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NLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James CoNLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James CoNLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James Co

The Magic of NLP Demystified (Second Edition) 

by Byron Lewis M.A.
Book reviews by Brett Ellis

The Magic of NLP Demystified simplifies Neuro Linguistic Programming and provides the facts from the observations and utilization of specific communicative behaviours. The book is in an easy to understand format that makes sense and can be applied practically to produce real world results in a person’s life. For this reason alone it makes the book a very valuable source of information for students, practitioners, business professionals, health professionals, therapists, sports professionals, politicians and the list goes on…

This book is an excellent guide into the content and structures of NLP for people that want to know more about NLP and what’s behind the magic that makes it so profound. The Magic of NLP Demystified is an accurate source of information modelled on real world results that provides the details of NLP in easy to understand models and captures the distinctions of excellent communications. The information presented in this book can lead the reader to an attitude of excellence often spoken about in the field of NLP – and it is a concept firmly grasped and made clear in Byron’s first and second edition of the book. Byron provides solid foundations for the earnest reader and adept student to construct their own platform and understanding around the art of NLP and gives clear precise examples that are easy to apply and utilize practically.

From the modalities of the Communications Model to the Meta Model’s application, the book concludes with the Visual Model and makes eye patterns easy to detect and utilize as Byron Lewis presents a very flawless model of NLP that certainly demystifies the seemingly convoluted world. Well folks, there’s the news, NLP is easier to apply than people may believe and Byron Lewis’s book The Magic of NLP Demystified is evidence of what people can do with the very natural human processing we called Neuro Linguistic Programming.

This book is an outstanding introduction to NLP and a gem to those entering its profound world of communications that provides the insights and understandings of opening up a whole new level and style of interacting with self and others.

Time Line Therapy And The Basis Of Personality

by Tad James and Wyatt Woodsmall
Book reviews by Brett Ellis

The Warning at the beginning of this book is REAL! Time Line Therapy And The Basis Of Personality is a book compiled of very powerful and profound techniques that create long lasting change for a person and for that reason alone any untrained person using these techniques could get themselves and others into trouble! So make sure you get the appropriate training before using these powerful techniques!!

Time Line Therapy And The Basis Of Personality is extremely useful for everybody in the field of human change because it provides the reader with an entry platform to (with training) create long lasting effective change at an accelerated rate for self and others easily. With insight and ease the authors take such a complex subject and make it simple to understand, easy to apply and furthermore exciting for any adept student to master! An absolute hub of learning!

Section 2 sets Time Line Therapy® (the fastest most effect tool of change on the planet!!) in an easy to understand layout of foolproof chunk sizes ready to be brought together when attending a live certified training, by a certified trainer, making it easy to apply and produce world class results in a matter of moments. Time Line Therapy® techniques have certainly been refined over the years since the publication of this book and Dr’s Tad & Adriana James constantly refine the techniques and also receive a lot of feedback from certified institutes and practitioners around the globe. This makes attending trainings with Tad & Adriana a MUST when it comes to getting the latest up-to-date research, developments and applications in the field of Time Line Therapy® to stay in the loop!

Section 3 unpacks Meta programs from the basic Meta program filters to the most complex Meta program filters and leads into making profound changes by changing Meta programs and just how easy it can be. Section 4 leads into values, the formation and evolution of values, resolving conflicts, values hierarchy as well as utilizing and changing values.

Time Line Therapy And The Basis Of Personality is an excellent study guide to any good NLP Practitioner Certification Training and is a more in-depth guide to the subsequent NLP Master Practitioner Certification Trainings due to Meta Programs and Values being present. The book holds the content required to effectively master the contextual processes that Time Line Therapy® techniques are in order to develop an insightful and accurate understanding of the processes you’re using.

Of course bringing all of this valuable information together and applying it practically at the right times and in the right ways to produce results is going to require that you take a certified training by a certified trainer! So the book alone is not enough, you’ll need the LIVE training as well as the book!!

Time Line Therapy And The Basis Of Personality absolutely pulls the curtain of consciousness back and delivers more than just a sneak peek into how people do the things they do – it delivers a clear attitude of excellence!

The Secret of Creating Your Future®

by Drs. Adriana James & Tad James – Second Edition

Book reviews by Brett Ellis

The Secret of Creating Your Future® is an elegantly structured format, designed to make the practical application of the techniques easy for the reader to engage and produce real, long lasting results. Drs. Adriana James & Tad James take the reader through the process step by step so it’s easy to digest, relate to and understand, making it a straight forward process for everyone to master.

