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NLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James CoNLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James CoNLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James Co

LIVE Fear Is Your Greatest Enemy – Part 2 with Dr. Tad James & Dr. Adriana

NLP | Participants in training

Tad James: Because you’re contemplating something which isn’t so, listen you’re contemplating which isn’t so. You’re exempting to put aside your disbelief and then you have to imagine the series of that context. In by pass and critical factor, you open yourself to suggestions and context. So when you suspend your disbelief, this is a solemn part. This is everything.

Adriana James: This is where they key points is for you to deal successfully with the situation.

Tad James: Successfully programming..

Adriana James: so when you suspend your disbelief..

Tad James: You open yourself to suggestions.

Adriana James: And every suggestion that comes after you, that context goes straight to your subconscious mind and our subconscious mind accepts it uncritically. The first song that appear was actually 40 years ago called I-robot..

Tad James: You know that shape of an howdy? That’s a weird car and 2 years after they have it. Do you know in the matrix that they have this flip phone, I gotta have it and the long coats too.

Adriana James: And that glasses and that long coats, every time you have that glasses, you have that long coats.

Tad James: No, really. Everybody got that very long coat which looks good for some people so every time you suspend your disbelief and your context, you let yourself with suggestions in it.

Adriana James: This is not the deal by the way, this is just the beginning. It was Sigmund Freud’s nephew.

Tad James: it was a propaganda of public relations. He was the first agent of spin. Public relation is more powerful than propaganda.

Adriana James: This is a well-known track that when you suspend your disbelief and you open yourself , everything that comes after that goes to your subconscious mind and accepts it uncritically those suggestions and that becomes your box.

Tad James: That becomes your context through the frame you see yourself.

Adriana James: You filter everything that comes from the world after you.

Tad James: That’s why we have, that’s why we have.. and by the way human beings like being scared. We go to disaster movies in the fact of being scared.

Adriana James: That’s horrible.

Tad James: Religion uses suspension in disbelief where else do we use suspension in disbelief where else in the world, where are the places we use suspension in disbelief, fear, absolutely.

Adriana James: Think of what’s happening so the economy didn’t actually start to go south last year. The housing problem didn’t go south last year in September, actually they were starting to utilize with precisions what’s about to happen, people laughed at it last 2007, early 2007, so because of that, but see, when everybody was in the frame of mind, oh this is a happy last time, everything just goes wow, I just wanna do everything I want, I have everything right now then boom, the TV came on, we’re on crisis and everybody goes oh, we are in crisis.

Tad James: We don’t know we’re in crisis until the TV told us.

Adriana James: they don’t know what they’re talking about until they told us so.

Tad James: For me, the best part of this is from CNN cold and flu report. Oh boy, I’m gonna get some cold. But nobody do, but nobody broadcast that they have cold and flu and sales of Flu Jhonson, aspirin, and all those stuff would go up. The cold and flu is manufactured by the way and it is manufactured by the people who sell it.

Tad James: How long will your brain be overwhelmed by September 11? Just think about it, how long? How many, how many days? I’m not mocking CNN, ABC or Fox News or CBS nor NBC or Bloomberg, I’m not mocking those channels coz they were broadcast the same crap for days, not just, not just hours.

Tad James: I don’t know, I don’t know how it happened but what happened is we suspended our disbelief and we bought into all of the things they wanted us to fear.

Adriana James: Now, right now what’s happening because they suspended our disbelief in ability to be prosperous coz it’s a crisis and the economy is not working well and it’s not only in our country but it’s also everywhere in the world. Look at the European countries, the Eastern Europe, in UK, in Japan, in Australia, and in the whole world, it’s the same thing.

Tad James: Now, you gonna ask yourself, what area in your life do you suspend your disbelief in?

Adriana James: I’m talking about how you find yourself inside you. Somebody asked yesterday and it’s very interesting, the only place you can see the real freedom is not here. The only place where you can find the resources that you need, you can find your resources that you want, but the only place that is immutable strength and power is only inside you, is only inside you. But the question is what do you feed yourself, your thoughts your conscious and subconscious mind with?

Tad James: If you watch this, if you watch the video, if you click this, if you think of September 11, aren’t you afraid of every session, tell the kids that we have global warming, how could we get it that high?

Adriana James: Row a boat..

Tad James: Way back in California, so there are showing in California, they have this favor that every time they turn the TV…


  • Brett Ellis

    March 18, 2013 - 18:07

    When a potential client comes to me for some work – I have noticed this pattern mentioned above, in mathematical terms it goes something like this; 2+2=496. (Laughing!) Because clearly this evaluation is WAY out in terms of accuracy and realistic notions.

    After and while working with clients and graduating students they begin to see the errors of there ways (assumptions). This becomes very evident and apparent to them while using Time Line Therapy(R)Techniques as well as the Meta Model questioning in the NLP section of trainings.

    One of the directives of the conscious mind is to protect the unconscious mind from false impressions! – BECAUSE, as mentioned above in the article – Adriana James: “This is a well-known track that when you suspend your disbelief and you open yourself , everything that comes after that goes to your subconscious mind and accepts it uncritically those suggestions and that becomes your box.”

    NLP, Time Line Therapy(R), Hypnosis and the Tad James Company(staff)provided me with the tools to make informed decisions with greater accuracy than ever before – more to the point, it allowed me to developed a most profound relationship between with my conscious and unconscious mind.

    With the greatest of respect for my whole self, knowing what I know as a certified trainer, I seek out beliefs and create beliefs that serve myself and others with excellence. A common thread I find is that ALL those disabling and old beliefs stored inside me, when noticed, become my new opportunities to transform using these very techniques. I’m addicted to this forever!!

    The more I do it the more I love it and the more I love it the more I do it!

    What a wonderful journey my life has become!

    Have a wonderful day everyone and great regards to you all!

    • admin

      March 21, 2013 - 21:58

      Thanks mate always great reading your posts 🙂

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