NLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James CoNLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James CoNLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James Co
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NLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James CoNLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James CoNLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James Co

NLP – Mind And Body Relationship – The CAUSE of DIS-EASE

By LJ Hunyady and Adriana James

Here’s another one for your NLP notes. Apparently independent scientists trained in NLP and Time Line Therapy® discovered that the body is intelligent enough and capable enough to make itself well again.

One of our NLP trainings principles is “mind and body are interconnected”. There is a relationship between what the mind thinks and what the body creates. Do you think the right thoughts for health and well-being or do you think thoughts about dis-ease and sickness? This all matters, and if you’re wondering why common sense doesn’t prevail in the “thinking world” and its wonderful cosmos of business directed thoughts, then consider, in connection to the below article, the following, which shows an intriguing overlap of mind and body:

Your body is a marvelous device which is designed to produce behavior based on your pattern of thoughts – based on your focus.  Surely not a fleeting little thought  but a pattern of thoughts you repeat regularly – maybe for a life time – fear of future events turning out badly, imagining the worst disasters that never happened, what have you!

Here is a short but excellent article from an NLP, Time Line Therapy® and Hypnosis trainer who found out for himself how true this really is. Enjoy!


FACT – when you ask a physician, they can tell a long list of “possible” causes for your disease, but can NOT define yours! This is a status quo mindset of our contemporary medicine, where research is focusing on the physical body and the physical environment that surrounds us. Today dis-ease is considered an “abnormal” state, a “defect” of nature that we must fight, eradicate, or prevent with tests, vaccines, or frequent medical attention from a “qualified” physician. Now here is my question to you: Do you believe that you can become ill? , do you trust your physician, and why do you? , would you like to avoid any dis-ease, , if you could? , aren’t you the ONLY one who could with certainty know the cause of it? , or you just feel uneducated about health, and feel humbled to attempt and gain knowledge on this?

Here is my confession: I am happily married to a medical doctor, specialized in internal medicine, gastro-enterology, hearth surgery and oncology, whom I was following in her disbelief about the medical science approaches for the past 2 decades. I also became skeptical about medicine, when I saw the major errors committed by doctors, when my father had a quadruple bypass on a perfectly healthy hearth at age 82, , to be discovered with a huge gallstone a year later, that caused the original pain in his chest a year before. Now I know that the critical thinking I adopted is changing my life. We all have the ability to learn and know the secrets of healthy living within this “money” and “profit” driven society. I believe that everyone can avoid any disease if he or she can attend and resolve the cause that triggered it.

Recognizing the CAUSE

I am over 60, and had many situations in my life when a disease “struck” unexpectedly. Reflecting upon these, I discovered that a chronic constipation was caused by “dirty tricks” that were pulled on me and which I could not resolve and eliminate. I had a heart attack after some event in my personal life “broke my heart”. I suffered of knee arthritis at age 45, when I felt I could “not move ahead with projects at work”. I suddenly lost sight in my left eye, at age 27, when I was  brutally separated  from my 3 year old son, and many other disease and accidents that happened in my past.

First let observe that every disease in my past was associated with a metaphor that could easily describe the symptoms associated with it. The next step, I had to discover the emotion associated with a specific event or thought that triggered the disease. Such a specific event has a strong emotion associated with it and it is usually a result from the survival instinct. The survival instinct does trigger either the behavior of fight, associated with the state of anger or rage, or the flight associated with a lingering fear. So all diseases are associated with either anger or fear and can become chronic when the anger turns into sadness and fear turns into anxiety. There are many times we can’t remember a specific event or thought when we seek it, but, since the unconscious mind has them stored and is keeping them out of the awareness, it can present it to us without warning in a moment of relaxation.

We all experience dramatic situations that remain unresolved in our past, these were unexpected, intense and without a strategy to deal with, that will control our behavior, using anger and fear being the associated emotions. Now I have positive learning’s that can resolve negative emotions associated with past thoughts and events! , will you know how?

Resolving the CAUSE

Neuro-linguistic programming and the process of TIME LINE THERAPY®, created by Dr. Tad James, and put in practice worldwide for the past 3 decades will help you discover the CAUSE of any disease, and resolve it with astonishing results. The methods used to gain the proper learning’s and release the emotions, can be self-attended or assisted by a master practitioner. The results are dependent of the disease bearing person’s congruency and honest desire to become healthy. Anyone with anger, fear, anxiety, sadness or guilt unresolved has little chances to naturally resolve the dis-ease. And there is one more condition: a good and exciting reason to be healthy and fully enjoy the gift of life. I KNOW it is possible and YOU can DO IT too! , just ask the experts how you can change your health for the benefit of this planet.

1 Comment

  • Brett Ellis

    October 1, 2013 - 01:53

    Thanks L.J.

    This article reflects the latest peak in Global change and just what people can be dealing and How to transform!!! This is USEFUL information that leads to the doorway of change!

    Thanks again L.J.

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