NLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James CoNLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James CoNLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James Co
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NLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James CoNLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James CoNLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James Co
Camelia By Camelia Paduraru – Guest writer

I remember one of the first experiences of introducing NLP in front of an audience, it took place in an university. There, just before the event, I was introduced to a gentleman professor and one of the first things he said to me was this:

– ˜I hear you’re a wizard.’

– ˜Wooow!’, I exclaimed in my mind. Half-surprised, half-amused and confused, I replied:

– “Yeah, kind of…”

Some of the reference writings in NLP are titled:

  • ˜Structure of Magic’ by Richard Bandler and John Grinder
  • ˜Magic in Action’ by Richard Bandler
  • ˜Magic of NLP Demystified’ by Byron Lewis & Frank Pucelik
  • ˜The Secret of Creating your Future’ by Tad and Adriana James – a dialogue, if not a full adventure, between Milon and The Wizard about again, the magic ability of putting a goal out there in the future and really making it happen the way you want it.

Joseph Farrell, American theologian and Doctor in patristic, stated in a TV show that ˜NLP is the new magic.’

What’s up with that? Is it magic, esoteric or scientific syncretism?

The answer is ˜yes‘.

According to the dictionary definition of ˜magic’, the following meanings are assigned to it: 1. Related to magic, occult, mysterious. 2. Fig. What appears as a great achievement, as an effect of magic, charming, delightful, enchanting.

Also, in a figurative sense, the term defines the ˜ability to exert strong influence’.

Which, yes, NLP does have indeed.

And no, that doesn’t mean hocus-pocus. No magic wands that inexplicably turn something into something else or pull objects out from places they could not fit in and such.

That means the ability to transform your reality with the power of your mind. How, specifically?

Suppose you have a guilty pleasure. I know that’s not the case, just saying. 🙂 Maybe it’s a fizzy drink, or ice cream, or chocolate – anything that you enjoy and wish you didn’t. You know it’s not good for you but you still can’t give it up. Now imagine a process that takes up to 7 minutes, during which you access the image you have in mind when you think about how much you love that thing, switch two of its attributes and this connects it to the feeling of disgust you feel when you think of something that you totally dislike.

Or imagine that you’ve spent years of living with a phobia that prevented you from doing something you wanted or created terrible inconvenience in your life – to experience an active imagination based process as Time Line Therapyâ„¢ whereby, in 10 minutes, that fear becomes completely meaningless to you… yes, it seems magical.

Or imagine just one of our clients’ experiences: you want to improve your eating habits, you book four coaching sessions, during the second one you are guided to get rid of all the anger, frustration and fear in the past with Time Line Therapyâ„¢ processes, and two days later, you cannot believe your eyes when you realize that the psoriasis you’ve had for 20 years on one of your hands went into remission.

Or one of the most common cases: you do a breakthrough session to release negative emotions left unresolved from the past and the back pain that’s been part of you for years simply disappears.

All these things may seem miraculous when you don’t have an explanation for what’s going on. What does occult mean, after all? Hidden, secret, mysterious, unavailable to common apprehension, beyond the range of ordinary understanding.

And is the human mind hidden? Obviously. It’s a realm that one can only partially reach. However, behind the results we get with NLP and Time Line Therapyâ„¢ techniques, there is a simple logic. For instance:

  • Initiated 30 years ago by dr. Geerd Hamer, the German New Medicine points out that dis-ease is created by the occurrence of unexpected dramatic events and psychological conflicts that influence the circulation of biochemical signals in one’s body. NLP and Time Line Therapyâ„¢ assist you in taking responsibility and releasing negative emotions from the past and sometimes this process solely is enough to reverse your symptoms without subsequent recurrence.
  • Habits and behaviors are maintained by what we run in our minds every second: images, sounds, feelings, smells, tastes and internal dialogue. The decision to buy or eat something, how we get angry, how we worry, how we take action or procrastinate, how we fall in love, how we feel happy, motivated, tired, bored, anxious, excited – everything is based on what we run into our minds every second. And NLP shows us how to find each sequence and switch elements to change the end result, if the actual one does not satisfy us.
  • Language is another aspect that, used with volition, is magic. Imagine asking a question that would simply blow the borders of one’s problem up to the point where they just wouldn’t perceive it as a problem anymore. Or creating agreement where there was only conflict. Or telling your kid a story and make a message previously rejected get through or even further, make a pain go away easily and effortlessly.

Milton Erickson, the father of hypnotherapy, used to spend hours talking to his patients who wanted to lose weight about his tomato plants that knew exactly the intake from air and soil they needed to look and feel their best. And the patients left his place quite confused, but began to lose weight.

All this and much more is possible when you reach and understand beyond what is visible.

The question is: are you willing to?

About the author:

With a background in communication, journalism and public relations, Camelia Paduraru has always been fascinated by human mind and what leads individuals to do what they do. Certified trainer of NLP, Master Practitioner of Time Line Therapyâ„¢, hypnosis and coaching, she now delivers these transformative tools in Romania, empowering people to take control of their lives and to find positive meaning in everything they experience.

Having achieved tremendous results in her own personal evolution and health condition through the practice of these powerful techniques, Camelia provides one-to-one coaching sessions, seminars, NLP Practitioner and Master Practitioner accelerated trainings to assist people in unleashing the power of their minds, free their emotions, take action, heal and experience more of what each individual is capable of in all important areas of life.


  • Brett Ellis

    September 30, 2013 - 23:14

    NLP – Is it Magic or is it that the future is here now and we’re becoming acquainted with or….


  • Jack

    June 11, 2015 - 00:56

    Well written 🙂

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