The Secret Of Creating Your Future® would have to be the most powerful book of change available on the planet today. These techniques are fast becoming the number one choice for accelerated change around the globe and the book is one of the very few to provide the reader with all the tools they need to create long lasting change in their lives. As a personal development tool this book is certainly second to none and as an introduction to becoming a certified practitioner of Time Line Therapy® techniques the book provides an outstanding big picture for the adept student.
Applying this process from beginning to end is easy with Drs Adriana James & Tad James as they guide the reader through with simple and easy to follow steps; however, attending a LIVE Secret To Creating Your Futureâ„¢ Seminar and the purchase of the book would absolutely be a far more accelerated way to apply and master the process excellently, time and time again!

All these things being present, a person could say that they’ve not only read the book, they’ve also mastered the process in a Live Seminar as well! To all the sincere seeks – this is THE book for YOU!

PRESENTING MAGICALLY: Transform Your Stage Presence With NLP

by Tad James MS, PhD & David Shephard BSc, DES
NLP Book reviews by Brett Ellis

Presenting Magically is a pinnacle in the convoluted universe of Neuro Linguistic Programming that culminates a presenter’s skills set to a world-class level and provides an outstanding platform to produce the same kind of results as the world’s top communicators on the planet today.

Presenting Magically comprehensively guides the reader through the structures of the most powerful presentation skills and how to apply those skills appropriately to produce group results of excellence that really are quite magical. Presenting Magically leaves the reader re-calibrated with the most powerful insights and understandings of what effective communications is and how to utilize it excellently.

This book provides the complete package for everyone to master the art of presenting and therefore it’s an excellent book as a pre-reading to attending the LIVE NLP Trainer’s Training with Drs. Adriana James & Tad James at the Tad James Company. Again in this case, the book followed by the live training is going to provide anyone with the upper hand to just reading the book.

Whether presenting professionally or socially, taking the NLP Trainer’s Training or not, Presenting Magically will empower the reader with the tools to become bulletproof at presenting what one wants to present on. One of the books greatest features is that the content of what’s being presented doesn’t matter! The system works literally presenting any information at all!

This is certainly a book for the professional that’s dedicated to producing the exceptional results of excellence that is – PRESENTING MAGICALLY!

PRIME Concerns

Using Quantum Linguistics to Increase the Effectiveness of the Language we use.

A Monograph – Prepublication Version 1.1
By Tad James, M.S., Ph.D.

NLP Book reviews by Brett Ellis

PRIME Concerns is a physically small book packed full of powerful insights, page after page. For a Master Practitioner of NLP seeking to master the art of linguistic consciously – overall this booklet is the jewel in the crown! To the studying Practitioner level student this book is an excellent pre-study read to Master Practitioner Training (although certain elements that make the basis of Quantum Linguistics will be missing – this foundation is installed during the NLP Master Practitioner course).

PRIME Concerns guides the reader through the most important traits of the human nervous system providing the model for tending to deep structure concerns with great accuracy. From theory to practice, PRIME Concerns provides the model for identifying and dealing with deep unconscious unresolved issues at a linguistic level with profound results.

The Overview process at the end of the book brings it all together for the reader once they’ve applied it practically with another person. Once the full Overview process has been applied then the practitioner is calibrated to reproduce those results and continue growth. Now, the results that can be produced with these techniques are so profound that it notes on the first page of the book that the reader is assumed to have some knowledge of certain models and are capable of applying those models prior to mastering PRIME Concerns.

So taking the Training, in this case, NLP Master Practitioner Certification Training is a MUST because PRIME Concerns creates powerful and profound changes in a person, so ECOLOGY in this case equals TRAINING! That’s why this book should be of prime concern to every NLP Master Practitioner seeking to master linguistics at quantum level – pun intended!!

PRIME Concerns certainly discloses the quantum part of linguistics and makes it simple to understand and easy to apply, therefore it’s a must when mastering the art of change with the language we use!

If you want to purchase this book, please contact us


Producing Deep Trance Phenomena
by Tad James, MS, PhD with Lorraine Flores & Jack Schober
Book reviews by Brett Ellis

Hypnosis – A Comprehensive Guide, consolidates generations of research and developments into the most powerful insights of producing the trance phenomena known as hypnosis. As comprehensive as the text is, Tad simplifies the structure of the book in a way that provides a hub of skill sets that produce ALL levels of trance easily and is packaged so the student can continue to develop their knowledge and skills for life!

