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NLP Values and the Evolution of Consciousness Part 10

We already are deep into this mini-series dedicated to NLP Values and the Evolution of Consciousness (nine parts). If you missed the beginning parts of this article, you can find all the other parts here – Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9. Without the understanding presented in these parts it will be difficult for you to reach the point where you should be for this present article to make sense. There are also 12 important points to remember when you assess your and other people’s type of thinking according to the values levels which in our NLP Master Practitioner trainings we call “the Values Levels” based on the initial research done in the 70s by Dr. Clare Graves.

For the sake of saving space, I will not attach here again the 12 important points to remember. You can review them here in Part 7 keeping in mind that in Part 9  we attached point number 12 to the list. Point 12 was: “The words a person is using to describe his/her own values may be of a higher values level than the neurology of the body.” And now we’ll append our list with point number 13.

  1. Each different way of thinking has positive aspects and negative aspects like a coin with two facets.

Values oscillate from group to individual type of thinking almost flipping the left brain-right brain hemispheres dominance. Here there is more investigation needed (or maybe the investigation has already been made but not publicized widely) to see if there is any correlation between Meta-Health approach which shows that when conflicts (SEE) appear a person switches from male to female (expressive to sacrificial) personality – which is also the organization of values (expressive to sacrificial).

I am sure one day more research will be done (or has been done) – unfortunately this research should be performed by people who are also trained in VL understanding for the analogies and parallels to be defined and studied extensively and accurately.

In our school we like to think of the positive aspects of each values level as being either conscious and therefore expressing positively or unconscious and therefore expressing negatively. Their expression is, aside from environment, limited by the neurology of each individual – meaning how conscious or unconscious the person is.

The neurology of the body is also restricted by the amount of consciousness and unconsciousness present. If you think that most people live their lives in a mostly unconscious state – they are unconscious of their limiting beliefs, limiting decisions, negative emotions stored in the body, their meta-programs and values – in other words they are unconscious of who they really are, what they really want reflecting only what has been put into their minds by conditioning, then you have a possible explanation as to why the unconscious (negative) aspects of every values level appear in play.

But let’s remember again that all values levels are necessary and good in different environments. They are all essential since they are merely steps in the evolution of consciousness.

Now back to complete our – albeit brief – description of the most important characteristics of VL 8 thinking.

The collective order envisioned by VL 8 thinking does not deny the right of individuals to be just that – individuals since the whole planet is understood as an interconnected ecosystem. Elitist privileges are not allowed to encroach into the wellbeing of the planet as a whole. However as any other values level this thinking is not perfect. Perfection is a concern for a much lower values level as very precisely the folks participating in the February VidChat have pointed out. One would only hope that the main qualities that make us human (love and compassion) will not be ignored completely.

Epigenetics is a field that – if not taken over by profiteering VL 5, or misinterpreted and distorted by VL 4 “mainstream science” – shows promising VL 8 thinking. Although born inside VL 6, it certainly has VL 8 thinking given that it takes into account the “bigger picture” and the bigger picture of the bigger picture of the environment (inner and outer environment) as one of its well-known proponents Dr. Bruce Lipton demonstrates. On his website there is quote by Dennis Perman, D.C., Co-Founder, The Master’s Circle about one of Dr. Lipton’s books.

“Dr. Lipton’s revolutionary research has uncovered the missing connections between biology, psychology and spirituality. If you want to understand the deepest mysteries of life, this is one of the most important books you will ever read.”

Please notice the language of this quote. Yes it sounds like VL 6, however the idea of integrating in the “bigger picture” three different fields could represent VL 8 thinking albeit in a VL 6 container.

So epigenetics is a field misunderstood by VL 4 who either dismiss it as if it weren’t there, or partially accepted but modified to suit VL 4 thinking. For example I heard VL 4 taking the environment Dr. Lipton describes as being only the chemicals in the water, or pollution in the atmosphere and the like – which is a valid point however they miss the bigger picture Dr. Lipton refers to. I can see how VL 5 is making out of epigenetics another way of making profit (VL 5), or how the same idea is transformed into another New Age wondrous spiritual awakening moment, while actually the thinking includes all of the above and the buds of far more expansive thinking which VL 4, 5 and sometimes even 6 cannot perceive.

Time Line Therapy® was born inside VL 6 thinking but again, depending on how it is being used it can serve as a tool for evolution of consciousness beyond VL 7.

Life Concerns for VL 8 include the bigger picture and then, the bigger picture above the bigger picture. The thinking is more directed by the “right brain” (note please I did not say unconscious) and yet rational and very well-informed overview. In other words, if we think in terms of the inner world Conscious Mind-Unconscious Mind integration with participation and recognition of both minds, or in the outer world the integration of the individual into the society without the destruction of the individual and “blending” into the amorphous mass called “society”. With this comes a much wider range of behavioral potentials to assist in the perplexing realities of our multi-layered and complicated world. VL 8 realizes the fragility of life, any life and works holistically to perpetuate it. Here the individual knowledge of VL7 moves onto groups, fields and waves rather than particles, atoms and molecules.

At VL 8 the person asks him/herself: “What’s my role in the bounds of the whole human race and what’s our role as human beings in the greater universal scheme? And does not give a cliché as an answer: “Oh, I am a being of light having an experience!” that is too vague – and most familiar to VL 6 or even VL 4-6. I am not objecting to the idea itself – do not get confused – I am just pointing out to you where it belongs in terms of thinking complexity.

So now that we have gone through eight different ways of thinking and we have seen how they are all necessary in different contexts, I will end by asking you a question: What values level complexity of thinking do you think you need to be to think of what’s involved in intergalactic (not inter-planetary) travel?

What values level thinking is necessary to even begin to anticipate the implications of possible visitation of ET?

What about the thinking involved in human beings colonizing other planets? Don’t laugh, there is a project underway to colonize Mars! What about the thinking involved in mining asteroids? Do you think this is SciFi? If you do I suggest you do some serious research to catch up!

What about the implications of biosciences, like biotechnologies, genomics, nanotechnology and immortality? Do you realize that the moment this comes and it is made public it means instant overpopulation? Who will want to die when you have the chance to live at least much, much longer if not forever? What thinking would you need to apply then to solve that conundrum? Who will decide who lives forever and who dies?

I leave this with you to contemplate. More in Part 11.

Until next time, be well.


  • Shalee

    March 25, 2015 - 06:31

    Great series of articles Adriana! Very well written on an important topic that everyone in the field of NLP should have knowledge of. Thank you for taking the time to put these articles together. 🙂

  • James

    April 5, 2015 - 19:08

    “Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.”

    • Bogdan

      April 20, 2015 - 16:09

      … and that’s a wise answer, James! It’s all about self-change really…

    • Brett

      April 20, 2015 - 17:12

      Perfect James – that’s the first time I’ve heard it said that way 🙂 I totally agree – that’s real contribution my friend!! Kudos

  • What Happens When Values Level 2 Meets Values Level 5? - The Tad James Co. NLP, Time Line Therapy®, Hypnosis and NLP Coaching

    July 13, 2015 - 20:02

    […] series here are the links: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part […]

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