NLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James CoNLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James CoNLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James Co
Henderson NV, 89012
NLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James CoNLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James CoNLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James Co Contest 2015 – Winner – Irene Salazar


Do you remember when you were a child? You thought you could do anything? You might have thought some day you could impact the world and make a difference. You may have wanted to become a doctor, a dancer, or a movie star, only you knew.

Personally, I wanted to help people. We all have dreams of becoming what we think we want to be when we grow up, don’t we?

Take a moment and think back of when you were a child. What was that thought you had that you wanted to do to impact the world and make a difference?

Now, push the fast-forward button of your life, think, what happened to those childhood dreams? Did you fulfill them or do you have a fight going on inside you?

This fight inside reminds me of the story written by Eleonora Gilbert about the Cherokee who is teaching his grandchildren about life. She tells about a fight that involves two wolves, a bad one and a good one that live within each of us.

The bad wolf represents fear, hatred, anger, envy, guilt, pride, and deceitfulness. The good wolf stands for peace, love, joy, truth, respect, honor, faith, and empathy. Then a question is asked of which one would win, the answer, whichever one you feed.

So, which wolf are you feeding?

As for me, I was feeding the bad wolf. Did it stop me from dreaming? No, although, my journey was filled with potholes, snares, and plagues that blocked my vision and caused me to divert some time from my path until I got fed up with all of the calamity in my life.

No matter what was happening within, there were two things that could not be crushed, my desire and my determination to make something of my life.

So at the age of 31, I began home-schooling my first son, followed by three more until the age of 59. During this 28-year time period, I became a certified Massage Therapist, a student of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and tested for my 2nd degree black belt becoming a karate instructor.

Even after all my accomplishments, I wondered, “What is the point to all of this?” Was I trying to make up for the deficit I felt in my life?

At the age of 58, with no certain career or direction in my life, thinking that I was too old to make a difference in my world, I was introduced to the Tad James Co., and their life-transforming trainings. I thought, okay, am I going to add another number to my repertoire of accomplishments or, will this become the fulfillment of my life’s dream and purpose? Time would tell.

Just like the story of Colonel Sanders. He thought he was too old and too tired to keep trying, but was he? Colonel Sanders, founder of the world-renowned Kentucky Fried Chicken chain got his first social security check of $99 at age 65. He had a small house, a worn out car and was pretty much broke. But that didn’t stop him from approaching restaurant owners, offering his popular chicken recipe free, in exchange for a percentage of the pieces of chicken sold. One thousand and nine restaurant owners rejected him before he got his first yes. Can you imagine a world without Kentucky Fried Chicken?

Now fast-forwarding to age 59, my life had been transformed. I was excited! In August 2015, I decided to complete my Trainer’s Training from the Tad James Co. and become a Certified Trainer of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), Time Line Therapy®, NLP Coaching, and Hypnosis. Then, taking everything I had learned, along with my newfound confidence, I started my business of helping people transform their lives.

Wasting no time, I began working with an 18 year-old, experiencing relationship issues with his mother. They did not see eye-to-eye. This caused him to become isolated and depressed, creating tension within himself. As I worked with him, he began opening his heart to reveal his deepest hurts. Guiding him to let go of these hurts, helped him realize that this issue was about communicating properly and that it was not a one-way problem. Today, even if he does not get his way, he is communicating with understanding and respect toward his mother.

Another client, a female friend called me wanting to change careers from being a Pharmacist to starting her own business as a Holistic Health Practitioner but was held back due to her fear of failure. She had spent money on how-to courses, and rented office space with no success. With my assistance, she realized that her fear of failure was an internal problem that was disempowering her. After helping her let go of that fear, she moved forward with clarity giving her the confidence and direction to start creating her new business successfully.

These are just a few stories of the people I have helped as I live out my dream.

Now I ask you, “What are you doing today with your dreams you had as a child?” Imagine if you could have more. Now is the time to find out which wolf you’re feeding. Are you waiting for someday to come? Why? Tony Robbins says, “It is in your moments of decision that your destiny is shaped. Life will pay you whatever price you ask of it.” Someday does not exist; someday is a disease that most people take with them to their graves. Instead, decide today how you can make an impact in your world.

It is easy to dream. According to Kendra Cherry, Psychology Expert, she says we spend about six years of our entire life DREAMING. Nearly 50,000 hours! It happens every time we lose connection from the external world and become spectators of our BEAUTIFUL SHOW. So…. You can decide to just read this article or,.. You can start living your dreams today.

Now, stop DREAMING!


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About the Author: Irene Salazar

Having a background in Business Administration, Massage Therapy and Traditional Chinese Medicine, Irene Salazar began her new journey in the world of NLP, in 2013. After following a couple of years of intensive training with the Tad James Company, she became a Board Certified Trainer of NLP, a Board Certified Trainer of Time Line Therapy®, and a Board Certified Instructor of Hypnotherapy. She then went on to establish her own coaching and training business working with many individuals in the areas of PTSD, phobias, panic attacks, marriage, and personal breakthroughs with great successes. She feels honored and excited to be a part of Transforming The Planet. If you want to learn more about Irene, go here.

1 Comment

  • Murray Parr

    April 14, 2017 - 14:59

    Now, stop DREAMING!


    Thank you, that’s what I needed to read!

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