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NLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James CoNLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James CoNLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James Co

Am I Changing? By LJ Hunyady

image BY  LJ Hunyady

It seems like yesterday was the beginning of the new year, and I just completed the clean-up in my office. Going through my “stuff” is always a revelation of how much I did last year. Sorting out bills and receipts for taxes, “to do” notes, the shelf with new books, the old computers and fully loaded disk drives, IPhone 5, the  old tablet, are all revealing a “progress” from a year ago.

A year zipped buy as fast as I am saying “swishhh” when helping a client “change” some unwanted behavior. Now, when I “cleaned” the “picture” folder on my computer, there I had the big surprise. I looked in the mirror to believe it; I just couldn’t comprehend the changes that happened in one year.

My face, my posture, my hair style and color, the smile , and when going more into “details” many other changes happened during the past 365 days. Now came the moment of “judgment”, is it for the better, , or worst? Well, I kept looking for the right answer and I couldn’t decide over it. Maybe you don’t have to go through this struggle, and I see that most of the people around, don’t do these evaluations and move on with their life, bitching and moaning about the weather, the traffic, the government, health insurance, securities, and don’t give a damn about what’s happening to themselves, to their life in general.

Well, I found out, obviously by making comparisons, that I am “different”, and I think I will keep it this way.

Nine years ago, I started practicing NLP, Hypnosis, Time Line Therapy® and META-Health™ on myself and noticed changes in my LJHunyadyenvironment. I noticed that, when listening to people, they were saying things that seemed strange, superficial and extremely shallow. Soon, I lost my interest in TV, the daily media gossip, the conspiracy theories, the soap operas, the new “Sopranos”, the “red carpet” events, the Super-bowl, and lo and behold,  I “knew” something happened.  Now, I noticed that during this time many of my friends “changed” too! Comparing to myself, they are older, they are stiffer, and what’s amazing they are happy with their “status quo”. They ignore the mirror, don’t have New Year resolutions, don’t clean up their drawers, or even their picture albums!

Now I was in a real trouble, I had to make up my mind, the contrast was unbearable and a choice was due, is it good, or bad, to make this yearly review? , What did I gain or lose, what shall I do this coming year, what will I gain by doing it? Why am I here, why am I concerned so much with my look? Why shall I spend my time teaching others? Will I achieve my goals? What will I do after that? Will I still have friends? How will I feel next year when I will do the checks and balances? ,

Well, it took me a while, but I got to the bottom of it, and I thought I will share my conclusions with you, so you might get rid of your anxiety too. First I noticed that I am healthier than most of the people my age and most of the ones 30-40 years younger. I have more energy and enthusiasm than almost everyone I know, I have a wonderful wife and daughter whom I love dearly, I have all my friends from the books I read. I have the “thanks” from the people I help find a way to recover from their chronic of untreatable illnesses, help fix their broken marriages, children with ADD, husbands with addictions, anxiety, depression, allergies, traumas and phobias, to only mention a few. They are happy with what I am doing, so I guess I will hang around for a while. Relating to addictions, consider visiting this website to know how to face, deal and recover from different types of addiction. Also, this page about them has a mission to “Share Without Shame.”

Maintaining youthful at any age and being useful to others will continue to bring the greatest satisfaction in my life. So here it is, happiness has no scale of measurement, no quantification, it is , or it is not! I changed, my environment changed, my truth changed, my look changed, my health changes every day for the better and all of this will continue to do so in the future too!

I know now, that happiness has a measure in my own “magic mirror” and “I” will continue to look into it to see that young, healthy guy who is living the life he was granted to live for himself as an empowered individual, to keep kicking and enjoying every moment of it.

See Ya around! L.J.