From the understanding of the mind body connection as a gateway to the unconscious mind, to the belief systems that support producing trance, the first three chapters set the frame for ongoing success with hypnosis. In the fourth and fifth chapters the famous and renowned hypnotic language patterns of Milton Erickson (The Milton Model) and the utilization are provided in detail along with an exercise that brings all the patterns together.

Chapter six delivers a model for taking a person’s “Personal History” in detail to identify and locate the greater problem or root cause of a presenting problem. The specific questioning for a personal history is also invaluable for identifying how a person is doing a problem and that means it’s an important tool for understanding the structure of a person’s problem prior to doing any change work.

Hypnosis – A Comprehensive Guide, also contains scripts for use with clients from the suggestibility tests in pre-talks to the Inductions and methods of Erickson, Estabrooks and Elman for producing trance. All this makes it easy to apply these powerful techniques of hypnosis and produce the deep trance phenomena confidently with self and others at professional levels. Additionally, in chapters twelve and thirteen, creating and utilizing Metaphors and Ideomotor Signals extends the reader’s skill set to an even broader field of communicating change with the Unconscious Mind!

The Progressive Test Induction based on Estabrooks provides an excellent script for stage hypnosis and producing deep trance while the Elman inductions are excellent scripts for producing deep trance quickly. Tad has brought together an extremely powerful set of techniques that encompass the adept student with the practical skills and structure for ongoing success with Hypnosis.

Hypnosis – A Comprehensive Guide, is an extremely useful resource to the student mastering hypnosis and therefore an outstanding resource for Trainers of Hypnosis to provide their students with a pre-study tool, as well as a great post-training reference material.

Applying these techniques and developing your own Induction style really begins the next level for any hypnotist or hypnotherapist and provides a golden mean to ongoing success between the Conscious and Unconscious Mind!

Time Line Therapy® Made Easy

by Adriana James, M.A. Ph.D.
Book reviews by Brett Ellis

An Easy Method to Let Go of Negative Emotions and Limiting Decisions from Your Life

Time Line Therapy® Made Easy – is an introductory to a collection of techniques that’s sweeping the globe at an accelerated rate. Since Time Line Therapy® Techniques have become the preferred method of long lasting and effective change, the need to simplify the techniques has now arrived in one book.

World renowned Master Trainer of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) and expert leader in the field of NLP, Hypnosis, NLP Coaching and Time Line Therapy®, presents a flawless account of Time Line Therapy® Techniques at an introductory level surpassed by none. Adriana has created a starting point that begins an uplifting journey with solid foundations for growth and development that clarifies and establishes an ongoing fountain of excellence that springs forth with a flow of effortless understanding for the reader.

At the introduction, the reader is first guided through a doorway of collective beliefs where they can step through the preventative confusion of human change. Early in the book, Dr. Adriana James includes an easy to apply test that the reader can use as a tool moving forward through the techniques in a personal and professional mindset that ensures success from the beginning.

After guiding the reader into potential power, the book begins to assist in establishing and providing the much needed resources that form the understanding to support the structures of applying the techniques step by step and ensuring ongoing success. Learning and transformation come together as the reader traverses the text and taps the inner empowerment of personal and transformational change.

For the beginner, or the reviewing trainer of these astonishing techniques – Time Line Therapy® Made Easy – provides the basic guidelines that work for everyone on the planet, every time. Time Line Therapy® Techniques have never been made so easy to access and use than right now! Following the principles of positive change – Time Line Therapy® Made Easy – puts you in the driver’s seat of change without requiring a therapist or practitioner to do so. [Important Note: This book is NOT recommended to eliminate traumas – it’s recommended that you contact The Tad James Company to refer you to a Certified Master Practitioner or Certified Trainer of Time Line Therapy®!]

Moving through the chapters of timely transformation, the reader realigns themselves with a source of personal power second to none, not only by letting go of Negative Emotions and Limiting Decisions that have enslaved them, but also by providing the keys to create the compelling future that they want, but believe they cannot have. This makes the life changing difference to define and set realistic goals and achieve them time and time again.

These timely applications of excellence cannot only become exciting, but they can also become the precedence for the freedom to unleash the empowerment that’s often missing and inhibits a fulfilling and happy life.

Does Fear control your life? Do you struggle living in such a modern and fast paced world that’s ever changing? Now begins your time in this self paced introductory guide of – Time Line Therapy® Made Easy – to transform in your own space!

