NLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James CoNLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James CoNLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James Co
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NLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James CoNLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James CoNLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James Co Contest 2015 – Shirley Solis

Returning to Wholeness – The Path to Complete Healing with NLP and Time Line Therapy®

The joy of raising children had kept me going strong and somewhat optimistic in the midst of a roller coaster marriage. My husband and I worked well together, but there was no real emotional intimacy and I knew all along that something was wrong.

Apathy. Pride. Anger. Depression. They were all signs of a broken man who was struggling with a secret that could destroy his family, and he knew it. On the flip side of that was a woman – me, who had lost all hope and dreams and felt miserable inside. I had turned bitter, angry and harsh.

I was in the last month of gestation, expecting our sixth child, when I shockingly found out that my husband of 16 years had an ongoing addiction to pornography and had committed adultery with another woman. I had seen many signs, but my own wounds and naive heart kept me from realizing the most painful truth any married woman can experience, the truth that the man she had trusted her heart to, had betrayed her.

And although this was the most conscious pain I had ever felt, the unconscious pain went deeper than I knew and it stemmed from the original betrayal wound which started when my father was unfaithful to my mom during my infant years.

The story of my life was repeating itself and I WAS FACED WITH A CHOICE. I could continue the brokenness in my genealogy by leaving my husband or I could allow restoration to take place in my life and re-establish a new path and vision ahead for my family.

I chose the latter.

Using all of the traditional routes of therapy and healing available, I worked diligently for six years to piece my heart back together, to help it get stronger even, to a level of thriving and helping others overcome to their own pain.

In the best emotional shape among everyone I knew, I attended the NLP Practitioner Training by Dr. Tad James Co. ( December 2015. I was open to learning and growing, but I NEVER expected what I found… To my surprise, I had not addressed the unconscious and neurological aspects of my emotional wounds. All the previous work I had done had slowly and painfully changed me to become a great woman, but deep inside me, my cells were remembering every bit of the sadness that I felt during my husband’s betrayal!!

My ongoing question during the training was “HOW COULD SOMEONE WHO HAD WORKED SO DILIGENTLY ON HER HEALING, STILL EXPERIENCE SO MUCH PAIN?” The answer was clear in that NLP coaching, Time Line Therapy® and Hypnosis were the remaining steps in my healing, because they bypassed the conscious process of the event and entered the unconscious mind, to help me overcome the trauma at a cellular and neurological level, which is the basis of life. What is even better is that these therapeutic processes were quick, gentle and didn’t need “content” details, as opposed to the majority of traditional therapy I had done.

An astonishing possibility is that without these processes that worked at a neurological level, my body could have manifested sickness in the future and it could have sabotaged all that our family had healed and restored.

Thankfully, I was able to release ALL the negative emotions associated to every significant negative event in my life that had caused anger, sadness, fear, hurt, guilt and anxiety as far back as my unconscious mind could recall. The biggest release of emotions for me, were around the sadness of what happened and the fear that it could happen again.

The most significant takeaway out of the entire Time Line Therapy® process, after releasing the negative emotions, were the learning’s I received during the therapy. While it is true we cannot avoid pain in this world, we could choose how we act and what we learn from negative experiences. Here are a few of the learning’s I received:

1)    Out of your greatest pain, you will receive your greatest calling.
2)    Your purpose may be fuelled by your pain or by the lessons from that pain. Choose the latter.
3)    When sadness leaves your body, it leaves peace and closure.
4)    Take care of yourself when you are hurting. Don’t ignore you.
5)    Release what you can’t control.

These are just some of the learning’s I collected. There were a total of 3 pages that were collectively installed in my unconscious mind to propel me as a wiser, stronger, and more conscious human being. I had resolved to become whole, with “nothing missing, nothing broken,” and NLP Coaching, Time Line Therapy® and Hypnosis helped me achieve that goal.

Interestingly enough, my husband and I celebrated 22 years of marriage one week after attending the NLP Practitioner’s Training and I am sure you agree they are worth celebrating! Along with this accomplishment of fully restoring and becoming whole again, our greatest reason for celebration is we’ve been blessed with six beautiful children, 4 boys and 2 girls, who are now 20, 18, 16, 12, 8, 6 and we can leave them a legacy of absolute and complete restoration!

Today, my purpose is to help families go from surviving to thriving by coaching women, men, and children, clear all their negative emotions and live with powerful principles and tools that will propel them to transform the planet, NOW!

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About the Author: Shirley Solis

Shirley Solis is an NLP Executive Coach and Family Catalyst who helps powerful women master motherhood, so they can find their purpose and shine in business. And is a published author on Amazon. Her innate aptitude for marketing and enthusiasm as a business leader has encouraged several successful enterprises over the last 10 years.