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NLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James CoNLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James CoNLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James Co

What Else Is Possible With NLP And Time Line Therapy™? By Camelia Paduraru

camelia  By Camelia Paduraru – Guest writer

Ever since I got into the world of NLP, my ideas of what’s possible have been constantly challenged. I fell in love with seeing transformation in and around me, I’m doing breakthrough sessions with clients since 2009, and I’ve never ceased to be amazed by the results that one can get with NLP and Time Line Therapy™.

When she contacted me, V. was pregnant and diagnosed with epilepsy for more than 13 years. For all that time, she’d been on and off drugs, on and off symptoms: severe seizures at the beginning, lighter in the following years, but never really gone. Even if the crisis wouldn’t imply losing consciousness each time, they used to exhaust her, interfere with her sleeping patterns, keeping her constantly worried, tired and afraid of the diagnosis. She studied Psychology, so she approached her symptoms “alternatively” as well, pretending to be this cool, “no doctors” girl, as she described herself. Drug addiction and substance abuse is becoming a big problem in the states, if you are addicted or know someone who needs help, please visit this article about psychotherapy rehab.

By the time we spoke, being pregnant, she said, I got to a point where I do not want to make important decisions based on fear… I am ready to grow up and face everything I’ve been denying all these years… as I feel that right now it is not just me, but also the baby, who I am responsible for…”. Good thing there’s an excellent gynecological services like Columbus obgyn who has a dedicated team to every aspect of women’s health, bringing together the latest technology and medical advancements with years of experience.

She wanted me to help her discover the root cause of her problem, being motivated to work with herself and do whatever it took to get rid of it for good. After she completed her first tasks successfully, we went through a detailed personal history and discovered that seizures were closely connected to states of anxiety and a strategy built in her mind based on the anticipation of seizures had she happened to wake up at night.

We did a full intervention to get rid of all major negative emotions with Time Line Therapy™, as well as to reverse a limiting decision: the point when her unconscious mind decided to create the symptoms. The moment she got the root cause was a big “ahaaa” for her, I could see a huge shift in her physiology and that instant, I knew it was gone.

Becoming aware of our responsibility in creating the reality of our lives is always tremendously empowering. She taught and disciplined her mind to focus on what she wants, we put the goal of being totally healthy into her future time line, went on with post intervention tasks and now, 3 months later, an excerpt from one of her e-mails sounds like this:

Dear Cami,
I am sending you warm wishes from Helsinki.
I have good news! Our baby boy was born on Tuesday, at 10:41, in Helsinki hospital. Robert was there with us and it went really well… It is amazing to be a mother and I hope we will be as happy as we are now, forever! 🙂

Regarding the “epilepsy” topic, I managed to attend the EEG test during pregnancy and the doctor called me one day after my labor. She told me that there was something in the temporal part of the brain, but similar “brain waves” are common in people with no epilepsy. So we agreed that if I have no symptoms, I can stay off drugs… And I have no symptoms, so in the end it turned out to be a very happy “end”. 🙂

One of those things that wake you up in the morning.
So, who else is willing to explore the realm of what’s possible?


  • Brett Ellis

    November 4, 2013 - 22:09

    I love this article Camelia!!

    Awesome work 🙂

  • Elyse Hargreaves

    April 26, 2014 - 17:25

    Amazing work Camelia. Truly amazing when you can help someone in such a positive way. May you continue to shine your light on others 🙂

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