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Our ‘Tightly-Narrow-Thinking-Box’ Challenged Again

We live in a tightly defined box. Which in turns defines tightly controlled thinking – this you can think, this is not Ok to think, this you can do, that you cannot do.

Oh and let’s also remember the confusing and perplexing contradictory messages we receive – we should dislike X but on the other hand we’re told that X is ok (under certain circumstances which remain murky and unknown). We should be against Y but Y is ok. We can say Z but we cannot say Z under other circumstances.

How small and limited our spectrum of perception becomes! The actual subject called experience is so much greater than what we’re told it is! But we have no access to it. Why? Because we’re catalogued and made to fit into one-little-box-fits-all.

Even more important, the vast majority of human beings live in this small and tightly defined (by others) part of their mental and emotional potential.

And of course, that potential includes the capacity to use their minds creatively. To create brand new solutions for all the previously unknown problems we all encounter in our daily lives – from the lack of job opportunities, to turmoil, to indecision, confusion, overload, financial instability or uncertainty, ecosystem, climate, relationships, health and so on. But how can you find creative solutions when you’re caught into a model of thinking where there are no solutions because you’re not allowed to think outside of that narrow box?

I would like to direct your attention to two articles going hand in hand:

Words Can Change Your Brain

A Challenge to Gene Theory, a Tougher Look at Biotech

I mentioned many times in my previous articles the importance of language and linguistics. I am amazed how little people pay attention to the words they use! For somebody trained in NLP – if they really learned well the section on language – a person’s speech and the words they use open up a window through which the whole personality and thinking mode of this person becomes obvious. Their beliefs, values systems, how they think, how they take decisions, what is important to them are all transparent for somebody trained to listen to the language. Just by having a conversation with that person. Amazing but true.

Now, with all due respect for the authors, the article “Words Can Change Your Brain” is not a new discovery. The fact that Andrew Newberg, M.D. and Mark Robert Waldman concluded in their book “Words Can Change Your Brain “that”:

“[,]a single word has the power to influence the expression of genes that regulate physical and emotional stress.”,

Is not a new discovery. This postulation is in line with a group of Russian scientists who using only talk therapy and frequency have changed the genetic expression inside individuals. Imagine that: no chemicals, no vaccinations, no modifications of internal chemistry, nothing – just talk therapy. Sounds familiar NLP coaching fans around the world?

“Scientist Proves DNA Can Be Reprogrammed by Words and Frequencies”

Put all this in the context of the second article linked above “A Challenge to Gene Theory, a Tougher Look at Biotech” where it says:

“Last month, a consortium of scientists published findings that challenge the traditional view of how genes function. The exhaustive four-year effort was organized by the United States National Human Genome Research Institute and carried out by 35 groups from 80 organizations around the world. To their surprise, researchers found that the human genome might not be a “tidy collection of independent genes” after all, with each sequence of DNA linked to a single function, such as a predisposition to diabetes or heart disease.

Instead, genes appear to operate in a complex network, and interact and overlap with one another and with other components in ways not yet fully understood. According to the institute, these findings will challenge scientists “to rethink some long-held views about what genes are and what they do.”

Well, I don’t know whether this is the correct understanding, but it seems to me that the one-gene-doing-this-or-that-and-nothing-else-theory is fatally flawed although Angelina Jolie advertisement for breast removal produced a powerful effect amongst women – since most are caught thinking in the tightly defined box we mentioned above.

Now think of Dr. Bruce Lipton who in the book The Biology of Belief written in 2007 (that’s 8 years ago folks) talked about the environment which in much greater proportion determines whether your genes are turned on or off rather than your genetic inheritance. The field of expertise is called epigenetics.

But who listens to him when we have a tight little box we all need to fit our thinking in? Don’t you know that if you have one particular gene you can kiss your good luck good bye because you’ll have “blah” disease, right? In that tight little box if you have a certain gene you’re destined to have a certain disease,that’s what you’re told and you get scared and many people dutifully comply.

But what if this is not “the only and absolute truth” as you can see based on the abovementioned articles?

Now it may also not occur to you that when Dr. Lipton said “environment” he referred to two types of environment: inner environment and outer environment. Outer environment as we all know is badly affected by pollution, chemical “fertilization”, badly chlorinated, fluoridated and contaminated water, genetically altered and chemically laced somethings-sold-as-food, and the like, but what about the inner environment? What is that all about?

Well, it is nothing else but your beliefs, decisions, attitudes, values and meta-programs all of which can be discovered and changed through NLP and Time Line Therapy® techniques. What are you doing about these? Let others fit them in that tight little box in which there are only problems but no creative solutions or train them so that you can get outside of the box and be your own critical thinker?

There is something you can do right now to enhance your mental and emotional as well as your physical well-being. Of course it’s up to you! I know what I would do!

Oh, let me see, I think this is what I have already done – I became a full trainer of NLP, Time Line Therapy® and NLP Coaching, so that at least I can define my own box!

Until next time, be well.

1 Comment


    August 21, 2017 - 19:36

    […] Our ‘Tightly-Narrow-Thinking-Box’ Challenged Again – Is your life limited by a ‘tightly-narrow-thinking-box’?! How do your words and your thoughts affect your internal and external environment?! This week’s second article by Dr. Adriana James takes a look into how our words and our choice of language create our reality…right down to the cellular level… […]

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