NLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James CoNLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James CoNLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James Co
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NLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James CoNLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James CoNLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James Co


Congratulations to our incredible students in Sydney!!!

After an intensive, astonishing three weeks, this year’s NLP Trainer’s Training and Evaluation has drawn to a close. We have seen a 110% success rate with our 80+ students, as their absolute commitment and dedication has brought them to this conclusion. We now wish the same for our students currently attending the Hypnosis Trainer’s Training in Sydney, where another group of fantastic, determined students undergo the opportunity of a lifetime.

Simultaneously, our team in Orlando, Florida are drawing ever-so close to the prestigious NLP Master Practitioner Certification Training (December 1st – 14th), a course that will result in an abundance of wiser, stronger, more developed group of people.

It’s not too late for you to join! Call us now (US 1-888-440-4823 / AU 1-800-133-433) to find out more about the breathtaking courses we have to offer.

Anger, Sadness, Fear, The Untold truth About Negative Emotions They Don’t Want You to Know – We all know that in today’s society, repressing negative emotions is common place – and that it can be very damaging to your mental health. In the first of this week’s articles, Dr. Adriana James discusses the benefits Time Line Therapy® can have on how you deal with anger, sadness, fear, and other types of emotions. Do you often feel pessimistic? Do you worry about what you have or haven’t achieved (or what you do or don’t have)? Adriana reveals some amazing, efficient and effective techniques for YOU to incorporate into your routine, and to help you alter your perspective of what triggers these negative emotions.

How To Do Hypnosis Like a World Class Hypnotist – This week, Dr. Adriana James discusses the benefits hypnosis can have on your everyday life and sense of well being. Have you been scratching your head about hypnosis? In this article, Adriana examines how deep you can actually go within a trance, and how often we unconsciously enter a trance, while further discussing the incredible Hypnosis Trainer’s Training that we have to offer. Read on to find out more!

Introduction written by Michael Harriden @ Sydney Office.

Your New Articles, Hints & Tips

Anger, Sadness, Fear, The Untold truth About Negative Emotions They Don’t Want You to Know

By Dr. Adriana James

You’ve been told that once you have anger, there is nothing you could do, but maybe anger management. But that alone is a double edge sword, so using this may help…(Read More)

How To Do Hypnosis Like a World Class Hypnotist

By Dr. Adriana James

Oooohh! Hypnosis!! That strange and mysterious word,some fear, some love, some are indifferent to and some ridicule! There are those who raise lots of questions about…(Read More)

The Wizard Within

Dr. Krasner’s own revolutionary method of performing hypnosis is broken down in explicit detail, making the process of hypnosis easy for anyone to understand. There are lots of scripts for various inductions (rapid, progressive relaxation, etc.) and supporting scripts and suggestions to help people conquer fears, pain, smoking, weight loss, anxiety, shyness, etc., as well as pointers and suggestions on how to make your presentation as effective as possible.

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Schedule of Training 2018 (USA & Australia)


NLP Master Practitioner Training

DECEMBER 1 – 14 (FL)


3-Day Modern Hypnosis Certification

NOVEMBER 16 – 18 (Adelaide)

FasTrak™ NLP Practitioner Training

OCTOBER 29 – NOVEMBER 4 (Sydney)

NOVEMBER 21 – 27 (Perth – We are BACK!!)