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NLP Values and the Evolution of Consciousness Part 9

We’re far advanced in a mini-series of articles dedicated to NLP Values and the Evolution of Consciousness – after all this is part 9. If you have not read the previous articles in this series you can find them here: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8.

We covered a lot of ground in our previous posts, and we touched briefly onto the issues arising from different ways of thinking belonging to different values levels thinking. This is one of the most important parts of this series of articles; it resides at the core of our troubles as a society and as a global “race of human beings”. For those of you who don’t really care about the whole race of human beings, you should consider that it also resides at the core of your relationships problems, or your parent-child relationship troubles, work disagreements, family misunderstandings and predicaments I could go on for several pages giving you example after example.

We found out so far that there are several very important points to remember in understanding of values levels. For the sake of saving space I will not attach them here again – you can read them in Part 1

However I would like to add another important point.

  1. The words a person is using to describe his/her own values may be of a higher values level than the neurology of the body.

Usually you see combinations like VL 2 neurology with VL 4 values as words, VL 3 neurology with VL 5 sounding vocabularies, VL 4 neurology with VL 6 “love and light” concepts, VL 5 neurology with VL 7 …

As we had an example in our last VidChat the “Burning Man” Woodstock event is not VL 6 (again I am not talking about the individuals present there, but the event itself), rather a VL 4-6 type event.

In fact this is mostly the rule rather than the exception. There is a reason for that but it is beyond the purpose of this series so we will not discuss it here.

Previously we also concluded that – logically – a lower values level cannot understand or comprehend a higher values level thinking. And this is true for the readers of this article. Each of you will take and use the information presented here in your own fashion and according to your values level thinking – and that’s perfectly all right with me.

As an example VL 4 thinking will not understand or even fathom the entrepreneurial VL 5 desire. It cannot “get it”. It will say: “Go get a decent job, don’t go around doing sales for your own business.” As one of my grand-grandmothers said to my father while I was travelling in Europe at international competitions: “Get her back home immediately. Don’t let her go all over the place. What career? She needs to get married and have children. Get your daughter back to decency!” I’ll let you decide what values level thinking that was.

A lower values level will think of the one above as being inferior. Example: VL 4 will think of a VL 5 as being a VL 3. The hypothetical VL 4 person has not arrived yet at VL 5 and these concerns are as foreign to him as the next galaxy. All s/he knows is the chaotic, scheming, lying, cheating behaviors of VL 3 which s/he needs to make it right and bring it back to the moral values from the book!

Now think of what VL 4 governments think of middle class small business owners stationed in and around VL 5? Will the government (by definition VL 4) be supportive? Of course not – they would think of the VL 5s as being VL 3s and thus a threat to “stability and common good” of society. Now think even further – what does the government understand from VL 6, 7 and 8? VL 7 is trying to find functional solutions to the chaotic world but how could a VL 4 body of politicians (notice I don’t take them as individuals since individually every person is different), but as a body, how could they deal congruently and competently with these more complex values levels?

How can they deal appropriately with GRIN technologies which are even above the comprehension of 99.9999999% of all people? How could they deal with the “master builder” thinking in VL 5? How will they react to brand new tactics and stratagems in the world like the human micro-chipping plan (see this article here as reported recently by the BBC)? How will they understand the huge impact of genetic modification of organisms and the wider ramifications on the existence of humanity as we know it? Will they have enough flexibility and complexity of thinking to deal with all these issues in a functional manner? And the answer is of course – they will all handle it according to their individual complexity of thinking.

Now think of the majority of the world – solid VL 2-3-4 thinking people. How could they deal appropriately with the massive transformation through which our world is going right now? Most likely they don’t even notice it.

Now let’s talk a little about VL 8.

VL8 has to do with blending all individuals on Earth into a cohesive and congruent mass called humanity while focusing on the good of all. It also has to do with in integration of the Self into the Whole (careful it is not the fuzzy VL 6 concept of “oneness”) – here the whole refers (1). To humanity as a whole and (2) into the greater galactic and universal whole where the Self is served as well as the Whole.

Since VL 8 is nascent there are many ways of thinking which we do not recognize yet since as a society we are not there yet. Suffice to say that the complexity of problems arising at this level cannot be solved by a single individual no matter how knowledgeable or intelligent s/he is.. It is a little like the butterfly impact – a butterfly flapping its wings in South America will have an impact on the weather on the planet. An action on this planet will impact the whole solar system, and the galaxy and beyond.

A major difference between VL 8 and VL 6 (although both are communitarian in nature) is that VL 6 wants acceptance and harmony while VL 8 has an intention and a purpose. Different from VL 6, in VL 8 the group is united conceptually not necessarily physically (no hugs and sharing of feelings are needed). This type of thinking is evident in alternative healing methods (as in Meta-Healing approaches) or complex holistic methods (no folks I am not talking here about ear candling or Bach Flower remedies, or burning incense which as nice as they are, they belong to VL 6). I am talking about complex approaches like Dr Gonzales’s enzymatic therapy, or audio frequency by which cancer cells are destroyed,(see Dr. Royal Raymond Rife double bubble ray tube and his machine here which as an aside was developed in the 1930s) just to mention a scarce bunch of examples.

In this thinking the connection between business transactions and metaphysics is being remade. It is a thinking that puts all the humans beings on earth together without the pathologies inherent in the new world governance. Intuition and instinct regain value, and the mind is admittedly non-local. Different qualities of the human being which were repressed through conditioning in VL 2-6 regain status of importance, while the interconnected cause and effects in the world are elevated at a whole new level of understanding. Everything is interconnected and everything is interdependent in this new thinking therefore handling simultaneous and parallel realities is not a problem. You will do well to remember that since VL 7 thinking started the thinking is accustomed to handling paradoxes easily and without any cognitive strain.

There is more to VL 8 and we will go through the rest in the next article and Part 10 of this series.

Until then, be well

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