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NLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James CoNLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James CoNLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James Co

LIVE Fear is your greatest enemy – Part 1 with Dr. Tad James & Dr. Adriana

NLP | Dr. Tad James and Dr. Adriana James with a satisfied graduate

Tad James: So now, we’re gonna talk about a total different frame because I don’t know if you notice it that the world has a lot of fearful place since the turn of the century unlike it was before. I guess the world was more optimistic in up to recently in 2001and I think what happened since then people have been brought to fear. Right after September 11th, we had a flight in London. One week after September 11. And we ask ourselves, do we really want to go to London?

Adriana James: Do I really want to ride in the plane right now?

Tad James: And the first answer was no and we thought well, I’ll be really having fun flying in London. Well, bombers may be in the air and I thought to myself shall we go or not. In that week, we talk about it and decided if we buy in to fear, if we buy in to the fear factor, and we’re buying to a mindset that it’s not gonna be positive for us. And now that’s what we talk about.

Adriana James: Not we would like to discuss other things but two issues about this is fear factor. And the first one which was discussed already was bought by fear. Second one is because we notice a lot of people preferred to turn off their TV, they don’t read their newspaper, they don’t have a George Collin something and that is dreadful denial or fearful ignorance if I don’t know what to begin and it’s not happening.

Tad James: So I guess we have to admit since 2001 there’s a lot of institutions that decided that their main or vision in life is to scare us. Take the news media for example. The news media discovered in 2001 that their ratings will go up if they have a gore on. How many times has been its indelibly imprinted in your unconscious mind. Have you seen the people jumping out of the tower, haven’t you? It’s amazing. How did the media manage to figure that if they show that all over and over again you would get scared like hell? And then we watch them more.

Adriana James: and then say stay tune on because…

Tad James: Stay tuned someone’s gonna hit the fan.

Adriana James: So watch us a little bit more.

Tad James: We will have it on the next hour. Of course, they don’t have it on the next hour, I don’t know if you notice that. They slide it to the next hour so those guys will put it up in their ratings. They say that in the next hour they have it after the beginning of the next hour.

Adriana James: that’s obvious but we don’t know if you’ve really notice it, not only the media.

Tad James: Wait wait wait, Have you heard about scared tactics?

Adriana James: Like it’s the world next pandemic. So that’s the other inconsistency. But the problem of fear is like this it comes with this unconscious mind that gets the information. It’s amenable to suggestions. That’s the problem.

Tad James: She’s speaking to you in hypnosis. Your unconscious mind is amenable to suggestions. All the suggestions.

Adriana James: How do you think how the suggestions of the television work?

Tad James: Let’s talk for a moment about.. Can I diverse? Let’s discuss about the difference about television and hypnosis. One of the primary tenants in television and also in cinema, in movies is the suspension of disbelief. Let’s talk about that for a moment on how that works. What did you do in movies?

Adriana James: So for the moment in order for people to enjoy the movie, you suspended disbelief in regards to a man’s belief.

Tad James: In regards to that, everybody knows that a man can fly. What can you say?

Adriana James: Wow, wow.

Tad James: What if somebody could really do that? In saying that somebody could really do that, you
suspended your disbelief.

Adriana James: But when we say, close your eyes, it relaxes the eyes and massages the eyes and you wanna hold long to that relaxation and you need to close your eyes. I know fully…

Tad James: Have you been hypnotized, haven’t you?

Adriana James: I could open my eyes.

Tad James: Did you know that when you’re eyes were closed you could open your eyes?

Tad James: This is really important.

Adriana James: That is a paradoxical state that takes place in the mind. You know that you could open
your eyes and yet you keep them in close.

Tad James: And what does it do? Suspension in disbelief if and here to…..

1 Comment

  • Brett Ellis

    June 24, 2013 - 19:31

    If we don’t choose our own emotional states – someone else will!

    Be your own authority and really question things free of emotional fear with a high intent to learn – it’s a great, long-lasting choice that we can all make or not.

    Behind peoples fear is the person themselves forgetting about themselves – I hope this article by Dr’s Tad & Adriana James will remind us all that we are our own authorities if we choose to be. There are people out there that care and willing to assist the planet to transform!

    Thanks TJC for your part in my Life!

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