NLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James CoNLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James CoNLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James Co
Henderson NV, 89012
NLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James CoNLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James CoNLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James Co

Every family, group of people, or community who jumps from nothing to something meaningful has a leader. Everybody else is a follower. The leader always manages to inspire through powerful talks in small and large groups.

A little-known fact is that everyone can be a leader, despite the belief to the contrary. There are trainings and courses in leadership, but there is no single answer to “What is leadership?”

Leadership is not a talent you either have or don’t have. There is no prescribed personality type, background or looks that automatically make one into a leader. It’s all about skills.

What are those skills?

In NLP, learning how to become a leader is doubled up by the process and the ability to inspire a team, to be a positive influencer in the life of that team or group of people is called “Working with Group Dynamics” and it is part of the NLP Trainer’s Training.

NLP and Time Line Therapy® are very applicable in installing at both the conscious and unconscious level skills that quickly lead to desired qualities like vision and ability to get there (via goal setting as in the Creating Your Future® process), Values like discipline integrity, honesty, humbleness, openness, fairness, assertiveness, as well as the ability to stand firm on one’s position without stubbornness, prejudice, or dogma. With the help of NLP Modeling process, these skills can be installed unconsciously in those who wish to become charismatic leaders.
NLP Trainer's Training allows you to discover a major technique: simultaneous Self-Awareness and Team or Group Awareness. A leader has this ability – to be aware of both at once.
NLP is also valuable in allowing the leader to notice immediately (without guessing or mind-reading) the verbal and non-verbal cues of the team. In NLP Practitioner Training, this is called Sensory Acuity. Although not often realized by many, the reaction of the leader to the response of the group is a paramount skill for all effective leaders.
Another quality of a great leader is resistance to stress. Employees, and in general teams of people, look to the leader for formal and informal guidance and consciously or unconsciously react in the same way. Time Line Therapy® is extremely useful in allowing the leader to not only manage stress, but also relieve worries and anxiety thus transmitting a different message. A calm and in control leader unconsciously transmits the like-message to the team.
A major quality of a good leader is to be credible. Often times, very knowledgeable and intelligent people don’t know how to present themselves so that they’re trusted. This may be one of the most important characteristics of a good leader. In the NLP Trainer's Training, the ability to gain and maintain rapport with groups is a skill discussed and practiced. Capable leaders are always excellent relationship builders in all areas of the organization.
Ability to act, make a decision, and stick with it is another skill where NLP can be very helpful. In NLP and Time Line Therapy®, this is accomplished by techniques like elicitation and utilization of Decision-Making Strategy, changing the direction and orientation of one’s Time Line, the Like to Dislike Technique, and many more.

Learning these skills makes the difference between talking a good game but never doing anything other than talk and those action-takers who achieve the desired results. They do this by knowing how to hold themselves accountable for their decisions and actions. Someone has to take the first step, and these leaders are the ones taking it.

Although they may not realize it, leaders are constantly being observed by followers. Team members watch to see how the leader responds to messages or events and model their own responses from what they see the leader do.

Good leaders are those who are aware that they are being observed by the team and set an example for them to follow. They positively influence not by trying to convince others, but by their own ability to help others become their best selves, building their skills and achieving their personal as well as the team’s goals along the way.

Leadership consists of a set of skills that anyone can master, and both NLP and Time Line Therapy® are extremely useful in this respect.

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