NLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James CoNLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James CoNLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James Co
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NLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James CoNLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James CoNLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James Co Contest 2015 – Sharon Glasswell

How has my life changed because of

NLP journey started nearly 30 years ago as a new immigrant to Australia. I was a 27-year-old mother of two, married to my soul mate but fearful of my future, so when I attended a weekend course where I could re-create my future, I was astounded to learn that I could leapfrog out of my current state of mind into any place I chose.
I took that leap.

I quit my job the next day, started my own business, and began a journey of self discovery. I distributed products to retail outlets and I taught the sales people how to sell them. Sales went through the roof and so did their salaries. I worked with the staff to determine their own goals and dreams and the ripple began.

Some 25 years later, when I became a grandmother, I decided to make another change – the biggest yet! I decided to leave the rat race and share my knowledge. Specifically, I became qualified in the modalities that I had seen change so many lives.

Simply, I switched to ˜turbo’ mode!

I now work with people – real people with problems large and small. We all have problems and it’s how we deal with those problems that show our true character – or is it?

Sometimes our true character is trapped behind a mask of pain, where our unconscious mind screams for help and our conscious mind cannot hear because there is too much noise. We automatically produce behavior that isn’t who we are, and it isn’t what we want, but it hurts so much it blocks out the pain. Once I discovered Neuro Linguistic Programming , Time Line Therapy® Hypnosis and NLP Coaching, I came to believe that every problem and every behavior can be resolved, no matter how socially unacceptable or hurtful to self or others. Because of this new belief system, I have experienced amazing transformations and it would be unfair not share some of them with you.

Boy 8-years-old – expelled from three schools:

A desperate foster mum brought a young boy to me – Daniel* was a school bully. He was only eight, but he was as tall as I am. Daniel’s temper was so unpredictable that he wasn’t allowed to travel home on the school bus anymore as the driver feared for the safety of other children as well as himself. The teachers were also afraid of this child, and for good reason as he had progressed from pushing over piles of chairs, to shaking teachers in his anger. He wasn’t able to concentrate and he was so very angry at his parents, his teachers, his peers, in fact he was angry at the world. This little boy was eight years old!

I spent three hours with Daniel (a long time for a boy with ADHD to keep attention), but as we distorted time and he re-planned his life, we didn’t notice the hours. At the end of the time my lovely boy released his pain and fears and decided he did not want to behave like “that” any more. I made a quick call to his teacher advising that a new boy was taking his seat tomorrow, and could they please treat him as such.

A few weeks later I received a call from the schools senior Psychologist. “What are you doing to our children?” was the very direct question. I had seen one or two children from this school, and it appeared to me that the school was the “last stop” for most troubled families. The psychologist invited me to meet with her, the school councilors, and social workers. They asked if could I do “it” over the PA system, and jokingly asked if these techniques would work on the teachers also. As I have worked with many teachers, including a university Professor of literacy, I have to say yes, anyone from any profession can change their life if they wish.

Single mum with separation anxiety:

One day a call came from Joanne*, a distraught young mum. She was unable to leave her baby for even a moment. She wanted to come to see me to rid herself of her dependency issues, but because she couldn’t be separated from her daughter even for such an important session, we appeared to have a problem to solve before we were able to start to solve “the problem”.

I see people alone, but by being flexible and by using every associated technique I had learned, we negotiated a compromise with which she was comfortable. She could see me at my home office and my daughter would look after her baby – one room away.

A big change for her, but the first step was taken and we got to work.

Six hours later we emerged, and this woman’s life would never be the same again. Sometime later she told me that she couldn’t have imagined the changes that took place that day. She was so wrapped up in the problem that had become her identity and in her wildest dreams she didn’t think she would make a decision to begin a new career that day,,. And, I also didn’t think my career direction would change that day either, but it did,

Joanne became hooked on NLP that day and she decided to become a qualified Practitioner. She wanted to help others too. At this time I wasn’t teaching NLP. I was “planning to” and had been procrastinating whilst I pondered my own teaching capabilities and limitations. Had she not been so adamant to learn, I may never have held that first class.

