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NLP Alert: Your Eye Patterns May Hold the Key to a Better Behavior New NLP Application – Part 4

NLP Alert: Your Eye Patterns May Hold the Key to a Better Behavior

New NLP Application – Part 4

This is a warning. This is advanced material. If you don’t understand it, you’ll need to study the NLP Practitioner material or call the office nearest you for clarification.

If You’re Not Getting This You May Be Sorry Later

Following up with the first 3 parts of this article, (see here Part 1, Part 2, Part 3) when a significant emotional event of a shocking, dramatic nature happens for which we have no strategies and cannot talk about (yes all of those characteristics must be present in order for the whole situation to occur), and one of the hemispheres closes, we “switch” to the only one available – which is the “other one”. This is how this system can explain the masculine women and feminine men we notice around. And you become “not you”. If you were an outgoing person, all of a sudden you will be prompted to stay home and watch movies, or listen to music comfortably becoming a couch-potato, and vice-versa, if you used to stay home mostly, now you’re going to be interested more in work, and going out of the house.

Now think of this: it is also possible that a person experiences shock-events in both hemispheres of the brain. As a result they “flip” brain dominance regularly according to which conflict is most intense.

It seems that no one is really tamper-proof to shocking significant emotional events. In fact we all experience these types of situations in life. However this does not mean we all get dis-eased, but we change our personality, thinking, feeling and behavior. Wow! Now what?

No! This does not make you into a neurotic although the dogma of de-bunkers will probably tell you that something is really wrong with you and you surely need treatment.

In the same way switching your Time Line from In Time to Through Time (see Time Line Therapy® and The Basis Of Personality by James et all) changes your personality, and changing your values makes you into a differently motivated person with different behaviors, a shocking significant emotional event can “flip” you into another mode of functioning – and you will never even realize it!

You will still be you – but your preoccupations will change, your whole relationship to the world will change, your relationship to men and women around you will change and the last to know why is probably yourself.

Unless you are knowledgeable of your current Eye-Patterns and aware of when you switch over, you won’t know.

This Is The Clincher

When you change brain hemispheres, you WILL change from normally organized to reverse organized or the other way around.  I hope you understand the implications of this discovery.

The first problem is that many NLP trained people are not sure how to determine the Eye- Patterns correctly, especially when they run into the possible exceptions (like societal and cultural conditioning, desensitization training, trauma, etc.,) where you need to know how to elicit those and take them into account.

Therefore a brief review of Eye-Patterns is in order but this will have to wait for the last part of this rather lengthy article.

Until then, be well.


  • Brett Ellis

    September 18, 2013 - 20:25

    Awesome article Adriana!!! This has assisted me to process some of my experiences and is sooooooo informing…. this could be the most important article for me to read so Far!!

    Thanks! I’m looking forward to part 5

    Excellent work!!!


    October 30, 2017 - 18:13

    […] NLP Alert: Your Eye Patterns May Hold the Key to a Better Behavior – New NLP Application, Part… – Imagine being able to recognise if someone’s eye patterns indicate a switch in brain hemispheres! Discover what this means for you in this week’s second article which is part 4 in the series by Dr. Adriana James. Find out how significant emotional events can ‘flip’ the dominant brain hemisphere and how that can cause a change in behavior. What if this is happening with one of your clients? […]

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