NLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James CoNLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James CoNLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James Co
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NLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James CoNLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James CoNLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James Co Contest 2015 – Suzanne Kellner-Zinck

My Own Story of Regaining Health: Proving the Doctors Wrong

It’s February 2003 at the Radisson hotel, Irvine, California where I had a discussion with Craig, a psychic, at the pool during a break at the ABH convention. He had told me that I was about to do some esoteric work that was going to change my life.

I was going through a horrific time, terribly depressed knowing that my 14 year marriage was dying. I really had no idea how I was going to take care of myself should my marriage end. I also knew that I had signed up for APEP for the following September. The only problem was that I had no idea how I was going to make it out there, and I was in California already. So happened that APEP was running right after the convention. There were a couple of people who could not make it leaving an opening for me if I would be willing to rearrange my schedule and stay for the extra week. I was elated to hear this news because something had to change, “NOW!”

I went to the APEP program where I worked diligently to clear all the issues that were causing distress in my life. There was this one time when Tad had each of us go up to the table he and Adriana were sitting at to go over our goals. It was then that Tad told me that I could let go of my manic depression, as he had a client 20 years ago who did, and was still clear of it 20 years later. Was I interested in finding out what I needed to do to have the same result? Hell, yes!

Tad told me that I needed to do Time Line Therapy® to clear the three emotions necessary. My only problem was that I was so depressed my mind wasnʼt thinking very well. Tad joked with me about the fact that from what he had heard from Matt, that I had learned how to do this work and was using it with my clients. I admitted that was true, but I could not remember how to do it now. I asked Tad to ask Matt to help me release the first negative emotion and then I would be able to do the rest on my own. During the next break, Matt helped me to do this and inside of 5 minutes, manic depression was in my past where it belonged.

The next goal was to get off my medications which was done easily enough. After ten months of psychiatric oversight, I terminated with my long time psychiatrist, medication free. I had explained to her that I needed to move on to be congruent with what I was telling my own clients – that hypnosis and NLP could indeed free them of their mental health issues without the need of toxic medications and endless therapy. She did me the favour of letting me know that she had indeed learned from me that manic depression needn’t be a life long diagnosis, as I had proved to her.

The Master practitioner training in 2004, is where I knew that, during my eight hour intervention, I needed to get rid of the bronchial asthma that was making my work ever so challenging with the talking necessary to do hypnosis, making my coughing worse. This in turn was making my clients concerned about me. This is not the way a practitioner wants clients to think of them. So, at that Master Practitioner training, when asked “To do the problem now” I did such a good job that I ended up in the bathroom not once, but twice getting all the phlegm out of my system that I created right there at that moment. My partner did all of the techniques that we had learned in the practitioner program. However, the one that released the asthma so far as I could tell was releasing the negative belief that I needed to be sick in order for me to be taken care of in this world. After the Master Practitioner training there are only two reasons why I have any asthmatic attacks to this day. They are either when I am over tired or when toxic people are in my world. The asthma is my body’s way to let me know what I need to do to take better care of myself.

Itʼs 2009, Thanksgiving after a fantastic dinner at my sister’s house in New Hampshire. We are watching a horrific movie whose name I no longer remember. Sitting there watching the movie, all of a sudden I was seeing doubles of each character. Weird and scary was the way that felt, though I kept it to myself. It was a very good thing that the man I was dating at the time had driven us the hour and a half to her home so he could drive me back home. About a month later I asked my best friend for a referral to his eye doctor. It took a visit to a specialist to find out that I had a meningioma brain tumour near the pituitary gland, 2.2 cm in size.

There were three options given to me: do nothing which didn’t make much sense since the double vision was an issue, do surgery but they wouldn’t be able to get it all given all the veins, arteries and nerves in the area, or six weeks of proton therapy. But, this was the thing, they couldn’t shrink the tumour, all they could do was stop it from growing.

I had the proton therapy, summer of 2010. However, I had this recollection of my mentor way back when I first go involved in hypnosis. He worked with oncology patients and had helped them to shrink their tumours among other things. So, I visualized the tumour shrinking. By the second year MRI, the tumour was so small that if it was any smaller, it wouldn’t even be there, according to my doctor.

What can this work do? Practically anything we set our minds to make happen. My treatment for my clients is predicated on the healing that I have had with these three medical issues conventional medicine says are incurable. Well, I have a different message for the world. And, because of that message, my clients are able to heal the most horrific of life situations. That is for those who are brave enough to look into themselves and do the healing that is.

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About the Author: Suzanne Kellner-Zinck

Suzanne Kellner-Zinck, Certified Trainer of Hypnosis and Neuro-Linguistic Programming, founded Dawning Visions Hypnosis in 2002. She has become an innovator in the use of hypnotism and neuro-linguistic programming in the areas of obsessive compulsive disorders, addictions as well as working with those with anxiety and mood disorders. Her clients have come to work with her from all over the world. Suzanne uses her knowledge of mental health to assist business and owners in how to better work with their employees and customers. She is the author of four books and many hypnosis MP3s. Suzanne host the podcast “Claim Your Excellent Life” She also serves as a volunteer on Torrence-Lomita Prevention Community Council educating teens and their parents about drug abuse and addiction.