Today Joanne’s daughter goes to daycare, while Joanne sees clients. She is now a Practitioner of NLP, and a good one. She guides her clients to change their lives just as she changed her own life with my guidance two years ago. Her decision that day led me to take my first step as a teacher, and she became my first student.

Two years later and five classes under my belt, I am proud to have taught more than 30 students, and each one has a unique story of personal growth and significant change.

So angry he created his own cancer:

Jordan* was an angry man. He had been angry at his parents his whole life and had suffered his first heart attack in his late 30’s. When he introduced himself to me he told me he was an “a**hole”, a term he used to describe himself again and again. Now in his 40’s he was taking 6 tablets a day for his high blood pressure and his family were walking on eggshells.

Jordon attended a 7 day NLP Practitioner training as he wanted to make so many changes and he didn’t know where to start. He was as determined as he was angry and each day of the course brought Jordon new realisations, new learnings and new understandings. When it came time to teach the Phobia Model, Jordon was the demonstration subject, (actually Jordon was often the subject in demo’s). His fear of heights was frightening and made it unsafe for others to be around him as he tried to protect them from the dangers of working at any level higher than a dining chair! The demo in Time Line Therapy® went well and at the end he was able to stand on a chair to look through a window down at a courtyard 2 levels below. Additionally, other students in the class had rid themselves of their own phobias at the very same time. The energy was electric as students googled pictures of spiders, birds, fish and the like as they proved to themselves their phobias had vanished! At the end of 7 days, Jordon was a changed man, he no longer insulted himself several times a day and his anger was gone.

A few months later Jordon went to the doctors to check his blood pressure. Everything had changed. His doctor was amazed. His medication was cut in half. Whilst there, he had his routine “man” checks which uncovered prostrate cancer. No longer angry, and now completely responsible for his own life, he took charge. He decided that if he could reduce his blood pressure to a healthy level, then he could also reduce the cancer, so he came to see me again. We recorded hypnotic suggestions and he used his pendulum. It’s been three months now and his cancer has shrunk by a third! He feels that his cancer was caused by his anger and his constant insulting self-talk. His new attitude and improved health are providing the evidence that this may have been true. Jordan is lucky to have found a doctor who is encouraging of his choices and is monitoring his journey.

I could talk for hours about the changes that NLP has made to my life, but I would rather talk about how I have been able to assist others to change their lives with these amazing techniques and attitudes. From mental health to physical health, I have worked with problems large and small, I have assisted others to improve existing excellence, and take their lives to a level previously thought to be unreachable.

My business is You The Conqueror, you see its not about me, its about YOU and I don’t believe there is any problem that is so big that YOU cannot solve it yourself,, didn’t really change my life, it gave me a whole new life.

*Names changed to protect privacy

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About the Author: Sharon Glasswell

Sharon emigrated to Australia in the late 1980’s with her husband and 2 small children. The were on an adventure to find the best life possible and initially came to Canberra for a 2 year posting. It became evident very quickly that they would remain in Canberra and apart from a couple of years here and there, they have remained in Canberra’s Best Kept Secret ever since.

Sharon is an Entrepreneur and began her first business venture in 1989 so that she could balance work and family time together. As her businesses grew, she would sell them so that she could retain the lifestyle that was important and this has meant several diverse careers from sales and marketing, telephone sales and direct marketing, real estate sales, garden nursery and gift shop, restaurant and conference centre, When her grandchildren were born in 2012 she decided that she wanted to be a “hands on Nana” and so she completed her study in NLP and opened her practice as Business Coach and Therapist.

Today Sharon is very busy working with her business You The Conqueror, where she believes that “there is no problem big enough that you cannot solve it yourself” and she has proven this time and time again as she works with clients to dissect and dissolve their problems. Sharon works with adults and children with emotional problems such as depression, confidence, phobias, excessive anger or anxiety,/PTSD, bullies and the bullied, as well as people with addictions such as drugs, alcohol and cigarettes. She also works with businesses, coaching new and existing businesses to excellence. By combining her vast personal experience of rapid business growth together with her NLP business skills she has achieved some amazing results. Sharon works with clients from all over the world via Skype and has recently worked with clients from Spain, UK, USA, Indonesia. She is travelling to USA this month to present her work at a Women’s Retreat. If you want to learn more about Sharon, go here.