NLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James CoNLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James CoNLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James Co
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NLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James CoNLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James CoNLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James Co

What If Everything You Know is Wrong?

One of the best qualities of the NLP field (particularly in the part dealing with linguistics) is learning how to begin to ask questions. In fact the language section teaches us how to develop an inquiring mind. Oh! But that could be a problem, you see….

How do I do this behavior of mine? What do I do in my head that made me screw up? What do I do so I am addicted to …? How is it possible that my behavior is not good here but it is good there? What is that person over there doing different from me so they are excellent and successful and I am not?

Most people don’t even begin to ask themselves these questions. They simply fall sharply into the “Oh,-I-guess-I-am-just-not-good-enough” or “It-is-just-how-I-am” mental traps. But it is not their fault.

There is a big fight going on right now and it doesn’t involve any weapons. To be correct this war is not knew, but the methods are more modern and more insidious. It’s a war on consciousness and most people are clueless that it even exists.

Let’s define consciousness for our purposes in this article, since consciousness has been always a topic of great debate starting to whether it exists at all or is a result of electrical and chemical reactions in the brain, to consciousness being this peculiar state of “love and bliss”. For our NLP based discussion here, consciousness is what we call the Conscious Mind. Without the Conscious Mind filtering correctly the environmental and socio-cultural information we are left somewhere in “la-la unconscious land”, like adult children with 2nd-grade-ability-to-think. Meaning we accept an “unreal” reality, a construction manufactured for us by others.

Education or Mind Control?

The education system has failed us, and it has failed us for a long time. Education is nothing more than a system of teaching children social behaviors not to teach them anything valuable. The idea is to make us “uniform” in our thinking so we all fit into a society pre-programmed for us. If you regurgitate precisely what you’re taught you’re praised. But if you dare to question, and have an inquisitive mind, you’re reprimanded. This is nothing more than a Skinnerian type of operant conditioning and installation of certain behaviors. Free and creative thinking is not only discouraged but heavily reprimanded. Every person who has created something extraordinary has rejected the average mediocre acceptance of the school “education” and has started the self-education process. Need only to remind you of a great genius called Einstein?

Here are only a few examples of school de-education and mind numbing methods.

We are taught that human beings like us first appeared somewhere between 100,000 and 200,000 years ago. But there are artifacts presented as evidence at major international conferences such as the World Archeological Congress. For details see Michael A. Cremo “Forbidden Archeology”  and “Human Devolution” The process of “knowledge filtration”  will not allow us to hear very much of anything else which departs from the “accepted” knowledge. In Illinois a coin was discovered which was made of which according to the Illinois State Geological Survey, is between 200,000 and 400,000 years old.

We are thrown into the dichotomy evolution VS creation as if this is all there is and anything else is forbidden to think about.

We are still taught Newtonian physics as the “be all” in physical sciences when “other kinds” of physics are studied, developed and utilized in the modern thinking of the 21st century. We are taught only what makes us conform to a certain worldview, and the whole point of this exercise is to enclose consciousness.

In all forms of education, there are still perpetual references to “fossil fuels” including at the college level.  How ridiculous is this when we have known since the 50s that oil is abiotic, which means it replenishes itself (see F William Engdahl “A Century of War“, and even more there are technologies that could replace oil right now. Imagine that!!! And yet we are continuing the same farce draining the planet of a lubricant that serves no other interests other than economic.

Did you know that in the late 1980’s, Stanley Meyer invented a car that could go from coast to coast in the United States on 21 gallons of water? What happened to that invention? Where is it? Our children are not learning about inventors such as Meyer in school, nor are they being encouraged to develop alternate fuel sources. In fact they are discouraged to think anything but the accepted version of fossil fuels.

Did you know how many cures for cancer have been discovered throughout the 20th century none of which has been worthy of further “investigation” by our mainstream medicine? Research this: Royal Raymond Rife – “The Cancer Cure That Worked“, as a little example of a great pattern.

I wonder how many things we don’t know and we don’t know we don’t know (to plagiarize Donald Rumsfeld in his by now famous speech). I have a strong questioning mind and I wonder, I just wonder what would happen if many parts of our true history were revealed? Probably it would turn every system of education upside down and the professors teaching “history” look like morons.

Television “Programming”?

Regular readers of this website know already my opinion about television. I made it clear in many articles posted here before. It is mind manipulation. Period. I made my case very concise based on simple NLP based thinking. And your knowledge of NLP linguistics should make this very clear. Most people tend to neglect this aspect – linguistics. But many people if not most people seem to have a blind belief that if an anchor head on an official news station says something, then surely it must be so.  They don’t realize that news has been scripted for decades in order to influence public opinion and the process is similar to the script used to make a movie.

This is literal mind manipulation and creation of a false reality and yet millions of people would rather do that than to learn something positive for themselves so they can become independent thinkers.  Not speaking of inventing something that could benefit all humanity.

Your mind is distracted as much as possible with no time to think critically or independently, so much that you begin to believe that television is reality and reality in the world around you is fiction. You become a 2nd grade thinker preoccupied only with your favorite sports team or the latest contestant on a reality show. And that is not even real. Reality shows are a fake. There is nothing real in there and yet you believe it. And you wonder how reality is constructed for you?

What Should You Do?

If all is well and happy in your life do nothing else. In fact your values (as we know from the NLP Master Practitioner training) will not motivate you to do anything else but what you’re presently doing. But if certain areas of your life don’t work, then you must begin to change something. Start asking different questions, use your critical thinking and trust your gut. Your intuition is telling you something is wrong. You may not know what, but you have the internet at your fingertips. Use wise discrimination based on facts when researching anything, including anything that’s on this website.  If your gut tells you there’s something wrong, then chances are, there is something wrong. Research and learn something new and useful that allows you to change it.  What else is NLP useful for but making our lives better?

Until next time, be well.


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