NLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James CoNLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James CoNLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James Co
Henderson NV, 89012
NLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James CoNLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James CoNLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James Co Contest 2015 – Franceen Roll


In February 2001, I attended a weekend seminar in Ottawa called “The Secret of Creating your future®” where I met Tad James. Before that weekend, I had never heard of any mention of the terms Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Time Line Therapy®, Hypnotherapy nor Ancient Hawaiian Huna. That weekend was more than just an eye-opening experience; it changed my life in many ways. “You are ready” is what Tad James said to me as his eyes fixed on mine. I was taken aback at first, not understanding what he thought I was ready for. However, without any further thought, I immediately enrolled in to the Practitioner NLP and Master Practitioner NLP courses.

Eventually I went on to complete Trainer’s Training and to assist a number of times, at the Practitioner, Master Practitioner and Trainer’s Training. As for “The Secret of Creating Your Future®” weekend, it allowed me not only to set a big future goal, but also to achieve it. I was able to clear my mind of anger, sadness, fear, guilt, and limiting beliefs.

As we go through life, we often hear about someone being diagnosed with a life-threatening disease and although we feel for them, we never imagine that we could be next, until reality hits. In May 2006, my reality hit. I was diagnosed with breast cancer. Initially, it seemed surreal. At first I could not bring myself to say the word “cancer,” let alone understand how it could happen to me, after all there was no history of cancer in my family. I had an active and healthy lifestyle. Why was this happening?

Along the way I had read interesting materials written by Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer. The document was entitled “Documents of the New Medicine”. He researched Significant Emotional Events, or SEEs, using CT-scans of the human brain. His research found positive correlations between specific lesions of the brain to specific cancers. It was my experience; too, that one significant emotional event caused emotional distress, which drastically altered my health and cells. With other contributing factors, I believe this is what happened to me.

After the initial shock of it all, the healing journey began. I never acknowledged the fact that I was sick, so there was nothing to cure. That’s when I made a conscious decision, to use the techniques, which I had learned to regain perfect health. The key, I knew, required me to use Time Line Therapy® to mentally live in the future, living only in a time when this would all be over, looking back at what I was going through, as though it had already happened. Also having a positive attitude, staying focused, and having someone (my husband) whom I could count on 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, is what got me through my journey.

I’ve come to learn that when faced with a life-threatening disease (dis-ease), it is important to keep up your sense of humor. Chemotherapy was really not a devastating treatment, but was a way to replace old cells with clean and healthy ones just like when a home is renovated or your car’s oil is changed.

I was able to deal with my diagnosis using NLP and used positive Internal Representations (IRs), reframing any negative IRs into positive frames. With my husband’s help (he also has the same certifications which I have), we used Time Line Therapy® to get rid of anger, sadness, fear, and guilt, limiting decisions and beliefs as well as putting attainable and realistic goals into my future. In fact, I lived the whole journey by living in the future, that is to say, living as if I had completed my treatments and was simply looking back, back into the past, day by day (which was really the reality taking place now), and turning reality into just a dream.

My first reframe was of the Doctors: “You have cancer.” became – “Please go to the hospital for additional x-rays as there is a blur on the x-ray, always nothing, but we (the medical staff) want to confirm this.” And so the reframes began for the next 9 months of my life. The simple thought of “my hair has fallen off”, was reframed to “bald is beautiful, it is how we were born;” no more wasting time in a hair salon or spending money on expensive coloring. “My wigs can now match my outfits.” And finally, most importantly, “wow, my hair is growing back thicker and healthier than ever!”

Using self-hypnosis, visualization, as well as Ancient Hawaiian Huna also strengthened me. I used Hawaiian Ho-oponopono daily to clear the slate of the less positive energized people in my life. These methods, as well as new strategies, contributed to my overall well-being. Through it all, I focused my energy on things I loved to do, such as cooking every night (unheard of during chemo). This allowed alternative positive thinking. So during the course of my treatments, I became a gourmet cook and even submitted some of my recipes for publishing. Body movement and stretching with Pilates and Yoga became another form of therapy and helped challenge me mentally and physically.

In my 10th year, at this point in my life, I feel healthier, younger and look better than I ever did. Exercise is part of my daily routine now and I am now a personal fitness instructor and trainer, helping people who have undergone cancer treatments. My education and mind growth expansion is always ongoing.

Had those meetings and studies with Drs. Tad and Adriana James of Tad James Co., never taken place, I do believe my life would have turned out differently. A million thanks go out to both of them for their insight and support as I continue my path of good health and success.

About the Author: Franceen Roll

Certified Trainer and Master Practitioner of NLP, Time Line Therapy® and Hypnotherapy.

Montreal, Quebec, Canada