NLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James CoNLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James CoNLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James Co
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NLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James CoNLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James CoNLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James Co

Demonstrate your intellectual attributes and personal characteristics through the words you use by learning language patterns.

NLP Coaching | Swish Pattern


Learn the tools of Linguistics to recognise spin, read between the lines and understand the true meaning of what is being said, by taking an NLP Training with the Tad James Co. in the US or Australia.
Call our office (US 1-888-440-4823 / AU 1-800-133-433) TODAY

What do you think it is when you see beautiful ads and a month later you find yourself buying a certain product, thinking that it was your own decision that you made to purchase it? The first article, Is Watching Television Bad For Your Brain?, By Dr. Tad James, describes how viewers are being targeted with massive PR campaigns by the news media and the harmful effects this has on our thinking and behaviour. Tad outlines the patterns that they are using to increase our viewing and you can recognise these patterns by learning the useful technique of “Complex Equivalence Language Patterns” at our NLP Practitioner Trainings and the effective “Values” section taught at our NLP Master Practitioner Trainings. This will give you a marked advantage in sorting through all of the media doomsday hype; because once you recognise a pattern, you are immune to its stimulating effect on you.
The second article, Overcoming Low Self Esteem from the NLP Coaching Perspective Part 4, by Dr. Adriana James, is part 4 of a series on the importance of overcoming low self esteem outlined in an additional interview with Drs Adriana and Tad James. The interview talks from an NLP Coaching point of view about what we can do in regards to overcoming low confidence and feeling not good enough. There is no better way to make an extraordinary life as well as making positive business changes, than investing in yourself or by learning about yourself and how you can change for the better by taking an NLP Training!

Introduction written by Danielle Power @ Sydney Office.

Your New Articles, Hints & Tips

Is Watching Television Bad For Your Brain?

by Dr. Tad James

My friend told me, “The other day I was watching a news channel and the words I heard just didn’t make sense. I was watching and I shook my head in disbelief. What do you think about that,” he said.
What did he hear?
I wanted to know. How did I miss it…(Read More)

Overcoming Low Self Esteem from the NLP Coaching Perspective Part 4

by Dr. Adriana James

INTERVIEWER –  From your NLP expertise, what is so good about overcoming low self esteem?
You know that we strongly believe there is no better way to make an extraordinary life as well as making positive business changes than investing in yourself or by learning about yourself and how can you change for the better, by taking a NLP Coaching program, a neurolinguistic programming (NLP) training, or at least a weekend seminar.
There is a simple way to find out if you have low self esteem…(Read More)

VALUES And the Evolution of Consciousness

We live in a world ridden with conflict. Everyone knows about it and only a select few have any motivation to do anything about it. In general, people stick to their point of view believing that everyone else is wrong and most never stop to consider that each individual acts upon their “right way”, that is, their individual values. This misunderstanding in society of the way we think, not what we think, or how we think, leads to conflict which manifests in Personal relationships, Business relationships, Community struggle and even conflicts at the Global level which have the capacity to lead to war. There are many ways we can demonstrate resilience and take action to fix in the world but we cannot fix anything unless we understand how the world is constructed. There are eight different ways of relating to the world and those are called Values Levels. Each seems to pertain to a certain stage in the evolution of society and simultaneously the evolution our mind, thinking and thus our consciousness. This book is about how to take advantage of the massive changes which the world is going through more importantly, how to negotiate the difference between where we are and where we are going. How does one recognize that people are not necessarily wrong but maybe less complex in their approach to life’s challenges? We appeared to live in the world of plenty and in a short period of a decade we have moved into a world of scarcity. We used to get along with each other and in the blink of an eye we have changed into a society broken down in many groups with divergent aspirations and motivations. If we continue down this path where will we end? There are at least two possible foreseeable futures. We can destroy ourselves or we can reach a new level of complexity in our society where we can find also a new level of consciousness. Is it our destiny to grow beyond the boundaries of our current situation? This book is about this and much, much more!

Schedule of Training 2016 (USA & Australia)

USA (Las Vegas)

FasTrak™ NLP Practitioner Training

SEPTEMBER 24 – 30 | DECEMBER 1 – 7


FasTrak™ NLP Practitioner Training

OCTOBER 25 – 31 (Sydney) | NOVEMBER 22 – 28 (Melbourne)

*Please contact us for 2017 trainings’ schedule.