Time Line Therapy® Made Easy – assists you to let go of the incorrigible and see yourself igniting the learning process to the next level of attending a LIVE training in taking the next step toward assisting the transformation of self and others in a dedicated journey of contextual learning and change, rarely seen on the planet today!

Make the start now! You have all the resources and support available to complete transformations. The Tad James Company and many other Certified Time Line Therapy® Training Institutes can be contacted in countries around the world, so make the connections you need to make and become a part of the transformations happening right now around the globe!

This is the Self Empowerment Guide that produces real life results rapidly, and it’s made just for YOU to use in the privacy of your own home!

The Wizard Within

The Krasner Method of Hypnotherapy

By Dr. A.M. Krasner
Published by American Board of Hypnotherapy Press 2002

Book Reviews by Brett Ellis

For thousands of years the phenomena of hypnosis has been used to potentially uplift mankind and propel forward the process of human change. Dr. Krasner’s book – The Wizard Within – unveils the mystic beliefs around the subject of hypnosis and presents a powerful and therapeutic tool for hypnotic suggestibility and change. The book presents clear details and distinctions in a collection of techniques that provides the reader not only with the tools for self hypnosis but, it is also provides a pragmatic guide for practitioners of hypnosis and hypnotherapy seeking to broaden and enhance professional and personal skill sets.

Beginning with a debrief and re-brief of what hypnosis is, the book moves into and through the history of hypnosis that has often led current professionals to the new level of standards in the therapeutic industry seen on the planet today. The much needed premise of suggestibility leads into the calibration of self-demonstration with ease of application. Chapter Five introduces the function of the brain and discloses and describes the processing unit that it is – and opens the door to identify the brain’s functions in an easy to understand format.

Dr. Krasner defines the differences between the brain and the mind in such a way that makes it easy to understand that the brain is a processing unit that assists the conscious and unconscious mind functions and their directives. This subsequently embraces the insights and understanding required to formulate suggestions and convert presenting problems into resolutions and the inclusion of scripts by Dr. Krasner kick-starts a journey of success in the accounts of hypnosis.

The next step is the profession of hypnotherapy and actualizing success as a hypnotherapist in your own practice from the start. The Krasner Method of Clinical Hypnotherapy is a wonderful introduction and guide for beginners and an ongoing learning curve for professionals seeking to expand and develop success in a step by step process that contains Induction techniques and deepeners that affectively propel the results to professional standards. From Ideomotor responses and the establishment of signals to regression, time distortion, analgesia/anaesthesia and hallucinations, Dr. Krasner enters and leads the reader elegantly into self-hypnosis and begins the empowering changes that start with you!

The self-hypnosis section provides the practitioner with many scripts collated over many years of Dr. Krasner’s experience, saving a lot of time and research at a professional level. This makes the entry point a clear highway for the reader to jump right in and produce astonishing results with clients right away. Of course, like any resource book in the field of therapeutic change, taking a live training with a certified trainer is always going to be the difference that becomes invaluable to any practice and the American Board of Hypnotherapy is dedicated to instilling excellence in a very powerful industry.

The Wizard Within – is an extension and an entry point for the culmination of tools readily available to the seekers of therapeutic change excellence. The books content will not only propel the beginner into new heights of professional standards, it will also add to the continual competency of the professional practitioners of hypnotherapy seeking further growth and development.

The Wizard Within is an outstanding culmination of resources professionally compiled from many years of developments and therefore will save a lot of work for those people who may instead be trying to reinvent much of what is included in this wonderful book.

If you want to purchase this book, please contact us

Modern Hypnosis

Theory & Practice, Ninth Edition 2006

By Masud Ansari, Ph.D.
Published by Mas-Press, Washington, D.C.

Book Reviews by Brett Ellis

Modern Hypnosis – Theory & Practice – references decades of prior research in the field of hypnosis and its evolution. Masud Ansari, Ph.D. guides the reader of this book on an in-depth journey of discovery into the details and distinctions of the theories and practices that encompass the art and modern foundations for successful hypnotic practices.

After beginning with the History and Evolution of Hypnosis – Dr. Ansari leads into the seemingly convoluted and socially adopted beliefs around being hypnotized and debriefs the Misconceptions about Hypnosis – thus dissolving fears and delusions that are unwittingly adopted by many people throughout the world. The references at the end of each Chapter richly provide the reader with the resources of extensive research and information that has gone into this extremely rich compilation of facts and findings from many professional hypnotists around the world.

