NLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James CoNLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James CoNLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James Co
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NLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James CoNLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James CoNLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James Co

We are fascinated with getting scared out of our skulls day in and day out. Scary news, alert upon alert, scary movies, disaster upon disaster,.. and nobody asks the question


Actually is pretty simple: because it works, and because some of us feel an appealing attraction to it. It works until you want to do something different.

There are a lot of excuses you can make for yourself for not getting what you really want in life. You failed here and then there, and then sooner or later you settled for “why bother, there is no point in trying anyway”. It is easier not to even try, because beginning something new involves leaving behind the sweet and “safe” area of comfort you live in right now. Doing something new and taking some action toward what you want involves by the nature of its “newness” taking some risks. It involves stepping out of your comfort zone.

But hey, everywhere around you’re told to be afraid, because you see you must be afraid. Of what you might say? Well, of everything: lack of money, taxes, loneliness, feeling not good enough, not smart enough, not slim enough, not young enough, Obamacare, the mortgage, your kids future, retirement of you’re older, unemployment if you’re younger, what have you!

And of course all the scary news full of BS coming at you day in and day out confirms that you should be afraid. Of everything! The news is designed to frighten you away from using your independent and creative mind to actually achieve something. And you comply. You bought into the fear.

Successful people you envy secretly, but pretend you don’t care, the ones who “made it” have done one thing you have not: have uprooted their fear. Because on the other side of fear is success.

The fear you experience, yeah! The one that makes you weak and whiny, and righteous and judgmental, and ,.a failure, actually does not reside in the magazine or the newspaper, or the internet or your television set. It resides inside your head. It is in your mind and in your body. You allowed it to come in and take residence. And now you think that if you change anything you should be afraid. So you do, nothing!

You see everything new is actually the opposite of fear. It is creativity and imagination at work, it is freedom to live your life the way you see fit, not how it is prescribed to you by the trend of the year and to make happen or to create what you value and love.

You sit there and think that you don’t count. The little you is not important and I would beg to differ. The creative and innovative action you could take if you only let go of the fear could have an impact on our culture in general, and surely could have an impact on all the people who know you.

You could contribute to a culture of excellence rather than a culture of mediocrity and stagnation. But for that you have to learn something really important: you need to learn to raise your middle finger and show it to fear.

I am surely looking forward to seeing you after you did that. You will be a different person.

If you know Time Line Therapy®, do it now! Don’t wait!

If you are not familiar with Time Line Therapy®, here is a seminar that Tad James and I did together. It guides you through the process.

Until next time, be well.


  • Nick Ritchie

    July 8, 2014 - 16:22

    I’m really loving your articles, and in particular, the “waking up information” that you guys are adding in here and there in your teachings… Helping people ‘think different’. I spoke with a friend who did the trainers training in 2010 and it seems there is more of an emphasis on waking up now in 2014 than back then. I think that’s great! Ps. Could you add social sharing buttons to your posts so we can share easily via fb/twitter/g+ etc?

  • 5 Emotions That Don't Serve You And What To Do About Them Part 1 - NLP Coaching | NLP Coaching

    August 18, 2014 - 05:14

    […] wrote extensively about fear in many of my articles. Giving Fear The Finger, Does Fear Control You Part 1 and Does Fear Control You Part 2 are only a few examples of […]

  • Robyn Wilson

    January 30, 2017 - 12:46

    Thanks Adriana everyone could benefit from a little bit of showing fear the finger or leaning into the discomfort as another I know calls it. That feeling of going over the edge when you abseil and finally trusting where the heart pumps and adrenalin runs through the bloodstream is a good analogy for good fear and its benefits. I say in my own words “you have to step out of your comfort zone to get to even greater levels of luxury” We could all do with a bit of that! Robyn

  • 5 Emotions That Don't Serve You And What To Do About Them Part 1

    March 14, 2018 - 06:59

    […] wrote extensively about fear in many of my articles. Giving Fear The Finger, Does Fear Control You Part 1 and Does Fear Control You Part 2 are only a few examples of […]

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