NLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James CoNLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James CoNLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James Co
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NLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James CoNLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James CoNLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James Co

Does NLP (or Time Line Therapy®) Work For Anxiety?

NLP Coaching

Here is an answer, two pages or less, to a common question in NLP. (The NLP technique we use for anxiety is Time Line Therapy®.)

Since Sigmund Freud called it “angst” (which relates to anxiety and fear), Anxiety has been one of the most commonly heard complaints by therapists and councilors. If it persists over some time, Anxiety can interfere with work, relationships and even your sleep. If Anxiety reaches the stage of panic then it can be really disabling.

Emotionally, the basis for Anxiety is Fear, but unlike Fear, which relates primarily to the past, Anxiety is a future oriented emotion. So, Anxiety is basically Fear of the future. The procedure for treating Anxiety is as simple and easy as any other NLP or Time Line Therapy® technique. The process can be done by children as young as age 3 and adults as old as 90 years. Simply put, we treat Fear first and then Anxiety. The two emotions are, however treated differently.

Using Time Line Therapy®, Fear (related to the past) is treated in the same way as any other negative emotion: it is released using the process for releasing negative emotions. Anxiety, though relating to the future can also be released using Time Line Therapy®, although the procedure is different. Simply put, the client is asked to imagine floating above his Time Line and to go to a point above and after the “successful completion” of the event. In virtually every case, the Anxiety disappears at that point.

Time Line Therapy® is so effective in treating Anxiety, that it has been used by the British Military’s Warrior Project for PTSD, and by Russian Psychologists to treat the soldiers traumatized in the Chechen war. Here is an excerpt from a Russian web site with the study that included Time Line Therapy®. The results included, “Solving of individual problems of participants-decreasing of anxiety and depression, reestablishment of the cycle ‘sleep-awaking’…

“Psychotherapy and psychological help was based on Five-steps model by N. Peseschcian- 10h. There was used: First interview, specially selected Eastern stories, that give intuitive dimension to consulting, Time-Line Therapy, techniques of empty chair and non-finished letter, that help to part with lost relative, ask to forgive. “Group training was counted on 20 days (2 days, 10h. a day). The quantity of participants was more than 20 persons.”

3 more thoughts:

  1. Can You Do It?

Some people worry about whether they can go deep enough to get results. Time Line Therapy® is designed to work in the lightest level of trance, and without hypnosis. Going deeper doesn’t make it work faster or better. With the Time Line Therapy® technique, going deep isn’t required, and that really reduces up the time taken.

  1. Time Line Therapy® techniques are “content-free.”

You don’t have to relive the events, or to even know the content of the event that created the negative emotion or the limiting belief. It’s just a matter of allowing your unconscious mind to locate the original root cause in your past. Your unconscious mind already knows where the cause is located. Not having to consciously know, analyze or revisit the content of what happened speeds up the process and is particularly beneficial to those not wanting to re-experience events which might have been uncomfortable, unpleasant or even traumatic.

  1. The results of Time Line Therapy™ are not temporary.

The negative emotions or limiting beliefs are released once and for all. They are not just buried. So, you can begin your new life today!


  • Brett

    May 4, 2015 - 23:29

    Hello Everyone!

    An excellent article!

    Is it as easy as it sounds? YES IT IS! I have been using these techniques with clients since 2006 successfully, every time!

    In my early days of working with clients I was a little nervous for them to get their outcome. Huh! Now I expect it of ALL my clients – oh, by the way, I’ve worked with young children using Time Line Therapy® techniques and the only problem I have had is keeping up with them when I’m reading the script!

    Some kids wait for me while I finished reading the script even though they’ve finished the process and others delight in telling me they’re back and done before me. 🙂

  • Stephan Schafeitel

    May 5, 2015 - 06:49

    Great article! I always love doing Time Line Therapy® techniques with students & clients…especially when it’s their first time experiencing it. They are always shockingly surprised at how fast they get results. Then, when I follow up…the emotions are always still gone. That goes for releasing anxiety on single events in the future as well. Once they can imagine the event happening successfully, the anxiety always disappears. Pooof gone!

