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NLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James CoNLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James CoNLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James Co

Is it Possible, a New Time Line Therapy® Book – Yes it is!

Sue By Sue Brereton – Guest Writer

The dedication of Drs Tad and Adriana James is evident to all of us, as students, graduates and employees of the Tad James Company, we see it in all they do. Dr. Adriana James’ professionalism and dedication to all she does, seems to be translated to the pages of her new book, Time Line Therapy® Made Easy. To immerse yourself in writing a book about a topic that is very near and dear to you, whilst maintaining one of the most intense schedules I have ever seen, being at the helm of a dynamic business and all the while researching and thinking critically about our world, just confirms what a powerhouse Dr. Adriana James is. Today I had the great pleasure to read her new book Time Line Therapy® Made Easy and now to provide this article on what I discovered.

I am a ferocious reader satisfying my appetite, when I started on my NLP journey, by reading everything available from the Tad James Company and many other works mentioned by Drs Tad and Adriana James whilst a student in their trainings. Now, as a part of the Tad James Company team, I find myself endlessly reading articles, websites and books highlighted by them. Keeping this in mind, after reading the book Secret of Creating Your Future® I thought it would be a valuable resource for clients stepping into Time Line Therapy® and setting goals using the S.M.A.R.T. Goal recipe. Once I had finished my FasTrak™ NLP Practitioner and Master Practitioner trainings, I read Time Line Therapy® and the Basis of Personality again and again, picking up new information and new ways to describe, in lay terms, what Time Line Therapy® is to a client.

I was looking for a way to make it easy for the client or student to grasp. This wonderful book by Dr. Adriana James, Time Line Therapy® Made Easy, has created, for this reader and I am sure it will for you, your clients and students; a bridge between the simplistic purity of the message in the Secret of Creating Your Future® book and the valuable lessons and theory that are contained in Time Line Therapy® and the Basis of Personality. This book, Time Line Therapy® Made Easy, by Dr Adriana James, has a mission to bring the body of work that is Time Line Therapy® and present it in such a way, that the reader can grasp why it is important, what it is all about, how it works and imagine the results they can achieve as the turn the pages towards their futures. Quite simply this book does exactly what it claims to do, it makes Time Line Therapy® easy for a lay person, to grasp and understand and provides the trained Practitioner, Master Practitioner or Trainer, with a valuable resource for clients, students and indeed themselves.

The moment you read the heartfelt personal message from Dr Adriana James in the front of the book, through to the last words, “It’s empowerment”, you feel that this book has been a labor of love that is two fold. Firstly to aid people, from all walks of life, to have the opportunity to transform their lives, and subsequently the Planet, this book adding to the critical mass of transformation, as Dr. James says, “,, for all the beginners on the journey of discovering who they are”; and secondly, the value for Practitioners, Master Practitioners and Trainers of Time Line Therapy® as part of their own ongoing professional development and as a go to book for their clients.

As you turn the pages of this book, the first thing you notice is the clarity of the explanations and the carefully inserted case studies that are invaluable. The case study that comes to mind for me, is about a client discovering how they store time. This case study will provide you with a powerful example, for clients who are making it hard for themselves to discover how they store time. All the case studies in the book make it easy for you to talk to clients about the Time Line Therapy® experience and provide these poignant examples as evidence that they too can achieve wonderful results.

This book is powerful in its simplicity. The descriptions in the book are detailed but not magniloquent. The reader is engaged and absorbed into the pages like a thread in an 17th Century tapestry. This is a book that you will relish for its forthrightness and be comforted by its guidance. This book is comfortably positioned, for me, in the holistic view of Dr. Tad James’ body of work on Time Line Therapy®. In my opinion, it is a garner of the ideas and core messages for student’s, graduates and clients of Time Line Therapy® now and well into the future. Congratulations Dr. Adriana James, I love it!


  • Shalee

    November 12, 2014 - 17:40

    I totally agree with you Sue! I recently had the pleasure of reading Adriana’s book and I highly recommend it for anyone getting into the field of NLP & Time Line Therapy® AND for Practitioners & Trainers alike currently in the field. It’s a simple, easy read and shows just how powerful (and easy) Time Line Therapy® techniques are at the same time.

  • ricardo gomez

    November 14, 2014 - 15:18

    Thank you Sue for this great article, I cant wait to get my hands in this new book 🙂

  • Brett Ellis

    June 26, 2015 - 17:38

    What a wonderful and easy book to use! My family used the test in the book to find out more about each other and we all got a nice surprise! It’s interesting, we thought we knew each other quite well – now we know each other a bit more and found that our individuality makes us a string family!!


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