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Resolve Your Allergies Once And For Good

Diana  By Diana Stefani-Hunyady – Guest Writer

Have you ever asked yourself: ” Why, in fact, do I have this allergy?”.

All right, you know you have an allergy, you’ve been tested or not, perhaps you’ve been handed a list with allergens that “give” you the allergy, but you’ve never been told WHY you have it. Because it follows logically that if you know why you have it, you have access to the root cause of it and you can actually resolve it.

If you look in any medical dictionary published in the past 30 years, for 99% of the diseases listed it is also said that “the real cause remains to be elucidated”, or, there is a long list of “possible” etiologic factors which may cause the disease. The question is: how can you cure a disease- permanently – if you don’t know what caused it in the first place?

But if you knew what the root cause of your allergy is, would you not rush to resolve it, so you can enjoy the rest of your life free of dependence to antihistamines and anti-inflammatories, and most of all, free of symptoms and worries about the “allergy season” or of “that awful place”… again?

This is what we are doing, in a nutshell, in Integrative Medicine and META-Health®. We know that your body has not done “a mistake”. In fact, there are different types of stressful situations and experiences that can cause specific diseases to occur. Allergy is one issue, considered chronic in allopathic medicine, which in fact, starts with a traumatic experience in which fear plays an important role. But we know now how cancers, diabetes, heart disease, back pain, arthritis, etc. develop, and we do have solutions for all issues. However, it is a different process than the one you may be accustomed to. It is a process during which the patient plays a major role, starting to the 100% determination to find out and resolve the root cause of his or her symptoms.

It is possible that this article will challenge your current belief system about disease. However, it will empower you by finally answering the question: Why did I get sick? It can put you back in control of your health. Does this scare you? Think about it: what will you do when your symptoms would have disappeared, what will you do with all that time that will free up and all that energy that will slowly come back to you once you are symptom free?

From the META-Health® perspective, ALL diseases go through two major phases with six stages and are caused by a significant emotional event (unexpected, dramatic for the person experiencing it, without immediate solutions at hand and without the will or possibility for the person to talk to anyone about it). This event is then followed by ongoing stress (which could be conscious or running in the back of the mind while you do other daily activities), which is run by our sympathetic nervous system in general. If the conflict is resolved, the body enters in parasympathetic mode: it will first repair itself, then, it faces a biological test (a healing crisis). This point explains many of the symptoms that are obvious and people experience and will seek medical help for.

Then, after the healing crisis, during the second half of the parasympathetic period, the body enters in a rebuilding stage. These six stages can be used to explain the symptoms of any disease or illness. On the whole, people experience pain and illness in the repair and in the rebuild stages. If you are in an acute crisis and do not know what to do it is always best to seek urgent care, but then, if possible, allow the body to go through the four stages of healing (after conflict resolution) without drugs, as this usually works for most people who do it. Drugs and other therapies are likely to slow down the healing process, since they only inhibit symptoms and can hinder the person from getting healed. I am not against drugs, and there are times when the effects of these drugs are useful, but using drugs chronically and depending on them has never achieved healing – as I am sure you can testify yourself.

Allergies, like all chronic diseases, have the particularity that the trigger represented by the original conflict shock is repeated maybe at a different scale, but is still re-triggering the conflict over and over again. It is as if we have an inbuilt early warning system, which goes off when we encounter the same person or the same or similar environment present when the original conflict occurred.

But when we do interact with the same environment/person again, then our body already has the program (allergy for example) for all the necessary organ and behavioral reactions to deal with the problem one more time. Until the “trapped energy” form the original event is not cleared out, this coping mechanism will be triggered every time when the person gets back in contact with any details present during the original emotional traumatic shock. If you can imagine that during a traumatic emotional event, everything that was going on at that time becomes link to the subconscious memory of the person, than you can accept that for example even tastes and smells can become linked to a disease process and re-trigger a conflict at the subconscious level again and again.

If you were eating an orange at the time you experienced a traumatic conflict shock, then that can trigger an allergy to oranges or citrics in the future. Take nut allergies, for example, there will have been a conflict shock with massive fear as the person was eating (in childhood most likely) or swallowing nuts or a product containing nuts and the two became linked. The stress of the shock is linked to the nuts by association. One person had an unexplainable allergy to apples. In the process of discovering the original emotional conflict shock it came out that the allergy occurred in childhood shortly after the person’s father left to a foreign country, leaving both child and mother to fend for themselves- a time when there was the intensely dramatic realization that the father was gone for good. Even if the person was not eating an apple in that moment, he recalled that the street he was walking at that moment was lined with apple trees with ripped apples and that there was an intense apple flavor in the air.

There were many cases of allergies, or other diseases for that matter, that were resolved, and we are not talking here about “miraculous healing”. We are talking about understanding the body’s innate and infinite abilities to heal… we are talking here about applying what we learned: NLP, Time Line Therapy®, Submodalities work (like Mapping Cross from the NLP Practitioner training), and under the bigger umbrella of learning how to support the body to health. In an era when healthcare consumers are increasingly responsible for their own healthcare expenditure with higher co-pays and deductibles, it’s time to use this responsibility towards getting to the rot cause and resolving your allergy for good. The idea that someone else will pay for all your healthcare needs is obsolete now. Since we progressively have to pay more and more, would you rather pay for services that focus on disease management or your problem resolution and your health promotion?

1 Comment

  • Brett Ellis

    June 17, 2014 - 20:13

    Hi Diana,

    Thank you sooooooo much for this article!!!!!!!

    I read it and called my wife at work immediately because she has HAD allergies that I couldn’t find the root cause for and resolve!!! Your article put everything into perspective because I wasn’t seeing allergies as illness!!!

    I spent 15 minutes over the phone with my wife and released the root cause of the allergy, tested and future paced and the allergy and all symptoms are gone!! It took 15 minutes ONLY!!!

    My wife had allergy symptoms due to not being able to communicate to and with me and….. she was drinking coffee at the time of her need to communicate with me about not being able to talk openly with me! OMG! Which, her allergy would present or symptoms would occur when she drunk coffee and thought about how she could talk with me or if I spoke to her about how important it was for us to talk about things and we would have coffee and sit to try and talk and work things out!!

    Wow! So as I mentioned I called her on the phone at work and spoke about your article, we found the root cause and released the negative emotions and then elicited her strategy for communicating with me and found that her strategy was incomplete so we elicited her strategy for NOT communicating with me and got completion on that before then completing her strategy for communicating with me. We reframed a couple of times, tested and future paced for one year out, three years out and five years out and she found she had good health all the way! Problem gone!

    The way you wrote your article made all the difference for me! Thank you so much once again and I will be pointing this out in the NLP Master Prac Training’s I run from now on as an excellent example of the healing phases, root causes, triggers and anchors when resolving health issues!! 🙂

    PS. I love L.J’s articles as well – please get him to write another when he has time 🙂
    Hi LJ 🙂

    great regards

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