NLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James CoNLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James CoNLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James Co
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NLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James CoNLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James CoNLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James Co

Get Rid of Powerlessness Once and For All

I’ve written a number of different articles on the nature of mind manipulation which leads to lack of power, choice, decision, and overall an attitude of aimlessness in life.

I have met many young and middle aged people who asked me “I don’t know what my purpose in life is, what do you think it is?”

Now, think with me for a moment: they are asking me what is the purpose of their life! What’s that telling you? What is the presupposition here?

Alternatively they share with me with concern that they also don’t know what to do with their life. They don’t know what career to approach, of course they all suffer of lack of prosperity, satisfaction and under-achievement.

In other words capable and otherwise intelligent people seem totally lost. Without somebody to tell them what to do and where to go they don’t seem to be going anywhere. They wander aimlessly through life without a direction, without goals, wishes or desires. They do not have any passion for anything and are for all intents and purposes drained of creative life-force energy. They have passion for nothing. Passion as a feeling does not seem to exist anymore.

In this brief article, I want to sketch the basis of that lack.

Every major mind manipulation forced into limitations has the same concealed objective: control.

But control over what?

There are many possible answers depending on how abstract or how specific you want to be, but overall the basic answer is: “control over the mind”.

Why? Because if the mind’s thinking operations (in NLP we call this the Internal Representations) can be guided, changed, re-ordered, shrunken, and weakened, then it doesn’t matter what these people are trying to do to resist other types of control. The mind can lead to success or to failure or to, a bland life leading nowhere.

Inaction and indecisiveness is a form of control. Think of a small child. If s/he sits quietly on the couch there is no trouble. Otherwise the child may explore or invent a game that will make mom or dad go clean up the mess. Forget about the invaluable learning experience the child gets from exploring new territory and the healthy active energy of the child. A child sitting in front of the television for hours is not trouble. It does not require attention. It is inactive. It is passive therefore it has created his or her own control mechanism. Self-control through a bland non-creative mind. If you need panic disorder treatment to avoids places or situations where escape would be difficult if a panic attack occurs, visit for more information.

But a child who grows up like this does not have any judgment or critical thinking on his or her own. They are bound by asking for permission to even go to the bathroom. Without specific direction and permission they don’t know what to do. And so, they do nothing.

Imagine now this child growing up to become an adult. The body grows, the behavior remains. And then, when having to act or decide, they will always go down the wrong path. They will always operate within narrow, constrained and limited territory. They will always ignore their own power of initiative. They will have no creative spark. The spark of life generated by an awakened mind has been extinguished. They have become a little more than biological androids.







Desire, passion, dreams?

,. You get the picture.

The power of the mind exceeds the “normal” and “mediocre” ability to perceive cause and effect as in “they did it to me, so I am screwed up for the rest of my life“. People in touch with it will never say “I am a victim of ______(insert here your favorite reason).” In spite of what happened to them, they pick themselves up and creatively find new solutions to overcome any difficulty. They are the winners. They become the leaders, the innovators, the ones envied by the rest for their great life.

What is not obvious is that all human beings have the capacity to change things at any time by changing their minds and re-training the mind the right way so as to become in charge again. If they know how! But most people don’t have any skills or clear and concise methods to do that.

I do not mean any of the fuzzy New Age concepts of surrendering to the universe, going with the flow, or the group-communitarian-fake-oneness-benevolently-restricted-models. That type of thinking leads to more passivity and do-nothingness.

A communitarian model can come only after each and every person has learned what it means to be an individual, to use their own minds positively and do the right thing out of volition and not out of coercion. That stage requires the capacity to think independently and at the same time be willing to work in a group with others for a common goal either as a leader or as a follower depending on circumstances. But that requires that person be perfectly capable of operating individually first. So the road to inter-dependence must first go through independence. Before independence all you have is is co-dependence.

Every human being has the capacity to act in ways that change the experience of life. It is not that complicated once you understand how your mind works. The degree to which an individual believes this is impossible shows the extend by which his or her mind is controlled in a narrowed-down-impossibility-mode of functioning.

Here is a description of our NLP Practitioner Certification Training:

The Basis of NLP

Here is where you first find out what is the relationship between your mind, your emotions and your behavior. This is the clearest and easiest model of how people learn, communicate, change, and evolve themselves.

The 11 Principles Of Achieving Outcomes – Essential for achieving goals, and a direction in career, relationship, business, etc.

Rapport – How to create agreement, trust and cooperation when communicating to somebody.

Representational Systems – How we use our 5 senses to represent internally the information from the world.

Submodalities and Swish Pattern– the way your brain programs the differences between what you like or value or appreciate and what you don’t. Addicted to sugar or soft drinks? Submodalities change can get rid of that. Your brain encodes your liking of soft drinks in a certain way. You can change that!

Language Patterns This is how you recognize if your mind is manipulated and how to recognize what type of personality is hiding behind different types of words. This is how to assist someone else in making a change in their position easily and elegantly.

Anchoring: how to control your own emotional state and thus how to control your state of mind. How to get rid of procrastination.

Strategies – How to control your mental steps to create specific positive results. How you and others make decisions, get motivated and reassured. How you and others represent the process leading to deep love and attraction.

