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11 Things You Can Expect After the NLP Master Practitioner Training – Part 1

Camelia By Camelia Paduraru – Guest writer

It was the spring of 2009 when the first Master Practitioner Training was being held in Romania by Tad and Adriana’s certified trainers, Diana & LJ Hunyady. At that time, I was a dutiful participant, taking notes and changing my life in the process without even being aware of it.

Now I am a fully certified NLP trainer and the whole perspective shifted from the classroom to the training spot, also known as the seat of change, and lots of chunks upper. From here, the results that my first Master Practitioner graduates are achieving look brilliant and tremendously telling in terms of what our minds and behavior make possible when unlocked and put to action properly.

Therefore, based both on my students’ feedback and my own observations during and after the training, here are some things you can expect when enrolling in such an intense personal transformation experience as the NLP, Time Line Therapy®, Hypnosis and Coaching Master Practitioner Training, delivered in Tad James’ format:

1. You Might Dramatically Improve Your Relationship with Your Family

Deep understanding of how ˜Perception is Projection’ principle works, being ˜at Cause’, acquiring excellent communication skills and high respect for your interlocutor’s world model has made a huge difference in every participant’s relationships.

One student said to me:

˜It was very hard to collaborate with my father, to access his experience and patience. After completing the training, I figured out what I had to do.’

Building Rapport, making generous use of Milton Model patterns and a lot of active listening, she remembered a time when communication was optimal between them: the week when, at 5 years old, she was her father’s apprentice in repairing a car.

˜The patience and stories wove between us while working side by side under the car. I, giving the tools he needed, he, explaining to me patiently, step by step, what he was doing. After he started remembering, I told him that style of communication works perfectly between us, even now. As a reason, I reminded him of my 18s, when I had my own Dacia (the traditional Romanian car), and whenever the car left me on the road I knew how to fix it due to that apprenticeship with him, due to the way he had taught me. All of that made possible for me to recall that knowledge, even after 14, 15 years.

Now, 15 years later, he invited me to spend the holidays together at the seaside and it is unbelievable! I think I had some patience all these 15 years, but without it I wouldn’t have this experience now.’

2. You Might Increase Your Income

Changing old and limiting beliefs like ˜making money is difficult’, ˜I don’t deserve prosperity’, ˜increasing income requires giving up my freedom’, ˜I can’t be independent’, ˜one has to struggle to be successful’ drives you to substantial results in the professional area:

˜I just managed to see the resources I had and how to use them. Therefore, in the next month, I will finish my website. I know how and what to offer to people so that it’s exactly what they feel they need. From that point… plans and dreams become reality. Specifically, collaborators wait in line with pens in their hand, ready to sign the contracts.’

Someone else tells us:

˜I organized myself so I have more “me”-time. I listen more carefully to my interlocutors and therefore I have a better communication with them. I also established the goal to bring new clients every day – and reached it.”

More specifically, this student planned to sign a contract a day and now she actually closes an average of three.

Some of the participants, building Rapport with their own resources and skills, identify new opportunities and start new businesses. As a result of the Breakthrough session, one of them has opened her own branding-boutique. Other two participants are involved in Children and Teenagers Personal Growth Projects:

˜Now I give my intuition the credit it deserves more than I used to do in the past and this led me to many project ideas that I have in mind and I have planned many more for the future.’

3. Past Trauma Might Completely Lose Their Meaning

˜Right after the Master Practitioner Training, in fact, during the last minutes of my Breakthrough Session (which covered the area of personal growth and relationships), I fell in love head over heels, passionately (and ecologically!). And therapeutically, as it healed an old wound and ended some plans that had no chance of success in a near future.

Now, two months later, butterflies left but what lasted was the positive effect of freeing myself of the things left unfinished in the past. Now I am starting to replicate this behavior in other areas of my life, starting with health and continuing with career.’


4. You Might Not Resist Calling a Spade, a Spade

Pleasing others at the expense of your own needs and desires, not being able to say ˜no’, accepting compromises, not speaking your mind, not having the right reply at the right time – were old attitudinal patterns of no service for many participants.

One of them shared that the new strategy of speaking his mind, ecologically and tactfully, is so strongly installed that he doesn’t even notice the use of it otherwise than comparing it to the old action patterns.

˜It’s such a natural part of me that now I cannot even conceive not telling what bothers me.’

It might happen, hence, that strengthened self-esteem just won’t let you act against your principles and values anymore.

5. Distance between Thought and Its Materialization Might Reduce Significantly

Imagine: seeking to achieve goals with plenty of negative emotions, limiting beliefs and self-sabotaging mechanisms in the background is like driving to the destination with the handbrake up. What if you’d free it?

One of the participants tells us:

˜I discovered with satisfaction that distance between thought and its materialization shortens. Long and twisty ways have their beauty only when the path is a goal in itself.’

What if you achieved your goals easier? What if your clear intentions would engage your most excellent resources as well as the environment’s support so everything falls into place beyond your most positive your expectations?

These are just a few possibilities. Stay tuned to discover more with the part two of this article.