NLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James CoNLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James CoNLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James Co
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NLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James CoNLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James CoNLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James Co Contest 2015 – Third Prize – Allanah Mills

Reasons VS Results

I wasn’t quite sure what I was looking for when I signed up for the 3-Day Modern Hypnosis Certification at, I had just recently been through a series of events which had turned my life upside down and left me feeling like the world was conspiring against me. I was on unemployment benefits, my self esteem was at an all time low, and I wasn’t feeling to confident about the future. I really didn’t know much about Hypnosis, but at that point, I was prepared to give anything a go.

I learnt many things that weekend, but I heard something that has changed my life forever, and it is one of the fundamental themes of NLP, the principle of Cause and effect. It suddenly became really clear to me that I had been refusing to take responsibility for all that I had created in my life, including recent events, and that I had in fact spent most of my life being at the effect of everything and everyone else. I had lot’s of reasons why my life wasn’t the way I wanted it to be, and unfortunately, most of them were outside of myself. No one had ever pointed this out to me before, and although it wasn’t easy to hear, I actually really appreciated it. From that moment on I decided that I would trust in the process completely, and I was prepared to do whatever was necessary to bring about change.

I attended the FasTrak™ NLP Practitioner Certification Training, and the NLP Master Practitioner Certification Training and committed myself to both unreservedly. The concepts were new to me, but I was ready to play at 100%, and that’s exactly what I did. From chaining anchors, to parts integration, I used the NLP techniques and the personal breakthrough session to work through my own “stuff”. I used Time Line Therapy® to release past Negative Emotions, and clear my limiting decisions, allowing me to clean up my neurology and remove the blockages that had been stopping me from moving forward. I placed goals into my future Time Line and was constantly amazed as they were being actualised. Hypnosis has allowed me to open up a much healthier dialogue with my unconscious mind, address self esteem and performance issues, and enabled me to cease some of my more destructive habits like smoking(after 28 years, I couldn’t believe it).
As I went through this process it became evident that something was definitely changing within me. With each of the exercises there was a noticeable physiological and psychological shift, and I was actually beginning to feel lighter and lighter. I had been carrying the burden of my own self imposed limitations for so long that the release was incredibly liberating. I had never felt this energised before and it felt fantastic.

I have just completed the NLP Trainers Training and Evaluation in Sydney in October which has allowed me to see exactly how far I have come. The whole process is designed to take you outside of your comfort zone, and that’s exactly what happened. During those 18 days I pushed myself to the point where I didn’t believe I had anymore to give, and yet time and time again I was consistently able to produce specific and desired results. I was able to access my inner resources, and I found a strength within me that I never new existed. I had found personal power.

When I first attended the Tad James Co. I was told that during the training something would shift in me and I would leave a different person, and it’s true, physically, mentally and emotionally I am a completely different person to when I first started this journey. NLP, Time line Therapy®, Hypnosis and NLP coaching have enabled me to expand my model of the world significantly, and I can now see that the change I had been looking for outside of myself had been within me all along. For the first time in my life I am focusing on what I want, and instead of having reasons, I’m actually getting results.

When I first heard about the goal to “Transform the planet” I thought that it was indeed a very noble and worthy aspiration, but at that stage my own personal world was in a state of chaos, and I wondered whether it was even possible. I see things very differently these days, and my thinking, my attitudes and my own personal belief system have been completely transformed to the point that I now believe anything is possible.

When Tad and Adriana talk about transforming the planet, of course they are talking about taking the skills that we have learnt and utilising them in the most constructive way possible, whether that’s in business, education or therapy, but what I love about the trainings is that the exercises are designed in a way so that I was able to bring about a change in my own circumstances, and I believe that first and foremost Tad and Adriana want me to take what I have learnt and transform my own life.

Everything I have learnt at the Tad James Co. has been about placing me at cause, and taking responsibility for all that I create in my life. So by simply paying close attention to my internal representations, remaining in charge of my emotional state, and operating from a physiology of excellence, I am empowering myself, and I am playing my part.

The responsibility for change lies with each of us individually, and If every person on the planet was to do just one thing toward improving themselves, our world would literally change overnight.
If you really want to transform the planet, it’s quite simple, take a training and Transform yourself!!!

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About the Author: Allanah Mills

Allanah Mills is a Certified Master Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Hypnosis, Time Line Therapy®, and a Trainer of Neuro-linguistic Programming. She has a background in Human Relations and runs a successful therapy and coaching business helping people to transform their lives.