Parts Integration – the only technique that stops inner conflicts, indecisions, confusion, and the fight between reason and feeling.

All of these can be applied for:

  • Business and Personal Coaching including Sales and Communication
  • Learning and Educational Coaching
  • Change and Growth on a Personal Level
  • Therapy and Relationship Coaching
  1. Time Line Therapy® Practitioner Certification Training (as part of the NLPCoaching Practitioner Certification Training)

Tad James is the creator of the Time Line Therapy® Techniques and the author of the book Time Line Therapy® and the Basis of Personality” and Adriana James is the author of the book Time Line Therapy® Made Easy so you can get your certification from the source.

You Will Discover How to:

  • How you organize time
  • The location and direction of your Time Line and its effect on your personality
  • Eliminate negative emotions, beliefs and decisions from your past which determine

your future

  • Replace old and useless Limiting Decisions and Limiting Beliefs from your Time Line

with right and supportive decisions which can lead you to a more fulfilling and satisfying life

  • Learn how you create anxiety with your mind and how to get rid of it

Create the Kind of Future You Really Want

  • Understand your own internal time machine and how it creates your future
  • Use S-M-A-R-T criteria for making your goals come true
  • Eliminate doubts about your future goals
  • How to create an Internal Representation of your future goals so it’s compelling, motivating and exciting for you – and the difference between future goals that happen and those who don’t.
  • How to spot the difference between goals that can happen and goals that don’t.
  • How to insert goals in your future Time Line in a way that makes it happen.
  1. Certification as a Hypnotherapist (as part of the NLPCoaching Practitioner Certification Training)

Tad James is the author of a best-selling book on hypnosis ” “Hypnosis – A Comprehensive Guide“. Included in the NLPCoaching Practitioner Certification Training is the section in Ericksonian indirect permissive type of hypnotherapy. Very useful to increase your results with the largest number of clients.

This Training meets the standards of the American Board of Neuro Linguistic Programming. So your certification has worldwide recognition. It is also approved by the, American Board of Neuro Linguistic Programming, Time Line Therapy® Association and the American Board of Hypnotherapy.

The training is designed to show you how to reconnect with the true creative power of your mind by first discovering what it does and then learning how to change what limitations are in there. You learn how the best of the best play the game. You receive a complete and comprehensive training in the process of freeing your mind.

Possibilities and success have always been there. You have not been taught how to make them available to you. You have heard about them, but the “How-To-Do-It” was never given to you. Now it’s about time.

Until next time, be well.


  • Brett Ellis

    January 20, 2015 - 19:16

    I’d really like to say that having taken NLP Practitioners Certification training, Master Practitioners & Trainers training that these training’s ARE the greatest value I have EVER got for my money!! I use them time and time again with self and others, it’s allowed me to create the relationship I’ve always wanted, the functional family structure I’ve always dreamed of creating and having (by the way – my family lineage has NOT been functional for many, many generations and that stopped with me!!) it’s also allowed me to develop the business and profession I’ve always wanted to have and do… and the list goes on!!

    The thing is, the more I use and apply these techniques the greater ingrained they become as a part of my whole life and effect all areas of my life. My ability and options for acting in new ways in my life are endless and I re-invent myself every day and can overcome ANYTHING that comes my way. All these learning’s have and still assist me to live a greatly fulfilling life where I decided my purposes and go get them successfully!!

    I will say that it can be very hard work at times and also that many, many people say that they’d love to have the kind of life that I have and I ask them all the same thing…. Would you be prepared to work as hard as I do to have the type of life you really want? Then I ask if they are serious about what they’ve said. If they are then I tell them a little bit about my journey through NLP, Time Line Therapy® & Hypnosis and how accelerated change made the real difference when I mixed it with the power of me!

    I also say… just thinking about it isn’t doing it!! Make the decision, sign up for the next available training with the Tad James Company or one of their graduate trainers and do it all the way!! TJC have always been there to assist me IF I’ve needed it and I’ve utilized the ongoing support they give every year in some way since 2006 and I still utilize that support today!!

    A friend told me once that her partner (both of them trained in NLP) said to her; “I don’t let NLP rule my life!” I laughed out loud to myself after speaking with her and thought… well may be he should just to start with and then he could take over the ruling of his own life!!

    Thanks again TJC & the many staff over the years since 2006!!! together we made the difference that makes the difference in MY life!!! You have ALL my respect!!!!
    BE. 🙂

  • Shalee

    January 21, 2015 - 07:18

    Well written article Adriana. This is very well said, “Every human being has the capacity to act in ways that change the experience of life. The degree to which an individual believes this is impossible shows the extend by which his or her mind is controlled in a narrowed-down-impossibility-mode of functioning.”

    This is why we do what we do (Training & Coaching) to help individuals learn about & access their true inner power. 🙂


    July 17, 2017 - 19:35

    […] Get Rid of Powerlessness Once and For All – Why do so many of us, otherwise intelligent and capable people, remain directionless, unsatisfied and without a true passion? Discover how individuality, self empowerment and purpose are possible in this week’s first article by Dr. Adriana James. […]

  • NLP Kerala

    July 18, 2017 - 03:07

    Good post.

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