    Love this stuff…so amazing!

    • kelly heath-owens

      March 15, 2018 - 08:11

      any tips would be hugely welcomed. I have just passed my NLP, time line therapy and hypnosis course and my first clients are all for anxiety
      Kelly x

  • Jeremy J

    May 6, 2015 - 08:46

    My experience with TLT was phenomenal. Stephan had me feeling like I was floating on air afterwards! It stuck as well, I have not experienced the anxiety, fear or worry that I associated with everyday life.

    Great article.

    • Brett

      May 6, 2015 - 16:31

      Great to hear Jeremy – I always love to hear about people’s transformations! It’s a bit of a surprise releasing these things – a shock even – just to find out it’s possible!

      It’s no longer a secret – Time Line Therapy® is here for everyone!!

  • Ricardo Gomez

    May 11, 2015 - 19:02

    I love TLT Anxiety, its the easiest, simplest and fastest technique in that wonderful “toolbox” that we have, Tad James, Stephan, I couldnt thank you enough for teaching me (us) those life changing technique, my clients are…speechless for few seconds each time I use it 🙂

    Thank you!

  • Empowering Change Through Hypnosis Therapy - NLP Coaching Australia - Leading NLP Training Courses

    August 7, 2015 - 03:29

    […] Hypnosis therapy for anxiety – perhaps the most common among it’s long list of useful applications, hypnotherapy can be used to treat underlying causes of anxiety problems and adapt powerful relaxation techniques to better cope with daily stressors. […]

  • Kate Gladstone

    May 22, 2016 - 07:18

    Time Line Theapy didn’t work for me.

    • Margaret Mary Dizon aka Margie Dizon

      December 13, 2017 - 06:34

      Hi Kate,

      I get what you mean. When I was superbly new to this (and slightly opposed – after all, what was my previous ten years of training as a psychologist for? And why was this more superior than CBT with which I was trained for?), I didn’t quite get it. However, when I had access to amazing coaches (I was fortunate to have had both Drs. Adriana and Tad James) clarify that the learnings has to be positively for myself and only myself (it wasn’t meant for my mom, or sister, or partner) and for the future (not “should haves” or “could haves” in the past), the penny really dropped!

      I also found that as a therapist, I had to be congruent and firm with my client that they will get the learnings. I am no longer hesitant in reminding them to follow my instructions, including not to go in position #4 without my instructing them to do so.

      There are very specific steps to follow and no shortcuts can make the learnings come quicker. I am more than happy to run through the steps with you in exchange of energy. It has transformed my life as well as the clients I have seen and coached. I am so passionate about this technique as it beats the usual twenty sessions of CBT over several years that my clients would otherwise go through (if you can be bothered to attend them all, that is) hands down.

      Think well, feel well and be well!


  • Guy Brilando

    August 13, 2017 - 07:19

    @ Kate – the only reason it wouldn’t work is the removal of secondary gain didn’t happen first. Many skip this step which is the most vital of all. Get with a therapist that understands the significance of secondary gain to help you remove it and TLT will then absolutely work for you!

  • Margaret Mary Dizon aka Margie Dizon

    December 13, 2017 - 06:37

    P.s., my youngest ever client was five years old and his grandfather who was a witness in our therapy session was completely blown away with the elegance of this technique! So much so, he asked if he could do it with me after his grandson finished. My biggest conplement and compliment of all!


    December 18, 2017 - 19:16

    […] Does NLP (or Time Line Therapy®) Work For Anxiety? – Anxiety in this day and age can be a very common presenting problem for people, even young children! Imagine being able to stop anxiety in its tracks and create lasting change without having to relive the content of certain events. Take a look at this week’s second article by Dr. Tad James and learn how specifically NLP and Time Line Therapy(R) can work for anxiety. […]

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