NLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James CoNLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James CoNLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James Co
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NLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James CoNLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James CoNLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James Co


Happy 300th Newsletter, fellow members!!!

Let us take a deep breath and look back on this remarkable year we’ve had. We have never been more proud of our fellow students, who’ve been through so much this year. The ambitiousness and strive for success within our members has been present from the very beginning, and they will continue to grow to become stronger and wiser individuals within the realm of NLP.
Furthermore, we are now drawing close to the ever-so popular 3-Day Modern Hypnosis Certification, happening in Adelaide this very weekend (November 16th – 18th). Our students will have an absolute ball with this course. We also have our prestigious Master Practitioner Certification Training (December 1st – 14th), happening in Orlando, Florida. Not much further away! Best of luck to our students who are already signed up.
It’s still not too late for you to attend!!! Call us now (US 1-888-440-4823 / AU 1-800-133-433) to find out how YOU can master yourself as an NLP champion.

How to Make Every Presentation into a No-Fail Sales Process by Dr. Adriana James – If you are looking for strategies on how to polish your speech and vocabulary, whether it is making a presentation or communicating in everyday life, this is the article for you. Dr. Adriana James has constructed a breakdown on principles you can use when attempting to build Rapport with someone you’re speaking to in any given situation. Through the practice of NLP and Time Line Therapy®, Adriana provides solutions such as what questions to ask, when to ask them, and how to respond to the individuals answers. Read on to find out how YOU can achieve this!

The Friendship Project: Why Rapport Is Important Part 2 by Dr. Tad James – We are up to the second part of our ˜Friendship Project’ series. We can all agree that Rapport is important in both business AND interpersonal relationships. In this week’s article, Dr. Tad James himself continues with a tenacious list of strategies to help you elicit Rapport in both of these areas, including matching and mirroring; physiological aspects; and what to observe in the individual you’re speaking to. If you are looking for the most comprehensive guide on building Rapport, read on to find out more!

Introduction written by Michael Harriden @ Sydney Office.

Your New Articles, Hints & Tips

How to Make Every Presentation into a No-Fail Sales Process

By Dr. Adriana James

“Begin with the End in Mind”
Stephen Covey’s famous principle applies to just about every aspect of life which is why Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) courses place such emphasis on setting effective goals using Time Line Therapy® and NLP techniques. It certainly applies to your presentations.
An effective presentation is not simply a clear and coherent presentation of information, it is actually …(
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The Friendship Project: Why Rapport Is Important Part 2

By Dr. Tad James

How to Establish Rapport
Now, how do I establish Rapport, and then how do I know when I’m in Rapport?
To establish Rapport, the process is to completely match or mirror, what the other person is doing. When I’m training people in Rapport skills they often ask, “Well how can I do that, they’ll think I’m making fun of them.”…(Read More)

The FasTrak™ NLP Practitioner DVD Collection
The one and only ORIGINAL DVD collection – beware of illegal copies that do not work properly!

Unlike other DVD sets you may find, this one INCLUDES Time Line Therapy® and Hypnosis. Just like the live training. A MUST have!
Our NLP Practitioner DVD set is here, ready to ship! A 16 DVD set for your collection.

Shop NOW

Schedule of Training 2018 (USA & Australia)


NLP Master Practitioner Training

DECEMBER 1 – 14 (FL)


3-Day Modern Hypnosis Certification

NOVEMBER 16 – 18 (Adelaide)

FasTrak™ NLP Practitioner Training

NOVEMBER 21 – 27 (Perth – We are BACK!!)