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B.F. Skinner Meets C.G.Jung on NLP Coaching Website

One of our student graduates sent me one of those chain email things that keep circulating in the internet ether forever. Usually I don’t bother to even look at those since I have so little time to spare, but something made me read this one. Given that I am on a thinking spree about how different thinking is in different values and the consequences arising from this process, I immediately thought of B. F. Skinner and C.G. Jung as an example of values levels conflicts.

In the past year I posted several articles in which I mentioned operant conditioning in which a referred to B. F. Skinner so I will not bore you again with the same here.
Here are the articles for your reference:

What If Everything You Know is Wrong?

Seeing Beyond the Screen of Your Own Limitations

What Everybody Ought to Know About Mind Programming Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3

Fear Can Keep You Docile and Under Control

Nevertheless, I thought the following little tidbit of an urban myth – if the experiment wasn’t really performed – is telling. I also added at the end, for contrast a quote from ” C.G. Jung, Phenomena Resulting from the Assimilation of the Unconscious, Relations Between the Ego and the Unconscious, Collected Works, Vol. 7.

There is nothing else I could possible say after Jung’s quote.


“A collective attitude naturally presupposes the same collective psyche in others. But that means a ruthless disregard not only of individual differences but also of differences of a more general kind within the collective psyche itself, as for example differences of race. This disregard for individuality obviously means the suffocation of the single individual, as a consequence of which the element of differentiation is obliterated from the community. The element of differentiation is the individual. All the highest achievements of virtue, as well as the blackest villainies, are individual. [,]

“Naturally the only thing that can thrive in such an atmosphere is sociality and whatever is collective in the individual. Everything individual in him goes under, i.e., is doomed to repression. The individual elements lapse into the unconscious, where, by the law of necessity, they are transformed into something essentially baleful, destructive, and anarchical.[,]

Any large company composed of wholly admirable persons has the morality and intelligence of an unwieldy, stupid, and violent animal. The bigger the organization, the more unavoidable is its immorality and blind stupidity. (Senatus bestia, senatores boni viri). Society, by automatically stressing all the collective qualities in its individual representatives, puts a premium on mediocrity, on everything that settles down to vegetate in an easy, irresponsible way. Individuality will inevitably be driven to the wall. This process begins in school, continues at the university, and rules all departments in which the State has a hand.

“Now, all that I have said here about the influence of society upon the individual is identically true of the influence of the collective unconscious upon the individual psyche. But, as is apparent from my examples, the latter influence is as invisible as the former is visible. Hence it is not surprising that its inner effects are not understood, and that those whom such things happen are called pathological freaks and treated as crazy. If one of them happen to be a real genius, the fact would not be noted until the next generation or the one after. So obvious does it seem to us that a man should drown in his own dignity, so utterly incomprehensible that he should seek anything other than what the mob wants, and that he should vanish permanently from view in this other. One could wish both of them a sense of humor, that – according to Schopenhauer – truly “divine” attribute of man which alone benefits him to maintain his soul in freedom.”

Until next time, be well.



  • Brett Ellis

    July 6, 2015 - 21:48

    Wow! This is a great article for me – I say this because I don’t get it!!??? Well, I think I get a bit of it so I probably don’t get what I need to get.

    I get the beating part, oh so much do I get that! I guess this is part of the hard work? I’m not sure what the message in this article is for me?? As I do know that everyone will get the message for them that’s best for them where they are.

    I’m totally bamboozled by this one!!! In the old days, when I was a very good value level 3 Rambo – I would have just beat them all back and kept climbing the ladder for bananas, but, in these days, as mentioned in the article, the unconscious collective is unseen. In the old days for me I could see the ones attempting to beat my up and so I just did it better than them and beat them back and got the bananas. Now not so much so!!

    Now I find myself being beat by the unseen, that’s a hard one for me!! Not sure if I ignore the beatings from the unconscious collective and just keep climbing the ladder or what?

    This seems to be the hardest thing I’ve had to think out. It’s got me!??

    Thoughts anyone?????

  • Chris

    July 8, 2015 - 02:23

    We are all being taught to conform. Monkey see – Monkey do, and if you dare go against the ‘norm’, you are outcast. Seeing as humans are social creatures, to be outcast or rejected could be devastating for an individual. We are certainly not encouragaged (in most cases) to think or act outside ‘the box’.

    • Brett Ellis

      July 8, 2015 - 16:50

      That’s it Chris!!! I totally agree – that’s the part that was missing in me understanding the article! Lol – I get it! Haha I completed another loop!

      Well, joined one up anyway. I understood outside the box in other contextual areas, now you mention it in the context of the article, I’ve expanded those understandings further!

      Thanks for your comments! Awesome timing for me!! 🙂

  • Sophie

    July 9, 2015 - 14:40

    Reading this article I immediately thought about my own transition from value level 3 into 4. During this process I noticed that family and many friends took this personally,even though the transition was my own experience, they did not understand why I set my boundaries and still continue to do so, especially in areas where I used to play the part, and now decline to do so.

    • Brett Ellis

      July 9, 2015 - 15:03

      It’s interesting isn’t it Sophie! It’s possible that you have stepped out of Value level 2 in order to complete value level 3 in the context of family and relationships. I recall Dr Adriana James mentioning to me that Value level 3 is a somewhat unacceptable value level to complete on the planet nowadays. So setting your boundaries here may serve you and others well!!??

      Of course there may be other values levels running but, oftentimes people step out of value level 2 – “the clannish us” to complete or do value level 3, where awareness as an individual springs forth. As I mentioned about other values levels operating, it could be that you are transforming in value level 7 and to do that sometimes a person will resolve issues in lower values levels, in which case, value level 3 may provide you with some much needed self Acceptance!?

