NLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James CoNLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James CoNLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James Co
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NLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James CoNLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James CoNLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James Co

NLP and Time Line Therapy® – Trusting the Process by Rebel Brown

Rebel By Rebel Brown

I’m sure we all remember those words from our training. I admit it – there have been times my stomach tightened and I had to force myself to exhale.

As a result, I’ve learned that no matter how off-the-wall things may seem,the process just plain works. Our unconscious minds know the truth! Trust them and trust the process!

I thought I’d share a few of my opportunities along my path of learning to trust the process. I’ll admit it, in each case I had a moment when I thought, “Uh oh.”  Then I told myself, “Trust your process.”  I did, and the results were outstanding.

My 28 year old client decided to get lost on her time line somewhere back around nine past lives ago. One minute she was floating over the event and the next she was caught in some kind of vortex of black energy dragging her “into an abyss.”  As she gripped the couch cushion and started to panic, I took a deep breath and suggested she trust her unconscious mind. I knew we needed to allow it take her where she needed to be to clear her Fear. The next thing I knew, the vortex too her to a parallel generational timeline (eight generations back) and she was hovering over an event there. We finished the Negative Emotions #1 process for Fear and when we were done, she was beaming.  Her unconscious mind literally took her to two events that were somehow linked together as the first event of Fear in her time line. She cleared them both at once. WOW!

The highly analytical client had a conscious mind that was like a sports commentator giving me a play by play of what was wrong about the time line and every action we were taking. I kindly asked her conscious mind to go work on another problem at least six times.  Still the commentary kept coming back and getting more negative. This conscious mind was resisting my requests and was feisty too! I knew I had to somehow distract that conscious mind.  So in the middle of the time line process I asked her conscious mind to make a count of every second of her life. The commentary stopped and we had a successful Negative Emotions #1 session.

One client had trouble letting go of emotions at position 3 and 4. We had to go back farther in her time line for Fear, Anger and Sadness.  When we got to position 3 for Hurt, we had to go back, and back and back.  We went farther back five times – still there was Hurt.  I admit it; a doubt entered my mind by the fifth back step. I banished it and focused on success. After the seventh bounce back – the emotion cleared and she came flying back to now. She let go the Hurt and was so energized when we were done that Guilt took next to no work and it was released.

Then there was my client who decided to get into a fight with himself during the process of parts integration. The parts were resistant from the beginning, not wanting to give me a higher purpose or intention. They preferred to make nasty comments about the other part. About five minutes into the integration, the parts literally started screaming and cursing at each other. Yep, that’s conflict. I firmly suggested the parts stop fighting and only speak to me. Still they yelled. (By the way, the gentlemen had two totally different voices for the two parts and his physiology was different too.) That’s when I took the stance of a kindergarten teacher and spoke to both parts as if they were feuding children. It worked! They calmed down and began to answer me. The integration took less than ten minutes once we all began to work together.

The Bottom Line

I know that the magical folks at The Tad James Company gave me the knowledge and skills to manage whatever happens with grace and success. I know these processes just plain work. No matter how feisty, off the wall, petulant or just plain stubborn a client’s unconscious mind may be, we each have been blessed with all the tools and knowledge we need to create a successful result.

Trust the process. It works!


  • Brett Ellis

    October 15, 2013 - 19:10

    As Coaches, if we don’t give the clients unconscious mind something to do it will do what it wants. Then you would need to play its game until you lead it back to rapport and pace out into the future, wouldn’t you!

    It really is that easy, its fun! 🙂

    • Rebel Brown

      October 21, 2013 - 10:31

      Absolutely Brett! Our uncosncious minds know everything we need to know – we just need to trust them more.

      Maybe we should start a movement – be kind to your unconscious mind!

      Thx for stopping by and commenting!

      • Brett Ellis

        October 21, 2013 - 15:47

        So true Rebel! If people knew what their UM was up to they might just join in and make a friend with UM for life. 🙂

        Are you attending APEP in Sydney this year Rebel? I think you mentioned it in the vidchat room. If so I will see you there!

  • Camelia Paduraru

    October 16, 2013 - 02:31

    Thank you, Rebel, and congratulations, very inspiring post, sharing our experiences is really helpful!

    • Rebel Brown

      October 21, 2013 - 10:32

      Great to see you MS Camelia! How are you? Every day I change a life and learn more and more about the power that is inside us, right there in the technology of our minds. How blessed are we all to share this amazing knowledge with the world!

      How are you?????

  • Alex Perez

    October 16, 2013 - 02:37

    Thanks Rebel, I loved this article! It’s probably something that can happen to any practitioner. I’ve had something similar with the pendulum, somehow if the other person doesn’t believe in that at all, it might work. I use it with myself and it works perfectly, because I believe in it.

    • Rebel Brown

      October 21, 2013 - 10:33

      We are what we believe, right Alex? And as I’m learning – we can create whatever we believe. I’m getting so playful with the practices, expanding my beliefs and requests – and my mind just keeps on delivering.

      What a gift!

      Great to see you here and thanks for stopping by!

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