heart.  When you can resolve those conflicts our dreams begin to come true.

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About the Author: Eric Ansart

Eric Ansart is certified in NLP coaching and Time Line Therapy® for peak performance coaching through the Tad James company. He is also a key note speaker, business consultant with over 25 years of medical, financial services and educational experience. He holds his degrees in Organizational Leadership and Dynamics (MS) and is a licensed hypnotherapist.

“I believe the next generation of behavior science has discovered the tools for empowerment which have the potential to elevate personal performance to levels we’ve yet to see” – Eric Ansart 2015

1 Comment

  • Stephan Schafeitel

    May 3, 2016 - 16:08

    Great article Eric! Very well written and thank you for sharing your thoughts and knowledge. 🙂

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