      That being said, you mentioned boundaries! Could it be possible that you may feel your boundaries are being run over in the area of your own competencies with family and relationships? If so, then you may have found a place at this website to share your ideas with a lot of people at one time and assist others to get on the path while allowing someone to help heal something important to you!?

      If this is the case, which I couldn’t tell without further questioning, then it sounds to me like your on the path you need to be on right now! How does this sound to you?

      • Sophie

        July 9, 2015 - 15:26

        Thanks Brett, this sounds wonderful to me!!! I do remember that as I was transitioning, I moved through major guilt of feelings that I was leaving my family and friends behind. Then I realized that this was my decision and that I can do, be and have what I want in my life and that if others that did not see that this way, was totally up to them.

        I found that it was important for me to maintain the strength of my own integrity in the decision that I had made, in such a way that will continue to assist me in achieving my results. I have also realized that through this process I have gained a strength and courage in and of myself that I did not know was inside, and now I feel excited about what else I can do!!! And now, I also realize that I am realizing many realizations lol.

      • Brett Ellis

        July 9, 2015 - 15:36

        Excellent Sophie! Sounds like you may have closed a loop there!!Great commitment!! 🙂

      • Fini Todd

        July 11, 2015 - 19:36

        If i wore a hat, I would take it off to you Sophie 😉 hehe! One elegant, determined and strong woman right there!!

  • Fini Todd

    July 11, 2015 - 19:46

    hmmmm this one has me thinking too and wondering, as did Brett, what is my learning to take from this article…..Awareness and consistency is what is coming up for me! Having awareness through critical thinking and acting from a place that is my own AND consistently doing so. Consistency for me also means patiently and confidently moving forward to MY outcome…..and I can do this with or without any monkey beatings. The one with the greatest flexibility controls the system comes to mind….

    Thank you for another opportunity to learn Adriana 🙂

    • Dwayne Mercorella

      July 11, 2015 - 22:38

      Fini im with you totally. weather the supressive system be initiated in our minds or be comming from the outside, the tools and techniques in order to overcome them are the same. To become neutral so that you have the ability to see outside of the box. He who has the most fexability in behaviour controls the system !!! If your in rapport with the system, then you can move in and out when you please. perhaps a smart monkey could creat a distraction for those other monkeys and when the time was right strolled up that ladder and grabbed those bananas hehe, or maybe even realise that having or not having bananas matters none. i have sat and wondered before as to what it would be like if there were no collective system in place and weather or not this would be a positive thing or not, or even if there was a better system that supported growth of the individual ? the more i thought about it i concluded with the fact that it wouldnt matter what system was in place, moving through values levels transitions would find you at one point needing to overcome those boundaries in order to progress. Our own neurological path ways have that of a system, a specific pathway in your neurology and through NLP, Time Line therapy and hypnosis we blow the boundaries of these micro systems. its demonstrated perfectly when working with clients, we are in rapport with the client there for respecting there model of the world and at the same time assiting them to blow the boundaries of there current model of the wolrd or (system). Weather or not we are bound to a system or not is merely an intervetion away haha So my question would be….. Whats the problem ?

      Super rad article Adriana

      • Fini Todd

        July 12, 2015 - 16:41

        YES! Exactly Dwayne, exactly what I was thinking 🙂 Funny that hahaha You elaborated perfectly on my train of thought and in doing so I learned more again!

    • Brett Ellis

      July 11, 2015 - 23:40

      I like that Fini – CONSISTENCY – there’s a key word popping up in my life! Thanks for the confirmation!

      So, currently I’m noticing that for me to consistently succeed I run belief in myself that I can do what I desire to do successfully. Sure the time factor may vary a bit, so goal setting with Time Line Therapy® is paramount for me!!

      Thanks for pointing that out!! 🙂

      • Brett Ellis

        July 11, 2015 - 23:45

        Hey Dwayne, cool reminder for me, step to the left, step to the right on my way through obstacles!face what I need to and pay the rest no attention! No feeding unwanted areas!! Yup! I get that my friend!!

        Cheers 🙂

      • Brett Ellis

        July 11, 2015 - 23:47

        Hey Dwayne,

        Cool reminder for me, step to the left, step to the right on my way through obstacles!face what I need to and pay the rest no attention! No feeding unwanted areas!! Yup! I get that my friend!!

        Cheers 🙂

  • Lauren

    July 12, 2015 - 05:24

    This article had me thinking for ages and still does, I started to write a similar post in alignment with the other post to this article, which I agree with all of them and had realizations and leanings from reading every post submitted! Thank You!

    I personally learned from this article about MY critical thinking and to ask intelligent questions that lead me to answering them within the question itself, That now assists me in completing unresolved stuff and open loops, realizing there is no problem (cold water).

    Wow this one was a BIG one for me!! !

    • Brett Ellis

      July 12, 2015 - 21:06

      It’s a great resource, this website isn’t it Lauren! Even greater that the contributions for comments and replies “pay it forward” in a thread that ripples like the pebble in the pond and we can all support each other to growth!

      Lol, and it’s free!! Not much of that around nowadays 🙂

      Your comment has me thinking further now. Now I’m thinking and paying attention to how I’m applying my realizations from this article and the comments and replies in mastering the physical and I’m finding new opportunities that I felt a little out of sorts with are now exciting movement and desire to act further than before!

      Thanks for your comment and sharing! These comments and replies have all helped me grow!! More power to us all and it’s great to share that power! Kudos to US! 🙂

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