NLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James CoNLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James CoNLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James Co
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NLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James CoNLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James CoNLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James Co Contest 2015 – Kathryn Diamond Changes Lives

NLP, Time Line Therapy®, and Hypnosis are powerful techniques capable of altering one’s life. If you are not who, where, and what you want to be, I urge you to contact a practitioner or study these skills for yourself. I was a life coach living a fair life helping others while settling into my own life of controlled depression (with the aid of antidepressants and sleep medication.) NLP was brought into my awareness by a colleague, and something inside, demanded I investigate these self-development techniques. In no time I was attending a seminar.

I was captured by the presuppositions. The clear establishment of a foundation that rejects judgment. A creed which says, take the individual as you find them; respect their world, support their efforts, and encourage positive evolution.

In addition to depression, I was dealing with past issues that had divided me at the core. I was instantly drawn to the potential benefits of the Parts Integration process. Unfortunately, due to limiting beliefs, I did not do Parts Integration during that first training and though I participated in a form of Time Line Therapy®, it was not therapy.

Despite this, my first experience working with Time Line Therapy®, left me feeling healed in a way, that six months of talk therapy, had provided relief in the past. I was like a freshly cleaned chalkboard. I was not depressed and didn’t have to think about something pleasant to get through the day. I felt clear. Continuing fair efforts towards positive energy, this clarity lasted almost nine months: Towards the end of this period I went from two pills, antidepressant and sleep aide, to three, anxiety.

Hopeful about still untapped potential of NLP, I eventually decided to increase my knowledge and skills. I joined the Tad James Co for more training. Again working through a number of issues using various NLP Techniques, I put my heart out there. I experienced massive healing as NLP Coaching loosened my grip on a reality of over 45 years. This time, fortunately, Parts Integration was performed. This alone changed me.

Shifting between roles was so much a part of my life, I believed everyone lived this way. After integration it seemed my world was a thousand times bigger. No longer filtering bits and pieces that part of me could handle, meant taking it all in at once. An intimidating experience yet the greater memory is that as a whole person, I felt strong. As a whole person I felt like a giant. As a whole person I could actually conceive of invincibility.

My mind set was optimal for Time Line Therapy®. My first actual Time Line Therapy® had a great effect. I expected sadness to be a challenging emotion as depression was my twin sister. However, with barely any effort, through the Time Line Therapy® process, little sis was gone. When I say gone, I mean gone. I forgot to take my medication and have not needed it since. As I went to sleep days later, without issue, I knew my over 20 years of struggle to set my life right were over.

Oddly, days of healing and allowing my emotions to settle, caused a new, unfamiliar occurrence. A negative emotional looping of sorts. I did Negative Emotion release therapy numerous times. Terms like ‘rage’, ‘pissed off’, ‘incensed’, headed each new effort at destroying the ‘new twin’ that had formed. Here is where Tad James Co. Time Line Therapy® became more: I believed that if I had continued the clearing process, I would have been ‘symptom free’ eventually. Studying to become a Master afforded me the opportunity to experience Drop Down Through Technique. An advanced technique in the Time Line Therapy® group which took me deep into clearing.

Like Time Line Therapy®, I travelled my Time Line to seek the root cause. Unlike Time Line Therapy®, the process required going deeper into the event. I want to share that this process is not to be embarked on lightly. There was a physical-emotional element here that created a torment unlike anything I could begin to describe. It felt as if layers of negativity, no doubt to me ancestral in origin, were literally being ripped away. I think this process took minutes, it felt as if I were living decades crammed into hours. The extreme experience seemed to take hours, yet, minutes later my future was truly unwritten.

Now, something easily overlooked through all the mental aspects of NLP,might be the fact that mind and body are connected. As my experience with NLP touched on my mental state, healing me in nearly undefinable ways, other techniques in the field actually allowed me to heal my body.

Having been in an accident years before I suffered chronic back pain. I considered surgery, however, being told that a side effect may be that my back pain may reoccur without cause or warning seemed to negate the purpose of surgery. Through yet another NLP technique I have been able to relieve my back pain. Now, when rain is coming I don’t suffer. When I wear myself out physically, I ache all over, not just in my back. Now I do not carry pain relievers of varying strengths. I still use a separate technique to put my body in the state of comfort immediately if I begin to experience discomfort like a mild headache, gas, even motion sickness. What more could one ask than a great rapport with one’s body?

Enter ‘Hypnosis’: of all my loves in my new world of self-development and improvement, Hypnosis is my greatest. What does someone write on a freshly primed chalkboard? Anything and exactly what you want with Hypnosis. I am a powerhouse. I constantly set and adjust the current flowing through me using Hypnosis.

I had serious issues, I got definitive answers. What these skills have done and continue to do for me is nothing short of a miracle. Find a practitioner or help yourself by learning and applying these techniques in your life, you will believe.

About the Author: Kathryn Diamond lives in Las Vegas with her three children. She homeschools her youngest children and runs Diamond Results Coaching with eldest son, Matthew Diamond.

Author: Kathryn Diamond

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