NLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James CoNLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James CoNLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James Co
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NLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James CoNLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James CoNLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James Co Contest 2015 – Sean McDonald The Most Valuable Website on the Internet

Beep,Beep,Beep,was the sound of the heart monitor as I lay in Norwest Private Hospital. Covered in wires and tubes I will never forget the ashen look on my wife’s face as she walked into the emergency room. “I’m fine. I’m not going anywhere,” I said to her. I clearly remember thinking that I never want to see that look on her face again. It was stress that got me there. Back then I would have told you that it was the fault of my boss and my tough schedule at work, along with the stress of having just moved my whole family back to Australia after having lived in the USA for 16 years. But today I would tell you a different story, a more empowering one that puts the fate of my future into my hands and not the hands of others.

That day changed my life. In actual fact, apart from marrying my wife and having two great kids, it is one of the best gifts I have ever received. It gave me the courage to look elsewhere and see what options there were in being able to maintain a work life balance that we seem to hear about, but few seem to be able to achieve. I had heard about NLP whilst living in the USA and thought to myself that now was a good time to learn more, so I did what everyone else does these days and Googled it. Thankfully NLPCoaching .com was first on the list, so I clicked on it and liked what I read. After doing hours of research and many phone calls to various organizations offering NLP coaching, I decided to put my faith and trust in and the team at the Tad James Company. For me they were the ones that really listened to my story and what I wanted to achieve. They gave me the guidance and support and made me feel as if they were going to walk along side me in my journey, which I must say has been the case. There was also the added bonus of becoming certified in NLP, Hypnotherapy, Time Line Therapy®, and NLP Coaching in one package.

I decided, if I was going to make a change then I may as well go for it and I went all the way to Trainer level. An interesting thing happened along the way. I learned about Cause and Effect and stopped blaming others for my misfortune. Hard times became learning opportunities. I became more conscious of the language/self talk I was using and discovered how it really does have a connection to the results you get in your life. The greatest discovery of all, was the realization that I had within me, all I ever needed to succeed and to help others succeed. Using Time Line Therapy® I released negative emotions on events in my past that were holding me back and I was able to place goals into my future as if I had already achieved them. A process which is mind blowing. Armed with the knowledge that I had accumulated, I quit my job and opened an office in a local medical center not far from my home. I had found it, WORK LIFE BALANCE.

Each day I find myself jumping out of bed to not only build a business, but more importantly, share this valuable knowledge that I have acquired. I haven’t felt the effects of stress anymore and view any challenges as the dues I pay for greatness.

I recently had parents bring their 14 year old son to see me. Both the mother and father were at their wits end and their marriage was starting to be affected by the fact that the son could not sleep in his room by himself, as he had developed a severe phobia of being murdered. He had been to see multiple psychologists and had not had any success, in fact his symptoms had become worse. In their words, I was a last ditch effort. Thankfully, the last attending psychologist referred him to me. I worked with the young boy over multiple sessions using the tools and techniques taught to me by Dr’s Tad and Adriana James and Brad Greentree. Having faith and trusting in my exceptional training changed that boy’s life. He no longer has the phobia and his parents are able to focus on their relationship. Even though I have helped others before this child, for some reason it clicked, my life has a whole new meaning, I AM really changing people’s lives for the better.

To date I have amassed many stories such as a commercial pilot who lost his identity after losing his license due to mental illness. After suffering from debilitating depression for 15 years, he now has hope for a brighter future and has embarked on a new career. There is the story of the young woman with an eating disorder brought about by not being loved and accepted by her father. She is now empowered to live her life without negative emotions from her past, ridding her of her eating disorder and taking on life with a newfound passion. This is what I value. I am living my dream of helping people become the best version of themselves that they can be so that they can live their dreams.

Looking back, my journey has been exciting, challenging and enlightening. It is empowering to know that my future will also be the same. I am thankful every day for what I have and grateful for the opportunities that have come my way all because I clicked on The title of this article has true meaning to me, truly is the most valuable website on the Internet. This is where you learn that you make things happen and that you can make positive changes in your life and the life of others won’t you.

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About the Author: Sean McDonald

As a Master Practitioner and Trainer of Neuro Linguistic Programming, Time Line Therapy® and Hypnotherapy, Sean focuses on the peak performance of individuals and teams. Sean has a particular focus on building resilience and confidence in children and over the course of 12 years has worked with over 3,500 students both in Australia and the USA. Sean’s dream is to provide all people young and old with the tools they need to live their lives anxiety, stress and depression free so that they can achieve their full potential and realize their dreams.