NLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James CoNLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James CoNLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James Co
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NLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James CoNLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James CoNLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James Co Contest 2015 – Natalie Debrabandere

The Magic Of Thinking Differently

Hey, who says you can’t? Who says you’re not good enough?
Learn to think differently with NLP, and watch the results pour in!
How can I be so confident that NLP will help you create the life you really want?
That’s easy: I know you can, because I have.

Have you seen “The Shawshank Redemption”, with Tim Robbins and Morgan Freeman? In this movie, Robbins’ character delivers the famous line: “Get busy livin’, or get busy dyin’.” Guys, at the end of 2012, I had come to the terrifying conclusion that I should get busy dying. I was self-harming. I had been diagnosed with severe clinical depression, and obviously once you’re diagnosed that is it, it’s got to be real, right? I was a victim of my own thinking, suffocating inside a tiny mental cell of restriction, languishing behind soul-crushing walls of disempowerment, I didn’t know how to change, or even that I could, and I started to believe that I would not be around for much longer.

Guess what though: I’M STILL HERE! And not only am I still alive, but I’m thriving! I wake up every morning sizzling with anticipation about the day ahead. I am routinely turning my dreams into reality, and I am doing something that very few people nowadays allow themselves to do: living on purpose. Now I bet you’re wondering what happened to cause such massive change. How did I manage to bring happiness, excitement, and ultimately, success back into my life? How did I reconnect with my reason to be alive, and unlock my true potential? Was it Prozac? Psychotherapy? Did I just get lucky? Nope! Better than that: I discovered NLP, and I started to think differently.

Okay, I realize this must be an anticlimax for some. Thinking differently probably doesn’t sound like it would be all that powerful to most people… But that’s only because most people underestimate the power of their own mind! A lot of folks out there are not used to thinking in possibilities. Yet consider this: what if you could create your world, from the inside out? Do you think this is an impossible idea, not even worth contemplating? A majority will chuckle and declare, “What? Changing your reality with your mind? What is this, The Matrix?? Get real!” Well, Mark Twain said, “Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect,”

The first time I did NLP, as a client, my Coach welcomed me into her house and said, “See that table? This is where I want you to leave your conscious mind. I am only interested in talking to your Unconscious Mind.” Wow! It had never even occurred to me that I might have one of those! When she announced we would do a test flight over my Time Line I was convinced she would start levitating. I was so into it! I was so primed for RESULTS! And I think she probably guessed what I was thinking, because she cautioned, “For now we’ll just have to imagine it, okay? I haven’t mastered the art of flying around the house, Yet,” Well, that’s it, I was hooked!

Over the course of the coaching programme, I fully embraced the philosophy of NLP. I made great use of cutting-edge Time Line Therapy® techniques to acquire life-changing (and saving) resources. Where previously I’d felt like a victim of life, now I realized I was in the driver’s seat; I learned that if I didn’t like the results I was getting that it was possible to change, and so I did! I established that life is a wonderful adventure, and that there is no failure, only feedback. Crucially, I grasped that I have all the resources I need inside of me to achieve my dreams, and so do you! By the way, did you know that people always do the best they can with the resources they have available? Once I understood this I could forgive, forget, let go of destructive Anger and debilitating Sadness. Finally, a major learning from the Time Line Therapy® process was simply that, “I Am Enough.” Once I realized that, I knew it was okay to let go of Fear. And one day it just hit me: I’d never had a problem, I just thought I did.

So now what do you think? What do you believe? Do you have this idea that change is hard, that it takes a long time, that it’s best to stick with the pills/alcohol/TV, whatever else gets you through the day? Do you believe you are at the mercy of your negative emotions? Do you think that life is simply this random series of events that just happen to you, and there’s nothing you can do? A lot of people think that way; I used to. But take it from me, we are much more powerful than we allow ourselves to believe, and we can change! Remember, I was a client with a Real, Big, Problem,

Today I am a Coach and Trainer of NLP, Time Line Therapy® and Hypnosis, and I totally embrace my own power to create excellence for myself. Changing my thinking not only saved my life, it changed my world: literally! So who do you aspire to be, what is your passion? If you think you can’t, Think again! And it’s kind of easy too. I am convinced we come into this world for a reason, and we don’t have to let fear and limiting beliefs hold us back from creating extraordinary lives. NLP won’t give you techniques to handle negative emotions, we will show you how to let go of them completely, effortlessly. We won’t support you to cope, we will equip you with resources to thrive! And to become strong, self-reliant thinkers.

So how about it? Would you like to create magic in your life? Will you join us on a training? I wonder, perhaps you have already started,

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About the Author: Natalie Debrabandere

Natalie Debrabandere is a writer of fiction and non-fiction, and a Trainer and Coach of Neuro Linguistic Programming. She contributes regular articles to specialist NLP websites, and she is currently hard at work on her next novel which will be available early September.