In Chapter Three – The Nature and Properties of Hypnosis – Dr. Ansari further sights deeper misconceptions and myths around hypnosis and debunks the lesser common and often discrediting notions of a very naturally occurring process; and provides a “working definition” of hypnosis. Dr. Ansari qualifies the reader step by step in an easy to understand sequence and consecutively establishes the knowledge base to practically apply years of collated evidence within a distinct framework.
In Chapter Ten, the reader is introduced to the pre-talk induction stage of hypnosis, where the hypnotist assists the subject to successfully qualify prior to the actual induction of the hypnotic process described in Chapter Eleven. Dr. Ansari then presents Methods of Induction of Hypnosis – and Advanced Methods of Trance Induction – before adding the powerful deepening methods of trance and how to measure and test those levels with professional proficiency.

Rightly placed at Chapter Seventeen, the suggestion process for creating therapeutic changes is covered, followed by Post-Hypnotic Suggestion – which is often used and seen as the power behind hypnotic influence and therapeutic change. From Signs of Hypnosis through to De-Hypnotization and then Phenomena of Hypnosis, the reader is guided through areas of hypnosis where knowing the dangers involved not only ensures the safety of the subject and the hypnotist, but also assures  professional standards within hypnotic practices.

Chapter Twenty Three provides troubleshooting guidance on How to Handle Resistance to Hypnosis, adding further insights of maintaining a professional practice and body of knowledge that culminates in a great sense of connectedness for the reader to engage in the art of hypnosis at professional levels. The final and largest Chapter on Self-Hypnosis delivers flawless guidelines in applying and producing the therapeutic process of hypnotic changes that can be used to propel the reader into a confident and professional practitioner of hypnosis. The scripts and prevalent records of this outstanding book make it a priceless resource for the student and instructor of the phenomena commonly known as Hypnosis.

If you want to purchase this book, please contact us

The Biology of Belief

Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter & Miracles

By Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D.
Best Science Book – Best Books 2006 Awards. 300,000+ copies sold.

Book Review by Brett Ellis

THE BIOLOGY OF BELIEF – is an indication of mankind’s empowerment opportunities that’s presented in an easy to understand format. The facts collated in this outstanding book elegantly reframe the social dogmas and reasons that people often use for not being in charge of their health and labelling Genetics as the reason for whatever illness, dis-ease and symptoms they may be experiencing.

If you speak with anyone who’s healed themselves of an illness, disease or symptoms, they will tell you at some point about their lifestyle changes that they’ve made in their healing journey back to normal health. Chapter one begins with a classroom observation – Lessons from a Petri Dish: In Praise of Smart Cells and Smart Students – where the founding lesson confirms the basis of Dr Lipton’s teaching’s through the way his students behaved, underpin a truly amazing practical application of excellence.

At chapter two – It’s The Environment Stupid – the environment being a key factor is made clear and debunks the enslaved belief that genetics control a person’s health.  This chapter elegantly opens the floodgates of history in a pivotal change of direction with new insights that dissolves decades of misunderstandings in the field of human biology and health. Chapter three steps into understanding the role the environment plays in a person’s health where Dr Lipton presents an excellent interface-model of HOW each cells membrane processes a person’s environment and responds to environmental factors.

Chapter four relates to – The New Physics: Planting Both Feet Firmly on Thin Air – where Quantum Physics, commonly thought of as being a “risk” to studies based upon its premises, steps out of linear thinking and dives into the quantum world of physics and discloses all matter to be energy. This leads us into chapter five – Biology & Belief – opening with the mind/body connection and the power of creating change and sweeps a clear pathway into chapter six – Growth & Protection – where Dr Lipton delves the reader into evolution providing people with multiple survival mechanisms and reviews the dynamics.

In chapter seven – Conscious Parenting: Parents as genetic Engineers – Dr Lipton empowers the parent to consciously manage their children’s growth and development of health. He describes some of the key mind-functions and relationship dynamics between the conscious and unconscious mind to provide solid foundations for moving forward into conscious mothering and fathering.

At the Epilogue – Spirit and Science – Dr Lipton brings it all together for the reader by pointing people in the right direction to continue with their new knowledge by highlighting the value of services available world-wide such as Psych-K and the much wider spreading professional fields of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), NLP Coaching, Time Line Therapy®and Hypnosis as fast effective modalities of creating long lasting change and transformation.

If you want to purchase this book, please contact us


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