NLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James CoNLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James CoNLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James Co
Henderson NV, 89012
NLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James CoNLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James CoNLP Coaching & Time Line TherapyR - The Tad James Co

2015 Master Practitioner Training in Las Vegas, USA, Has Started

Here we go! We just started another NLP Master Practitioner Training with Drs. Tad & Adriana James in Las Vegas, USA. What an exciting time of the year it is! Over 60 students and 10 highly experienced coaching assistants are in attendance. All of the students are ready to learn a lot of new techniques and strategies for critical thinking to assist them in taking their life and their client’s lives’ to the next level. It’s not a matter of if…it’s when each and everyone starts to also experience amazing breakthroughs.

“Think positively” is almost a cliché. We’ve been taught since childhood to think positively, think positively! But how to do it without dissociating from what’s really going on, or pretending unhappy things have and will never happen, or how to attend to the possible mishaps and at the same time focus on what you want and maintain a positive outlook in life …that is a little more difficult! With NLP and especially Time Line Therapy® is possible. In this context, in the video below you can see a little fragment from day one of the NLP Master Practitioner Training in Las Vegas, USA where Tad and Adriana are answering a question about how many positive thoughts it would take to offset a negative thought and why 1:1 is not sufficient.

You can absolutely feel the excitement in the air. You can hear the conversations between the curious students as they wonder what lies ahead for them during this event. You can see the big smiles on everyone’s faces. All of the students are giving each other hugs and high-fives as they reunite since attending their NLP Practitioner Training. It is indeed like a big reunion with students travelling here from many countries from all around the World.

What a great time of year it is! Aside from starting the NLP Master Practitioner Training, we also just concluded our June NLP Practitioner Training and graduated 30 new NLP Coaches & Practitioners. Watch out world…here they come ready to Transform the Planet. We call this time of the year here in Las Vegas the “Summer Series” as we will be delivering trainings back-to-back from June through September, non-stop. What an amazing way we all get to spend our summer. We wouldn’t have it any other way considering the breakthroughs and transformations we get to witness at all of our trainings. Fulfilling…is an understatement! After we conclude this training, the NLP Trainers Training & Hypnosis Trainers Training immediately follow where we will teach you all how to deliver world class trainings. The question is: Will we see you there?

Until next time… be well, be great, and take care of yourself.


  • Brett Ellis

    July 14, 2015 - 16:35

    Go go go! Have a great time everyone! It’s an amazing time for everyone transforming and their loved ones closest to them seeing all the changes being made!!

    If I can speak for all the practitioners here in Australia – “Make the change like a Kangaroo and BOUNCE it up high!!!” 🙂

  • Lauren

    July 16, 2015 - 16:47

    How fantastic! What an exciting time for everyone involved! Empowering themselves so we can empower others! The support and encouragement from Tad James Company is so wonderful it creates the reality for continuous health and well being for every individual who chooses to be in charge!

    Congratulations! 🙂

    • Sophie

      July 17, 2015 - 22:12

      Absolutely Lauren, it is wonderful to be in charge of all areas of my life, thanks to the Tad James Company. I also find that I am learning more and more about myself every day since graduating from Master Practitioner training. Woop woop!!!!

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