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Arthur Bablis – Master Hypnosis Trainer’s Training 2017

Induction Following Ambroise Li̩beault (1823 Р1904)
By Arthur Bablis

Imagine being able to go in trance quickly and easily, simply using suggestion,
Today we are going to demonstrate such a simple induction from Ambroise-Auguste Liébeault, founder of The Nancy School of Hypnotism and a pioneer in modern hypnotherapy.

Ambroise Liébeault was a French physician and was born in 1823 in Favières, a small town in the Lorraine region of France. He completed his medical degree at the University of Strasbourg in 1850. While studying medicine at Strasbourg, read a book on animal magnetism and was immediately interested in this phenomena. He was largely influenced by the works of James Braid and Abbe Faria and he decided to incorporate the techniques he had read about into his own medical practice he established at the age of 26 in a small village just outside the town of Nancy.

His approach to his patients was also unusual. Because many of his patients were relatively poor, uneducated, and superstitious rural people, they feared the mysterious reputation that surrounded hypnotism. To obtain their consent, Liébeault therefore presented them with a choice: they could either be treated using traditional methods and drugs for a fee, or they could agree to be treated by hypnotism for free.

Liébeault’s therapeutic originality consisted in breaking away from the then traditional magnetic cures. His methods would have each patient stare deeply into his eyes while he repeatedly gave them the instruction to sleep. Once the patients were induced into a light sleep-like state, he would assert that whatever symptoms the patient was currently debilitated by would soon disappear completely.

Word began to spread of his healing ability and soon Liébeault chose to abandon his orthodox way of treating patients and began to treat them solely with hypnotherapy. He was viewed as a fool by many of his colleagues for using hypnosis as a treatment for patients, but this changed in 1882 when word reached Hippolyte Bernheim, a fellow medical student from Strasbourg. Bernheim was so impressed with Liébeault and his work that together they co-founded the famous Nancy school of Hypnotism.

The main, fundamental beliefs of the Nancy School was that the hypnotic suggestibility was a trait that is closely related to a characteristic of general suggestibility and that the hypnotic state was normal for the human body to enter.

In 1904 Liébeault passed away in the town of Nancy, leaving behind a strong legacy and influence on the still developing field of hypnosis. Many today agree that Liébeault was one of the fathers of modern hypnotherapy.


The induction demonstrated is described in, John Bramwell’s book, Hypnotism: “Its History, Practice and Theory “, 1906 and is found all the way down on the bottom of page 41.

“Please sit down, relax,, and empty your head, “

“Do not think of anything, just empty your head and look into my eyes,”

“Your eyes are getting heavy,. your limbs feel numb,.. you are becoming more and more drowsy ,,”
(up to 5 min if needed)

“Sleep, “


“Allow your Unconscious mind to know now that you are an excellent Hypnosis Trainer. You have now organized everything that you have learned during the hypnosis trainers training, so as its now easy to remember, easy to recall, easy to utilize, and you will say the right thing at the right time. You are a great hypnotherapist and trainer. You are revered by your colleagues and students. You always attract the best students who are eager to learn and grow with you. You are earning an abundance of money. Always having enough money to do what you want, whenever you want and with whom you want and when you want. You are always having fun as a hypnotherapist and trainer and always in all ways assist your clients and students to reach and express their best version of themselves playing your part in transforming the planet for the better. And you will know that immediately”.


In a moment, I’m going to count from 1 to 5 and you with each number, you will awaken 1/5 the of the way coming out of trance more and more. By the time I reach the number 5 and only then, your eyes will open and you will be wide awake,. you will feel completely awake, relaxed and revitalized , and you will be sure that you are now an excellent Hypnosis Trainer

1,. coming slowly out of trance now

2,. Feeling a sense of revitalisation flowing through your whole body now

3,. Feeling more alert now,

4,. Getting ready to open your eyes, and

5 , Open your eyes, Wide awake and notice how great you feel.

Induction using Kinesiology as an Ideo-motor Signal
By Arthur Bablis

Did you know that Kinesiology really is an ideomotor signal? Would you like to know what is happening when the kinesiologist is pushing down on your arm?

I know you may now be wondering.. what does that actually mean?

Well, if I was to define Kinesiology briefly, it simply means the science of movement and specifically how your body moves, and an ideomotor signal is a way of communicating with the unconscious mind through signals.

So the real question to ask here is … How can Kinesiology be used to communicate with the unconscious mind and quickly and swiftly induce trance now?

Today we are going to demonstrate a kinesthetic induction that looks nothing like hypnosis and is on the cutting edge by integrating Kinesiology & Hypnosis and using Kinesiology as an ideomotor signal, communicating with the unconscious mind which means you are going in trance now.

So what do we need to know about Kinesiology in order to make this work?

The word Kinesiology is derived from two Greek words “kinesi” meaning movement and “ology” that means the word, the knowledge or the study of. In fact, the exact linguistic definition is the study of the mechanics of body movements. These movements are generated by muscles and by testing the integrity of these muscles and how they interplay together to create fluid movement of the body is essentially the core of Kinesiology.

In the 1960 ²s Dr. George Goodheart, a Chiropractor, integrated muscle testing & kinesiology with Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). He gathered together a team of 12 Chiropractors, they called themselves “The Dirty Dozen” and in 1965 through their research, Goodheart developed a system called Applied Kinesiology. What he did was combine the understanding of the body and muscles from the west with the understanding of Chi (Life Force) and optimum health from the East.

