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What Is NLP Not Saying About Making Your NLP Business into A Success -PART 3

In Part 1 and Part 2 of this mini-series on “What is NLP Not Saying About ….” I brought to your attention a “little” inconspicuous thing many of our great NLP training students seem to forget: a good marketing strategy if you want to be successful in your NLP Coaching or NLP Training business. In Part 2 I suggested a partial list of the very beginning process which has to do with you discovering and changing your limitations and barriers in regards to marketing.

Here is the rest of the story. Let go also of any of the following that applies to you, using Creating Your Future® Coaching techniques

  • Fear of the entrepreneurial type of thinking   – fear of challenge
  • Fear of getting out of the comfort zone – even if really knowledgeable in NLP and TLT – still staying inside the comfort zone.
  • Fear of stepping out into the “brave” spirit
  • Fear of looking foolish
  • Fear of not being taken seriously
  • Fear of not being able to reframe objections
  • Not knowing how to build self-confidence level
  • Not understanding that making mistakes is part of the learning how to be a successful business owner
  • Not understanding how to use the data of clients you already have – IE you have time to make all the mistakes in  the world, to correct your public persona and build your expertise
  • Not following through – too scared
  • Not preparing in advance (days before the meeting/presentation/sales meeting, etc)
  • Not willing to challenge yourself – result is remaining stagnant. As stagnation builds so is frustration for nothing happening
  • Not willing to take the risk, take the next step, getting out of the cocoon
  • Not knowing how to take the fear and transform it into fun (NLP swish and anchoring)
  • Not doing the home-work on own values (eliminating “away froms”)
  • Not willing to fall before you learn how to ski proficiently – first you need to be willing to practice falling and have fun with it. What can I do better next time?
  • Not using what you already know – build a resource anchor of joy, excitement
  • Not willing to take no for an answer from potential clients
  • Not understanding the 80/20 rule
  • Forgetting that you get out only what you put in – no exercise, no muscle.
  • People get promoted to one step beyond their competence.

Of course this list is not extensive but hopefully it will serve you as an example of what limitations are possible. Their presence in your Unconscious Mind will make it virtually impossible to succeed.

Business Does Not Happen By Magic or By The Law Of Attraction

After taking the NLP Coaching / Time Line Therapy®/ Hypnosis trainings, many graduates fall victim to one little and inconspicuous mistake – they believe that just by changing their thinking alone, they will attract magically the business they desire. Especially after discussion related to the holographic nature of the universe, and Perception is Projection, they begin to trick themselves into believing that there is no need to do anything other than to think the right thoughts.

What does this mean for you?  In everyday action a fundamentally holographic nature doesn’t allow you to travel around different parallel realities playing guitar and making new friends (no matter what 80s cartoons may have taught you.)  Whether reality is as you see it, or it is the representation of interactions of waves of energy, if you cross the road and not pay attention, you’ll still end up getting run over by a truck (or a representation thereof) and this action will still kill you.

Therefore one of the important things to consider is that if you want to be successful in your own businesses, you need to face the reality of the marketplace and your clients. In a society where multinational corporations use a multitude of psychological inquiries, analytical processes and assessments of products and services, designed to predict how consumers will react to a certain product, we, the small business owners need to differentiate or separate ourselves by our uniqueness in a way that is meaningful to the consumer.

Your market place is not out there in the sun, it is not in the shopping mall or in the football arena. It is not inside the companies or in the boardroom of corporations. It is not with your friends and it is not in the yellow pages or on the internet. NO it’s not!

Your market place is in a little box about six inches wide – it happens in the mind of the potential customers. This is the first most important concept you want to recognize if you want to understand marketing. The market place is inside your head and inside the heads of the people you want to appeal to. It’s all a mental game. It is nothing “real”. This is why marketing is actually one of the most difficult fields to learn.

Now, you know already a lot about how the mind functions even without being psychologists (unless you are). But what you want to find out is what position is already occupied by other companies in that mind. Operating system place is mostly occupied by Windows, but Linux became a big brand by positioning itself opposite from Microsoft. Microprocessor place is occupied by Intel, and tissue is occupied by Kleenex. Cola place is partially occupied by Coca-cola but it is shared with Pepsi-Cola.

So, there are different positions occupied already in the mind of the consumer by certain companies. Many times it happens that the one company who has the biggest market share is followed by a company that owns about half of the big one, followed by the next one who owns half of the second, etc. So should they all have the same marketing strategy? Of course not!

What makes a big company big? What makes a market leader a leader? Not the company, not the sales, not the revenue…. all these follow later. What make a company a leader in the field is the perception in the mind of the customers.

So what is yours? What do the customers perceive about you?

If you don’t know it is time to find out!

Until next time, be well


  • Brett Ellis

    November 19, 2013 - 17:48

    Thanks Adriana for this amazing article that has me thinking about how I can change for the better!

    I found I was still hugging the tree with the laws of attraction, Derrrr! How hippy of me not to mention ignorant compared to reality! I slapped myself for this one!

    Who else out there found or finds themselves deluded with consumers perceptions and marketing?? This isn’t something I wanted to get into with NLP and Coaching but, I can’t go any further with out applying this model! I held myself back!!

    Anybody else find something to share with me about this??? Please!!!

    Thanks everybody 🙂

  • Georgina Anderson-Rodgers

    March 25, 2017 - 19:52

    Well I guess I have been cocooned in my own little safe operating place comfortable in what I know. The first thing for me has been stepping out and embracing the bigger world and opportunities to fulfill my life goals. I too, like Brett can see that I need to implement these marketing strategies rather than rely on my knowledge and expertise to attract consumers. I need to be very clear about communicating in simple terms how my service will meet the client need in my marketing. Georgina Anderson Rodgers

  • Paul Hamilton

    March 25, 2017 - 20:05

    Once again a great article by Adriana. Part 3 is all about good business,. It`s just not about thinking the right thoughts although this is very important as perception is projection, but you cant rely on this alone. Its also about taking action and creating your goals and visions.

    The market place is not there in the universe somewhere but its your mind and the mind of your customers.

    What is the position of your product or service in the mind of your customers. If you don`t know that then it is vital this is found out

  • Paul Hamilton

    March 25, 2017 - 20:05

    Once again a great article by Adriana. Part 3 is all about good business,. It`s just not about thinking the right thoughts although this is very important as perception is projection, but you cant rely on this alone. Its also about taking action and creating your goals and visions.

    The market place is not there in the universe somewhere but its your mind and the mind of your customers.

    What is the position of your product or service in the mind of your customers. If you don`t know that then it is vital this is found out

  • Wayne Harney

    April 13, 2017 - 22:27

    Finding my niche will be exciting.

  • Murray Parr

    April 14, 2017 - 14:51

    Thanks Adriana.
    All 3 articles Jumped started my NLP heart to thimk about how to decide to be successful in my clinic.
    I revelation today is that it wont happen by doing nothing and relying on a good skill set.
    If it is to be it is up to me .

  • Alessandra

    August 26, 2017 - 04:12

    People are looking for what we have to offer.
    More than ever there is a growing “need” for
    and willingness to explore so there is “possibility & opportunity” for
    NLP Practitioners. It is however by resolving our own attachment to the list that
    will make the difference. Thanks Adriana all 3 articles are very interesting and to the point.

  • Judtih Asal

    April 19, 2018 - 21:03

    Great to get insights into marketing form this perspective.
    Thanks Adriana

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