NLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James CoNLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James CoNLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James Co
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NLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James CoNLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James CoNLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James Co

“Oh My God!!! This IS weird!” My issue TOTALLY disappeared!!!” – Part Two – originally published in 2004

(Continuation from Part One)

I have also found that using a hypnotic, trance-like voice (especially effective on the phone) has the effect of calming the client and basically putting them in a light trance (which is where I am as a coach as well – but in an “uptime” trance, with my sensory awareness sharpened and maxed up). Then, using an analogical marking you can suggest to them to release the problem, without being obvious – therefore having little or no resistance at change. Having a good quality headset/microphone combination lined to a digital, high frequency phone can enhance your voice a lot. Alternatively, nowadays you can use Skype or any other VOIP (Viber also has a very high quality HD Voice engine with very little bandwidth and optimized for mobile devices); however, a good headset always makes a difference.

Certainly, once the Unconscious Mind has released the issue, it then comes to having Conscious Mind convinced of that – so testing & future pacing is vital. Even more so when you work over the phone, because the whole nature of the process (visual missing) tends to accentuate even more then need for convincing.

I go as far as asking the client before the coaching session to give me some big Significant Emotional Experiences (S.E.E.’s) that they remember and still are plugged in about… and I write down the details. When we get in the testing phase, I recommend them to specifically test those. Until they are totally convinced, and say “YES, I am totally convinced the issue is gone!”, I do not stop testing. This is because I had once a client who absolutely forgot (literally!) all the S.E.E.’s related to the issue… and then she started panicking she was losing her memory… so, I found it always helps pointing out specific S.E.E.’s to them, for the purpose of testing.

Another point that I got clear about (some time ago) is that, when the client is floating above their Time Line, they should be ASSOCIATED – that means, inside their bodies floating and looking through their own eyes. This is nowadays clearly specified in the teaching curriculum, as opposed to back in early 2000’s. Which is WHY it’s so important, as a Trainer or Practitioner of Time Line Therapy®, to come back and retake Time Line Therapy® Trainers’ Training or Time Line Therapy® Practitioner and Master Practitioner if you haven’t been around for more than 5-6 years.

One of the things I do is to task the clients to do Time Line Therapy® by themselves (after the sessions with me) and they get to release all major negative emotions. Sometimes they e-mail me back and tell me that they couldn’t release a specific negative emotion; and almost always the reason is either one of the 3 things to check if Negative Emotions don’t release; or they were dissociated when floating above Time Line.

Future pacing, just like testing, is a key element in getting the client convinced they have released the issue for good – that means, it’s now gone and will never come back. Convincer elicitation during the personal history is useful here, as matching it at this point will get the client convinced.

The Time Line Therapy® Anxiety is great for eliminating doubts and anxiety, as often times clients feel great after the sessions, but then either bad habits, family or the environment will cause them to doubt (which, in my opinion, is another veiled form of negative focus, that can produce anxiety on the spot).

So, I teach them how to do it (and we test a future event and then they have a reference experience of the technique being extremely effective) and then task them to do it with any and each event (in any area of their life) about which they might be anxious.

Speaking of tasks, I always task my phone clients after the sessions in writing, making it clear that the responsibility of the Steps 2 & 3 (from the 3 steps necessary for a change to stay permanent) is entirely theirs – and carrying tasks out IS one of them. And one of these tasks is a set of daily emails to me, for a determined period of time, regarding their progress.

Another task is for the client to be committed to do Time Line Therapy® for other negative emotions as they arise in the process of living, as in the sessions we only do the major Negative Emotions and the Limiting Decision to create the issue.

Tasking is always important… since it is the action the client takes to re-enforce the change in the physical plane, not only on the mental and emotional… It is about “doing”.

A client neglecting the tasks shows a clear tendency towards not holding their end of the bargain. And that’s always important info or feedback for the coach, especially if you offer a money back guarantee. There is a disclaimer in the contract they sign before the session that stipulates the guarantee is off if they don’t do either Step 2 or Step 3. That will either get them at Cause, or cause them to leave and look somewhere else, which does not happen often. In fact it happens very sporadically, if you have gone thoroughly through the process so far.

Speaking of clients leaving, it is a great point for the coach to “spot” un-cooperativeness as early in the piece as possible. Less headaches, less fuss… and higher success ratio! Because then you’re only working with people who have (and congruently want) results!

Many times, I take them 2, 5, 10, 30 days in the future, after they have solved their problem today (note the suggestion!); then 3, 6, 12 months; then 3,5, 10 years – and have them observe how the change that they made today has impacted on their life, all the way into the future.

Then I ask them to float all the way just before the end of their successful life… And notice that their life was perfect… the way they wanted it… And that the time of (issue) was meaningful – through the learnings they got and applied…

If they need to “borrow” any necessary resources from the future, this is the time – before they come back all the way back to now, bringing with them everything they need to know they have succeeded. Yes, I know this is not Time Line Therapy®, and I do not have this step done as part of the Time Line Therapy® script, but as an additional artifice. They are not really borrowing anything, the resources are already inside them, but the reframe acts on their Unconscious Mind as a suggestion and it always works.

This effectively transforms it in a “process oriented” rather than “goal oriented”, which, in turn, tends to get rid of the performance anxiety associated with achieving a goal. Therefore, the path is the path.

Based on my experience I am clear that the process of Time Line Therapy®  is a very powerful personal transformation tool, that is also fun to do – at both ends (as a coach, or as a client). And, while some of the principles are originating in the ancient times (and are almost archetypal) – this is truly THE 21st century emotional freedom tool. Thank you, Tad – for having the wisdom to come up with it and the vision to transform it in a global product. And thank you everybody else – for taking it and using it to create what I truly believe will result in a Quantum Leap of the human consciousness!  And thank you, Adriana – for supporting Tad throughout these years and taking this amazing technique to a completely new level!

1 Comment

  • Maria Thomas

    September 13, 2016 - 03:02

    I leave in North Carolina USA how can I study your program? I’m also an Australian citizen.

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