To explain TCM in short, the Chinese say we have an inherent life force, an energy, an energy they call Chi or Qi. This Chi flows through the body through pathways called meridians. When the Chi is flowing freely unimpeded through these meridians the Chinese believe optimum health can be experienced. When the Chi is blocked, it is this block that can lead to ill health and dis-ease in the body. Goodheart and his team discovered that certain muscles in the body had a special relationship and connection with these pathways and by testing these muscles manually you could determine which energetic pathway was indeed blocked. Once determining the block then a health intervention such as nutrition, tactile stimulation, massage etc would be applied to restore the flow of chi and health again.

In the 1974 the field of Kinesiology again evolved and Dr John Thie, one of the original dirty dozen, introduced a system called Touch For Health and here muscle testing, in addition to being used to test the flow of chi in the body, was used to test the body’s response to thoughts, ideas, goals and affirmations. What started out merely as a simple muscle test to see how your body responds to a thought was actually a communication with the unconscious mind and the response is indeed an ideomotor signal.

The reason I have chosen to demonstrate this induction is that I have been trained as a Kinesiologist since 1997. In fact, I was trained by Dr Doris Airey, Tony Lilley and Dr Bruce Dewe to name a few. Dr Dewe is the founder of the world renown Professional Kinesiology Practitioner Program and his mentors where Dr Goodheart and Dr Thie themselves. At the same time in 1997, I completed my first NLP & Hypnosis Training with Dr Tad James and since then for over 21 years I have combined these tools with thousands of clients and students.

Every time I have used Kinesiology and muscle testing to test a thought, the response I received was a communication with the unconscious mind, an ideomotor signal and that means you are in trance now,


“Please stand comfortably, relax ,. and do you notice a chair behind you,. ”

“In moment I am going to do a series of muscle tests and that necessitates that I touch you and hold your arms, is that ok?


“Ok I would like you to now raise both your arms to about 30 or 40 degrees in front of your body and relax your wrist and fingers,. That’s Right”
(Practitioner demonstrates original testing position to client)

“Ok now I want you to think about something that is positive something that is good for you, and as you do that and hold that thought now, I am going to place some downward pressure on your arms and I want you to meet my pressure and see if you can keep your arms there, OK. Here we go, think of something positive, have you got that,”
(Once the client has a positive thought the Practitioner pushes downwards on the client’s arms, The arms will LOCK)

“Ok now I want you to think about something that is negative something that is stressing for you, and as you do that and hold that thought now, I am going to place some downward pressure on your arms and I want you to meet my pressure and see if you can keep your arms there, OK. Here we go, think of something negative, have you got that,”
(Once the client has a negative thought the Practitioner pushes downwards on the client’s arms, The arms will UNLOCK)

“Good.. notice the difference?”
(Before next muscle test Practitioner brings client’s arms back up to the original testing position for the client)

“Ok now I want you say, My name is ,..(clients actual name),..”
(Once the client says “My name is (clients actual name), the Practitioner pushes downwards on the client’s arms, The arms will LOCK)

“Ok now I want you say, My name is ,..(use a different name),..”
(Once the client says “My name is (a different name), the Practitioner pushes downwards on the client’s arms, The arms will UNLOCK)

“Notice the difference?….. and that means you have communicated with your unconscious mind and ,. you are in trance now ,.. and by sitting back comfortably in the chair you will close your eyes and go even deeper in trance , that’s right,.. deeper asleep, sound, sound asleep”


“Allow your Unconscious Mind get in touch with the blueprint of perfect health and healing that exists in the deepest area of the Unconscious Mind in an area that some people call the Higher Self, and transfer it to the blueprint that the Unconscious Mind uses to create the body and to create optimum health and vitality. Allow your unconscious mind to now organize these resources that you have and everything that you have learnt at the Hypnosis Trainers Training, so that it’s now easy to remember, easy to recall, easy to utilize, and you will feel healthy, vital and energetic, always at the right time. You are an energetic masterful hypnotherapist and trainer. Always having fun on stage and always in all ways assist your clients and students to reach and express their best version of themselves playing your part in transforming the planet for the better. And you will know that immediately”.


In a moment, I’m going to count from 1 to 5 and you with each number, you will awaken 1/5 the of the way coming out of trance more and more. By the time I reach the number 5 and only then, your eyes will open and you will be wide awake,. you will feel completely awake, relaxed and revitalized , and you will be sure that you are now an excellent Hypnosis Trainer

1,. coming slowly out of trance now

2,. Feeling a sense of revitalisation flowing through your whole body now

3,. Feeling more alert now,

4,. Getting ready to open your eyes, and

5 , Open your eyes, Wide awake and notice how great you feel.

Part 1

Part 2

About the Author: Arthur Bablis

Arthur is well qualified in many disciplines. He has completed degrees in Economics & Marketing as well as in Health Sciences. He is qualified as a Master Practitioner & Trainer in NLP, Coaching, Time Line Therapy® & Kinesiology and is a Master Trainer of Hypnosis. His journey with NLP & Drs. Adriana & Tad James started in 1997. He studied NLP & Hypnosis and integrated these power packed modalities with his training in natural medicine & Kinesiology. Since then he has in helped, both personally and through his training, over 10,000 professionals in the wellness industry to evolve their mindset and upskill themselves with the latest in human change technologies so that they can get better results in life and with their clients.

His business is a leading provider of educational programs in NLP, Hypnosis & Kinesiology, empowering wellness professionals to evolve their career, transform their business and ultimately live a life with purpose. We wake up each morning knowing and having the intention that everything we do, we do to play our part in “generating a ripple effect of positive change worldwide” and alongside the Tad James Co. “transform the planet”.

1 Comment

  • Carol Irvine

    October 24, 2017 - 16:25

    I really enjoyed reading and watching; thank you for sharing; Inspiring to read more. Looks like fun.

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